Anyway, that title doesnt have much to do with this post. I just want to know what all of you would think if there was a DB/Z game that says its 100% original, and ACTUALLY is? And a DB/Z game that doesnt have waste of time/POS "Peebags"? And a game that has freestyle roleplaying loosely based in the DB/Z universe but is 100 years or so in the future so you can make any story you want? And has completely thought out systems that actually WORK??
Because afterall, isnt it not DB/Z (ideas/theories) which suck, but bad games based off of it?
I am gonna want to hear this one... <_<
Because if you people like the idea, then perhaps theres a chance and I could post real ideas about it here.
![]() Feb 2 2006, 4:38 pm
Ha, funny you should mention that because i did run a search on dbz dragonball original, and most that say original ARE ripped. =P
And although most of those so-called original games never came true in the first place... ...I think i should mention a few that already exist. Dragonball Millenia, and Dragonball Finale, and DBTC <- Although im not too fond of DBTC it is original and therefore infinite times better and more respectable than any rip. You may notice that Finale is my game, im not advertising but it is in the small list of original DB based games. And yea, some icons are ripped because the iconer i have is not done with the originals, but more are original icons. But in my opinion its the code, not the icons that matters, because there are some games i would play if the grass was just green squares, people were red squares, and, well thats it i guess. Oh, and if you do happen to play my game, just be aware everything is not as simple as it seems, you only see about 1/20th of your stats in the Status bar, only admins can see the others by using the Assess verb, read the Guide under the Misc. tab and you will discover a vast underlay of different things you might not be aware of by simply seeing the stats tab. A nice thing to mention is that my game is Dragonball based, not DragonballZ, and those are two seperate anime's, mostly it incorporates the ideas from the start of Dragonball, to the short segments leading to the Frieza saga in DBZ. But mostly its Dragonball which is something that has never been done on BYOND from what i can see. Splorin' the Forums. Be back later. [EDIT! URGENT! Phew! I hope i caught you in time. Before you go to the website and download my game (if you were even planning too) be aware that the version hosted there is NOT the real game! It is a joke game i made called Dragonball n00b, which i once hosted on Finale's hub in order to test if it would get more players than the REAL game. Hahaha, its so funny now that i think back. Someone is hosting it right now in fact. Durendal i believe. Cya.] |
Dragonn wrote:
Anyway, that title doesnt have much to do with this post. I just want to know what all of you would think if there was a DB/Z game that says its 100% original, and ACTUALLY is? I'd try to plug the hole in the universe before it sucked us all in. You realize of course a 100% original fan game is impossible because it's based on somebody else's material. Lummox JR |
Of course, i just assumed everyone knew that i meant original code. But yea, original coding is what i mean.
Hm, i thought such a topic would have received more attention that this? Oh well. =) Haha, plug the hole in the universe, funny one =P |
Dragonball Millenia is that DBZ game with the purple hub icon, right? That game's not original, but however much more sophisticated than most of the other DBZ games.
Dragonball Millenia is not bad, at least its not a DBZeta Rip. :p DBTC is also good, though haven't played it in a while.
Short answer, no.
I've spoken about this before a few times, but even a ground breaking MMORPG with a DB/Z/GT theme will ultimately fail. The very idea of a DB/Z/GT game has been over done to the point where no matter how you achive your goals in the game you've already achieved them a million times before. For example, in your game you could make it so that in order to transform into your Super Saiyan state you had to be really powerful and then complete a skill based mini game (while fighting) in order to transform for the first time. Now that would be a great system, but the problem is that you could go into any DB/Z/GT game and transform into a Super Saiyan. One thing I find really disapointing about DB/Z/GT games is they can contain great systems and features, yet they're ultimately wasted because DB/Z/GT has been done to death. So while you've got this great system for fighting, your game still remains stale because the theme has been used a million times before. Whereas if you were to make a non-DB/Z/GT game it could be really interesting even if you used generic systems. To sum up, the Dragonball/Z/GT is boring. Nothing new is going to happen to the theme and you can't counter-act that by doing new things with the engine. |
Hm, i agree that if you merely COPY the aspects from dbz into a game its going to be more or less the same thing every time.
BUT, if you base it LOOSELY on DB/Z (not GT it just sucks) then i think it has a chance. Like Dragonball Finale is set in the DB/Z universe, but in the game every character from that era has died, leaving oppertunities to form a completely new story, which is recorded into the games forum. |
It's depressing that the idea of somebody doing their own programming is an incredible feat, these days.
Deeply, utterly depressing. |
Dragonn wrote:
And yea, some icons are ripped because the iconer i have is not done with the original I have heard that so may times |
Vortezz wrote:
It's depressing that the idea of somebody doing their own programming is an incredible feat, these days. I don't think he meant it as some sort of bonus, it's just something that needs to be mentioned. If he didn't meantion original programming people would have assumed (and probably have anyway) that he planned on using someone elses work. Even then the idea that you need to note that you're not just taking someone elses work is very sad. |
Yeah, DBZ games have been created to the extent that there is not a lot of originality in any of them anymore. Instead of making a DBZ game I would recommend (along with other people) coming up with your own game, make something that hasnt been done before.
However the fact is that DBZ game on byond do pull in the players, in my opinion DBZ is the mos popular type of game on byond and there isnt much of a disagreement about that. So please dont waste your time with another DBZ game, instead spend some time coming up with a totaly original game that isnt on byond already. If you post your ideas here then Im sure you will get the responses your looking for. .::Demetrium::. |
Dragonn wrote:
I just want to know what all of you would think if there was a DB/Z game that says its 100% original, and ACTUALLY is? The only things I used from other libraries/demos are listed in the 'credits' list. And yes, there Ppunching-bags. But training on them barely has any effect. There are many other ways to train, and still more are coming up. Due to a lack of creativity lately I didn't get to finish it, but it will be soon! (This game is an ex-Zeta rip, though.) This game is 100% original(well, except that it is a fan-game). But discontinued I don't have the time to work on it(It wasn't finished yet, though), it's development shall rise again, someday. This game is a friend's. It was a Zeta-rip, so I redid it for him. Now he's doing the finishing touches. All the icons are done by me, except for the sprites and clothing. And yes, go ahead and call me an evil dbz-game creator! Yeah! O-matic |
Dragonn wrote:
Because afterall, isnt it not DB/Z (ideas/theories) which suck, but bad games based off of it? I'm going to disagree. I can't speak for the original Dragon Ball or the GT version, but Dragon Ball Z wasn't a very good series at all. The dialogue was horrible, consisting mostly of twitching, commenting on "powerlevels," and boasting. The plot wasn't very involved, either. However, the worst aspect was the fighting, which was built up to a rediculous level, and then repeated frames over and over again; this is especially bad because it was supposed to be a program about fighting. Allow me to link to you my feelings on the matter: Bbash:405 In fact, I believe that the amount of ripping, n00bish behavior, and enormous ego displayed by BYOND's steriotype DBZ(eta) fan is a direct result of the horrid attitude which is glorified in the program. With most of the others who have posted here, I would suggest that you abandon this genre, and find something else that interests you (before you end up like this guy I know with the DBZ characters tatoed to his arm). Might I suggest pirates? They are pretty popular, and there arn't many pirate games on BYOND. |
Um, I am guessing that you guys have never played DBEO (DragonBall Epic Online). It was the first DragonBall game to ever hit BYOND, and is still the best. Yes, it is hidden in the HUB, sort of. They are having hosting problems right now with Flagrun and probably will not be up for awhile. But for those of you who have played it, I know that you consider DBEO fair game. DBEO is amazing in pretty much everyway even though it is based off of DragonBall. It has crazy secrets, and is extremely, extremely hard. Getting Super Saiya-Jin is next to impossible, and so is training well. If there are two people who trained the same way, one may be 10x stronger depending on what he wore, where he trained, etc., this game is pretty amazing if you ask me. =P
DBEO is a good game, but it would be awesome if it wasn't based on the same Dragonball/Z/GT stuff that all the other DB/Z/GT games are.
Think of it this way, it's a great custom built car on the inside, but it still looks like a stock standard model on the outside. You say that getting Super Saiyan is next to impossible, but who really wants to go Super Saiyan anymore? Wouldn't you rather work for something new? Maybe go Ultra DarkView, which only gives you a slight power boost but when in Ultra DarkView form you can preform DarkView Arts techniques which do all sorts of cool things. How about instead of Kamehameha you learn Spiderbeam, a beam technique which shoots out from all angles and forms a spider web of ki beams. It stays for thirty seconds and any enemies that touch it get stuck there (while you're free to move through at will). |
Just a side-note here. If you want to make Dragonball based games by all means do so, I certianly wont hold it against you, I just think you'll be better off making something original based Dragonball.
You'll also be able to take a lot more pride in making your game world from scratch. I just think you'd really benifit from choosing another theme. |
Pirates? I cannot understand why anyone in their right minds would watch that one kiddie pirate show, One Piece. If someone out there can make a 100% original DBZ game, I'd probably say go for it.. There are about 4-5 original DBZ games on byond that I can name. One that comes to mind is Dragonball Live 2. With that said, there are at least 20 or 30 Zeta rips on byond, so if you owned an original DBZ game, a few people might try it and like it and stay with it, then more may come and soon you may build up some fans, instead of playing the 20 or 30(+) rips out there.
You and about 500 other people, do a forum search with the words "DBZ and origonal"
See how many of those have came true. =)
BTW: If you actually put out a GOOD origonal dbz game (without the word "dbz" or "zomg") it might help the BYOND community a little.
Just don't release your source to people! (coughcough Shades)