It's not hard to see that Dragonball fan games are a staple of BYOND these days. There's not only a saturation of games to choose from, but a seemingly endless amount of fans willing to play them. For as long as I can recall, DBZ has been given a bad name by the endless streams of poorly designed games, rips and unimaginative gameplay. The genre is stale by anyones measuring, yet they continue to spawn. What, then, are we to do? Shunning them does not help the cause, and only alienates the fans and developers who pour their time and energy into the games. Offering alternative genres does little to curb the number of new DB games and rips, and often makes the developer feel outcast and unwanted. This isn't how new people should be met when trying to build their own net dream, even if we are sick of the genre.

I'm starting this thread in hopes that we can find more productive and constructive ways to bring this black sheep of the family home. It's obvious that DB games are here to stay, and nothing we do will ever change that. I think it's time we welcomed our Dragonball fans with open arms, fresh ideas and helpful suggestions. I hope we can not only encourage better designs in these games, but also to lure new developers into creating other masterful works we can all enjoy. The first step, however, is acceptance.

I declare that we should not only encourage new DB developers to pursue their goals, but to aid them in straying from the old worn out paths other failing DB games have traveled. If we could just add some fresh blood to the withered old gameplay, we might just be able to get a selection of quality DBZ games on the hub that can raise the bar, and the hopes of the fans, from the mire and muck of BYOND segregation.

So, let's hear your thoughts on this issue. How can we help these young developers find their home here on BYOND, and help them to grow and prosper in the community? I truely believe we can gain a lot as a community if we stop turning these people away at the first sign of Dragonball. What say you?

My thoughts on the subject of stale DBZ gameplay elements:

One problem with DBZ BYOND games are that BYOND is not suited to high-octane action that is seen in the cartoon.
As seen in Scoobert's Flash Chat, it is possible to send data from flash to BYOND (and from BYOND to flash, but it's more complicated).

Flash is a lot more flexible, graphically, and would be perfect for injecting new life into training in DBZ games. Why macro a verb, when you can play a fast-paced sparring flash game in the browser, which then sends data on how well you fared back to BYOND?
In response to Elation
I think this is the best post ive ever seen in a long while, but if the devolopers are using the zeta source, not giving anyone credits and not changing around the coding/icons then we should NOT encourage them, just say maybe you should redo the source completly if you have to use it.
From what I have seen..

In every game, too much things are the same.
Developers are too lazy to learn to program, so use ZETA.
ZETA = Bad, and gives the games a bad name.
For starters I don't think the problem really has much to do with DBZ. It's got more to do with the easy answer of just taking someone elses game and changing the name.
I've seen people playing/running DBZ games that have never even seen the show. They're simply in their to chat, 'train' and be boss. Some are also out to make a name for themselves and get the impression from the hub that all the 'cool kids' make DBZ games.
I actually really doubt the popularity of DBZ on BYOND. As a fan of DB/Z/GT it's pretty obvious that even the players who like DragonballZ aren't really that into it.

Changing the gameplay and such probably wouldn't help. It might seperate the people who like DBZ from the rest of the people who play DBZ games, but I'm sure the 'bad' DBZ games would continue to thrive.
There are after all some fairly good Dragonball based games out there already. They all seem to flop because they're not what the mostly power gamer fan-base wants. They've got too much depth.
Ok, it sounds like you havent played a dragonball based game in a long time, there are some new and original games that have been added to the hub, i recommend trying DB: Millenia which was coded by an AWESOME coder going by the key of Mystical_Light, and Dragonball Finale, which is my game, my first game at that. Theres also Dragonball Grand Journey which is original and is based around roleplaying the characters from the show. Dragonball Finale requires free-form roleplaying but you roleplay your own character in a universe very loosely based on dragonball (some Z, not GT)

Ok i got off topic. My response to this is to not welcome all DBZ fans. And personally i have noticed this, DRAGONBALL fans tend to be highly intelligents people, DRAGONBALL Z fans tend to lean towards the n00b side, its about 30% smart people 70% n00blets. And 99.9% of people who are GT fans are VERY VERY annoying and spam and n00b around games constantly being dumb.

So i think there should be some caution when inviting any and all fans of DB/Z/GT with open arms. But the same is not to be said for DB/Z based games, there are some very original ones out there but very few on byond thanks to zeta's coding being available to any non-coder on byond which allows them to 'make' a game with ease. Ok im off, cya!

I agree with most of what you said.
In response to DarkView
I agree that the problem is not DB/Z itself. Just remember there are 3 different series,

Dragonball, which was the original and very good and entertaining anime.

DragonballZ which was pretty good, the fights were well animated and such, but there was a lot of useless episodes that were all they did was train, also the dragged out episodes for no reason just to power up, haha.

And Dragonball GT, which sucked any way you slice it. Although for some ungodly reason some people were into it. Also i should mention that the original creator did not make this but rather it was a cheap attempt by the producing company to milk more money out of the anime.

Off topic again, *sigh* Oh! About that thing were you said that the gameplay is too involved with the show therefore making it hard for people who dont watch the show to get into it, atleast i think thats what you meant... Well, the learning curve for some of the good DB/Z games is long, but worth it. Remember i am only referring to the good games such as Dragonball Millenia and Dragonball Finale.

[Edit: I am not referring to ANY of the rips, they all are bad.]
In response to Sniper Joe
*sigh* I hate to bring this up a 3rd time but there are some games that intentionally stray from Zeta to offer GOOD gameplay experiences... Dragonball Millenia, Dragonball Finale, random other games who's names i dont recall... Ok bye. =P
In response to Dragonn
Dragonn wrote:
And personally i have noticed this, DRAGONBALL fans tend to be highly intelligents people, DRAGONBALL Z fans tend to lean towards the n00b side, its about 30% smart people 70% n00blets.

Way to go.
Too bad you probably made those stats up, and that's completely untrue anyways. Most games that claim to be Dragonball games have DBZ, DBGT mixed in.
In response to Artemio
wow your 1337 wish i could talk 1337 like you

pfft learn to spell its not that hard..
In response to Elation
Oh i like this one! Training shouldnt even be an issue in any good DB/Z game, in fact you shouldnt even notice your training your character. I guess what i mean is... You should be enthralled in quests/roleplay events/tournaments/challenge fights and events of other kinds which enhance your character's abilities, and that are actually fun and make you want to partake in them, that you dont even notice and much less care about grinding your character by training til he is some uber killing machine.

Ha, i know this is going to annoy you with my repititiveness, but try DB Millenia and DB Finale... DB Millenia is a dead game, but very well coded and stuff. Finale is still a very active game (owned by me too) and its not some mindless kill fest but rather a free-form roleplaying game.
In response to Artemio
Im a long time fan, i have a right to make judgements like that from experience.

And some do mix all the elements, but not the ones im talking about. But no need to go insulting people for no reason, your just showing who is really immature here.
In response to A.T.H.K

Every word i typed is spelled correctly, maybe YOU need to learn how to type, "pfft learn how to spell its not that hard.." . The only thing i omitted from my post is certain grammatical symbols which, i personally, find to be useless when reading my post.

Just dont go throwing insults around for no reason when someone did nothing to you, your going to get whats coming to you if you keep doing that.
In response to Dragonn
I agree with you. Artemio, lay off. Your post was not needed.
In response to Dragonn
If 30% of all dragonball fans can considered smart then 80% of dmo is woman, all players on castle are noobs, and every single one of the naruto rips are some of the best games ever.
Wow, this topic got ruined by practically everyone other than Darkview. =/
Ermm, I am not so sure. I think quality from the DB crowd is the exception (and I am sure there are some notable exceptions, at that). Most are rather juvenile looking for a quick power trip. I recall a similar influx into the text MUD community and the similar shoddy ripwork that proliferated in its wake.

It's odd; but anything with DB seems to turn out like junk. The DB fighting games are junk, DB liscenced products are uniformly low quality, etc. I believe it stems from a weakness in the source, but that's just me (I don't like Jackson Pollock either).
In response to Elation
I personally have never played a Byond DB/Z/GT game but from reading the whole thread i got this...

Most people seem to be against just copying src code and not changing it ===> I agree

All DB/Z/GT games that are rips are bad ===> I don't think that the actual games are bad (but most are) but are rather...made worse by the people that run them

Noobs are bad ===> Duh!

Games that are of a different genre only minimally deflect the DBZ fans/games ===> Kinda true

Rips will end ===> Hopefully
I think people generally missed the point. It's not about ending rips, it's about encouraging those people who want to make DB games (or any other fangames, just replace DB with FF, DW, Naruto, etc...) instead of discouraging them. By taking even a slight interest in how they fare, we'll go a long way towards changing how the developer, erm, develops here. Instead of blowing off Newguy_X who wants to make a DBZ game, and basically driving him to use a ripped source due to frustration and desperation, we can help them through the learning curve in hopes they'll become one of the many great programmers we have here.

Rips won't end, as it was said, some people just want power. On the other hand, people want to be accepted and respected. It's to the point now, and has been for many years, where the rippers have a sort of underground mentality, and many DBZ game developers get caught up in it because of how they're treated. I'm not saying it's our fault there are so many ripped, uninspired and crappy DB games, but it is our fault for not trying to do something positive about it.

Most of this thread, with some notable exceptions, proves my point better than I could have. There's animosity towards the fans that's not helping the situation, and from what I can see, only works to make things worse. Instead of listing the 'original' fangames, declaring the lot a lost cause or ignoring the situation completely, we as a community should instead figure out positive ways to make our DB brethren feel welcome and accepted, even if their choice of genre isn't our cup of tea. It's really a simple concept. :P

Well here are some of my biggest problems with DBZ:
-Half the DBZ entries didn't even have downloads.
-They all seem to be too similar, punch punch punch punch kick kill die.
-There is a blatant lack of any professional look to any part of most games. Spelling and grammar would cry if they hadn't been swiftly killed off by quite a few DBZ coders.
-Many use the coding of another game, which is sort of like a virus since they're just files that keep replicating across Byond.
-How much of a possible difference could there even be?!?! DBZ chess? Its a fighting game that's been too overdone in any way, shape or form. You can only do so much with a game, especially with DBZ.

The whole DBZ coding requests I see on Classified Ads annoy me but because of the actual behavior of posting such useless request for 'teh codez' for any game, not just for being DBZ.

I'd tolerate a few half-arsed DBZ games but it seems like every 20 seconds, someone comes up with the idea that they can make the next 'ultim4te dbz masturpice' and call it DBZ [insert random pointless world here]! Then they make a classified post asking for 'c0des' and end up pirating a copy of Zeta or some other half-arsed DBZ game.

Yeah sure, there are a few well-made DBZ games but only a few.
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