Is it possible to define an atom like mob, obj, and turf? If this is possible, can you explain how i would do this?
Well sure.

icon = 'player.dmi'
icon = 'grass.dmi'
icon = 'rock.dmi'

Not sure if that's what you mean, please be more specific.

In response to XxDohxX
He probably means creating a new atomic path type that can be on the map, but act differently than the existing ones. You can't do that, but tell us what you want to do, because you probably won't need to do anything like that.

~~> Unknown Person
In response to Unknown Person
I want to make something that works like an object, but can't be picked up by the "Get" verb. Here's my Get verb:

Get(mob/M as mob in view(0), obj/O as obj in oview(1))
usr << "You can't get your own stuff! What were you thinking?"
else if(O.loc!=usr.contents)
usr.contents += O

It picks up any object that's under you. The only problem is, in order to make something "un-getable", I have to set them to turfs or mobs, and I don't want to do that. (Don't ask me what the mob/M as mob in view(0) part is for, I didn't code it, my brother did.)
In response to KirbyRules
Eum, instead of the if(O.loc==usr.contents), use
set src in usr
In response to Mysame
Mysame wrote:
Eum, instead of the if(O.loc==usr.contents), use
> mob/verb/Get()
> set src in usr

You mean like this?

Get(mob/M as mob in view(0), obj/O as obj in oview(1))
set src in usr
usr.contents += O

I don't want to do that. Why would I want to get an object that's already in my inventory?

Hmm... Could I do something like:

Get(obj/O as obj in oview(1))
if(O.loc != usr.contents)
if(O == /obj/GoldMine)
usr.contents += O
usr << "You can't get that."
In response to KirbyRules
Well basically you would want to have sub objects derived from obj.


Then you would just check it's type.

src << "You cannot get this type of item."

Using istype() is very helpful. Look it up in the F1 Reference and read up on it. Any questions feel free to post them.


EDIT: Fixed my istype() error.
In response to KirbyRules
Who's your brother? Anyway, instead of having a verb for the mob, have a verb for the object.
set src in view(1)-usr //not sure if this will work, it should exclude the usr's contents

In response to CaptFalcon33035
CaptFalcon33035 wrote:
Who's your brother?

My brother is XKirby2.

XxDohxX wrote:
Using istype() is very helpful. Look it up in the F1 Reference and read up on it. Any questions feel free to post them.

Uuuh...When I use istype("typepath"), it says it's an unknown variable type.

Anyway, I did the nongetables thing but instead of using istype() i just did this:

Get(obj/O as obj in oview(1))
if(O.loc != usr.contents)
if(O != /obj/nongetables)
usr.contents += O
usr << "You can't get that."
In response to KirbyRules
Thats because you need to use if(istype(O,/obj/nongettables/)) . Sorry about the messup.

In response to XxDohxX
Ok...I tryed this:

Get(obj/O as obj in oview(1))
set src in oview(1)
if(O == istype(O,/obj/nongetables/))
usr << "You can't get that."
if(O.loc != usr.contents)
usr.contents += O
usr << "You got a/the/an [O]"

But when I try getting a "nongettable" obj, it puts it in my inventory. Then I tryed this:

set src in view(0)
if(O.loc == usr.contents)
usr.contents += O
usr << "You got a/the/an [O]"

set src in view(0)
usr << "You cant get that."

But I get an error saying "O.loc:undefined var".
In response to KirbyRules
KirbyRules wrote:
Ok...I tryed this:

> Get(obj/O as obj in oview(1))
> set src in oview(1)
> if(O == istype(O,/obj/nongetables/))
> usr << "You can't get that."
> else
> if(O.loc != usr.contents)
> usr.contents += O
> usr << "You got a/the/an [O]"

But when I try getting a "nongettable" obj, it puts it in my inventory.

First of all, your doing this slighly wrong since you've changed the verb to an object verb.

All you need is Get() since you've defined set src in oview(1). Then, when needed to refer to the object, just use src.

Next, you are using istype() a little wrong. istype() checks the first argument to see if it is the type of the second argument. So after all these changes you should come up with something like this:

Get() //Notice I took out what wasn't needed
set src in oview(1)
if(istype(src,/obj/nongetables/)) //Notice the changes
usr << "You can't get that."
if(src.loc != usr.contents)
src.Move(usr) //Changed your way of moving the object to the contents
usr << "You got a/the/an [src]"

If you have any questions let me know.

In response to XxDohxX