Feb 1 2006, 1:27 pm
Has anyone else heard about this? I hear it's back-door trojan that's going to hit (the U.S., I think) on Friday.
In response to Audeuro
Audeuro wrote:
Files which may be deleted by the malware include files ending with the extension of [...] DMP What now? It deletes BYOND maps? Aw, bummer. Here come the tech support posts... "BYOND deleted my map!" (Yeah, I know, it's probably intended to delete Oracle database files... but still.) |
In response to Crispy
Exactly. You'll also want to back up your maps among other things, since they -do- have the .dmp extension.
Or, as an alternative, you can just get a nice AntiVirus with Real-Time Protection and up-to-date definitions and hope that it does not get (infect) to you. |
In response to Crispy
I have Oracle database files on my PC =(
Luckily, I'm not dumb enough to download nor open random e-mails. |
I just got an E-Mail from Zone Alarm trying to get me to upgrade my free Zone Alarm software, saying they can stop the wurm.
What the hell is that? If the virus isn't out yet, how do they know how to stop it? It seems to me either the e-mail I got was a fake and it had a virus on it. (I didnt download anything) or perhaps companies are now making their own viruses, wurms and trojans and using them to scare the public? Hmmm. |
In response to Audeuro
u get the BLACK WORM by opening up mail, if u want to prevent it, try not opening up ur mail if u dont know whos sending it....
In response to Kasper4sale
Solution: Delete the random email.
In response to Mechanios
I believe they can stop viruses like that before they happen because they know the nature of the virus.
In response to Kasper4sale
You people seem to be misinformed. Unless you use something like Outlook Express, you don't need to worry about it.
If you use Hotmail or like Gmail, you do not automatically download anything attached to the e-mails. And Hotmails actively scans all e-mails sent and recived for viruses. Only people with E-Mail Clients that download the stuff as soon as you open it should even be worried about it. |
In response to Shades
The virus IS out. Its been out for a while spreading through out the world. The virus lays dormaint til..Febuary 3..then activates and starts deleting files.
In response to Shades
Eheh. I do use Outlook Express, so I am worrying. :P
The worm activates on the third of every month. It doesn't get the time off a server, but instead it gets the time off your personell computer, so if you think you have it one way to stop it is to set your clock to the forth so it skips that day.
Hmm, I wonder where I can get it.
I have a windows 98 box that I'm about to format, and I'd love to toy around this little virus before I do. That's if it will even run on 98. |
In response to Airjoe
Black Hole Virus pop up: "Your Operating system is too outdatied, please installed an O.S. higher than Windows ME and install me again." |
In response to Mechanios
You'd be surprised how many times I can't get a virus to work on my computer.
In response to Airjoe
Haha, Maybe thats a good thing Airjoe.
In response to Strawgate
Any way to find out if you do have it that don't involve setting the clock to the third and finding out what happens?
I probably don't have it, but it's worth checking. |
In response to Jp
This is nothing to worry about.
"Files which may be deleted by the malware include files ending with the extension of DOC, XLS, MDE, MDB, PPT, PPS, RAR, PDF, PSD, DMP, ZIP "
- http://isc.sans.org/diary.php?storyid=1067
(Direct Quote)
Luckily, I don't use E-Mail much, so I don't whave to worry about THAT method, but there are still the other ones, I guess.