
Assuming all of that information is true, what do you think of this?

Pfftt, there's no such country as "Danish".
In response to Elation
Denmark xD

And Wow, Something of a small war is starting from what I've seen.
In response to Elation
Correct - I never said there was.

In response to Mechanios
It'd be so nice just to nuke the whole middle east and start over.
In response to Spector Entertainment
You <s>psycotic</s> very violent person.

If someone nuked The East, there goes everything. Like hell, everything on the west would be raised. Prices, gas (even more so), Everything. Not to mention there goes like almost 2/3 of the world's population, now the land would inhabitable.
Its just a No. West cannot surivve without the East and vice-versa.
In response to Mechanios
Mechanios wrote:
Not to mention there goes like almost 2/3 of the world's population,

Whilst I'm not an advocate of mass genocide to lower the population (well actually, I am, but let's just keep that on my blog), I'd have to say that getting rid of two thirds of the world's population could only improve our situation!
In response to Elation
Elation wrote:
Mechanios wrote:
Not to mention there goes like almost 2/3 of the world's population,

Whilst I'm not an advocate of mass genocide to lower the population (well actually, I am, but let's just keep that on my blog), I'd have to say that getting rid of two thirds of the world's population could only improve our situation!

Yea, but you're keeping the wrong 1/3 >_>
Honestly, I would suggest the opposite than to leave the fate of the human race in America's hands. I just don't like this new generation >_>

I say let Australia live.

In response to DarkCampainger
I think Dane Cook should rule the world.
In response to Elation
Elation wrote:
Whilst I'm not an advocate of mass genocide to lower the population (well actually, I am, but let's just keep that on my blog), I'd have to say that getting rid of two thirds of the world's population could only improve our situation!

Improve, eh? I wouldn't leave America or Canada up to the world's fate.
I'm Canadian, yea, but hell. We're having problems running our own country, let alone the world.
Good. I'm absolutely sick and tired of people judging entire ethnic groups based on stereotypes. I recently spent a few daus with an Islamic kid, and he feels the same way. He doesn't hate liberty or anything, but he's tired of stupid redneck Americans hating his religion, as am I.

I kicked his ass in chess too. Take that, foreign relations!
In response to Mechanios
Mechanios wrote:
Improve, eh? I wouldn't leave America or Canada up to the world's fate.

Well duh? America is a terrible nation to have in charge- now The Great British Empire, on the other hand...
In response to Elation
Elation wrote:
Mechanios wrote:
Improve, eh? I wouldn't leave America or Canada up to the world's fate.

Well duh? America is a terrible nation to have in charge- now The Great British Empire, on the other hand...

Yeah. When it comes to raping the earth and trampling foreign culture into the ground, we're just a bunch of pikers compared to the mother empire. :)
In response to Leftley
Yeah, Poor Africa :P
Would there be such a controversy if this was a cartoon of the Pope? No. There wouldn't be a single mention on any of the major networks. There wouldn't be a 'small war' about it. I doubt anyone except those who were actually offended would hear about it.

Now, I've been offended by too many poltitcal cartoons, but it's no reason to 'start a small war.' If this were in America, I'd put a giant rant about 'free speech' here, but it's not, and I don't know Danish law. Even so, I find the reaction to the cartoon more repulsive than I find the cartoon itself when I put myself in a Muslim's shoes. I can think of one group that would find violence to be the solution - Islamic Jihadists. I suspect there are more than a few of their rabble-rousers working this behind the scenes.

In response to Vito Stolidus
oh, and there was someone accused of inciting racial hatred over here in the UK. didn't pay much attention to the case though.

hmmmm? no "inciting racial hatred" card-players here? wonder why. ¬_¬

Vito, apparently, through movies made Christians removed the "taboo" on dissing our religion. So in other words, no-one cares about Christianity anymore. >_>

Normally, with religion based news stories i just change the channel, but when there's people holding signs saying anyone who disagrees with a certain religion should be beheaded, I get worried.
In response to JMT
Normally, with religion based news stories i just change the channel, but when there's people holding signs saying anyone who disagrees with a certain religion should be beheaded, I get worried.

Welcome to the land of reason. We've been expecting you...

In response to Vito Stolidus
That scares me: "Behead"
I'd bet that theres thousands of people who dis Muslim Religon. What are they gonna do? Become a new German Hitler Nation?
In response to Mechanios
shhh.. don't give them ideas.
In response to Vito Stolidus
Vito Stolidus wrote:
Would there be such a controversy if this was a cartoon of the Pope? No. There wouldn't be a single mention on any of the major networks. There wouldn't be a 'small war' about it. I doubt anyone except those who were actually offended would hear about it.

Here you put your finger right on the problem: Other people don't behave this way. When Christians in America get ticked off about something--sometimes legitimately, sometimes not so much--they organize protests and boycotts. They don't go causing mass riots over it.

Now, I've been offended by too many poltitcal cartoons, but it's no reason to 'start a small war.' If this were in America, I'd put a giant rant about 'free speech' here, but it's not, and I don't know Danish law. Even so, I find the reaction to the cartoon more repulsive than I find the cartoon itself when I put myself in a Muslim's shoes. I can think of one group that would find violence to be the solution - Islamic Jihadists. I suspect there are more than a few of their rabble-rousers working this behind the scenes.

In the Muslim world, you've basically got a perennial problem of troublemakers whipping people into a frenzy, and people letting themselves be whipped into a frenzy. It's a level of drop-of-a-hat furor that makes more sense in the context of medieval witch hunts. Radicals just go out of their way to keep people from honest self-appraisal or even good-natured shrugging off of affronts, and radicals still control the discourse. They need the equivalent of a Martin Luther, or better yet a Martin Luther King.

Incidentally, the cartoon was not against Danish law.

Lummox JR
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