![]() Jan 22 2006, 2:31 pm
I'm looking for new software to make games with but i'm having trouble finding a compiler. I tried DigitalMARS but it couldn't figure out how to use it. I've also tried bloodshed and GLBasic. GLBasic had too many limitations so I switched to bloodshed but I can't find any tutorials to help me with it. Does anyone know of any compiling software that is easy to use and preferably free? Also something compatible with Blender 3d Modeler.
Thanks for the advice. I actually tried installing python a couple of days ago but couldn't use it because I didn't have administation privileges on my computer. It sounds perfect for me but it's useless at the moment. So I chose dev-C++. I'm on a hello world example and i'm finding it very hard to understand so I don't know what to do.
My advice is to try your hardest to install Python. Get administrative access, install it manually, whatever. It's a lot easier than C++; and if "hello world" is hard to understand then you really shouldn't be starting out with C++.
There should be an administrator account on your computer that you can use to install it... |
Digital Mars has both a C/C++ compiler and a D compiler. Bloodshed Dev-C++ is a C/C++ development environment; it comes with its own compiler but you can use any compiler with it. GLBasic is something completely different again; from the name I'm guessing that it's a variant of BASIC that uses OpenGL to display graphics.
So with such a variety of things that you've tried, no wonder you're getting confused. =)
First pick a programming language, then pick a compiler. Your choice of programming language is much more important, and will dictate what compiler choices you choose. I'm assuming that you're deliberately excluding BYOND - but keep in mind that it is a good language to learn on.
Which language you choose ultimately depends on your needs and how good you are at programming. Python is a very easy language (compared to all the rest) that I recommend. C, and more usually its mutant offspring C++, tend to dominate the industry, so if you want to get a programming job in future then you will need to learn it at some point; but C and C++ are very difficult, so I don't recommend you try to learn them until you have a good amount of general programming experience under your belt.
There's also Java, which sucks (my opinion) but unfortunately has a solid industry backing and is becoming popular among (A) mobile phone developers, (B) some web developers, and (C) brainless managers. (Sorry if I sound bitter. -_-)
Apart from those three (Python, C++, Java) there are literally hundreds of different programming languages. Those are just three of the more well-known and important ones, and doubtless dozens of people will offer their own opinions on which languages you should try.
Personally I recommend Python if you're just starting out; see Once you've learned the language, check out for some Python game programming goodness.