Lets see... Currently as I am typing this there are 1210 players spread across 155 games. Making the average amount of players per game around 8, yet there is this game called Dragonball: Rebirth which has 160 players, which is the most I have ever seen on one game ever.
So what did I do? I went into this game to see what makes it 'seemingly' special. And I found that it was the same as 99% of all other BYOND DBZ games, nothing special, same combat system, annoying one-hit kill homing blasts. It had some things that it did better, but then again it had a lot of things that were actually worse. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I have seen WAY better games, including WAY better DB/Z games as well.
I just thought some people would find this interesting, that a game with nothing special about it has 20x more players than any other game. And maybe we could talk about that some. Most people though may think this is a pointless thread but it IS the community branch and it says you can post 'topics of interest'.
![]() Feb 7 2006, 1:49 pm
![]() Feb 7 2006, 2:19 pm
Reason 1: Multikeys.
Multikeying in that game is bannable and has been enforced,so its just popular and everyone just wants something else, everyone also thinks that ver1.20 is gonna be very good, in the end it might be cause its just New
Yeah it must be some kind of hub problem..Its wayy overexaggerated..But they've got to be doing SOMETHING good to have even 60 players though...
Some points to make: 1. It's simple, and easy to win/kill things. 2. Humans are generally self centered (as the only perspective they really have are their own, based on their own experiences) so a game that focus's on power, reaching insane power levels... and generally becoming a god is quite pleasing. Power after all is one of the most addictive things in this world. 3. Community, a lot of people probably migrated there with friends. 4. Environment. It doesn't matter what the game play is really like to a role player, as long as the tools needed to play the part are there. The only thing you need to roll play a DBZ character is a icon that looks like them, and lots of energy blasts (maybe accompanied by some flying). So, it's simple role playing. 5. It's the popular thing to do. |
Jon Snow wrote:
Some points to make: Hm, i have a comment for each one of those... 1. If its easy to win/kill things, wheres the fun? If everyhing is easy then everything is predictable, and boring. Thats one reason i was surprised to see that many people on such a repetitive game. 2. Well, that game only has the illusion of power, but that aside... If its easy to get power for your character then every character's powerlevels are going to be drastically different, and if every character's power is drastically different you can easily see who would win in a fight. And if theres no challenges then what is the point of getting more 'power'? 3. Yea, community... I dont really have a comment for that one. 4. Role-Playing, they dont really roleplay at all in there, its basically a kill fest, not as bad as the kill fests in rips though. Hm, other than that I dont have much response. 5. No response on that one I guess. |
Dragonn wrote:
4. Role-Playing, they dont really roleplay at all in there, its basically a kill fest, not as bad as the kill fests in rips though. Hm, other than that I dont have much response. It's not traditional roleplaying as in tabletop RPGs, no. But it does let them "be Goku" to a limited extent, which is I guess part of the appeal. I mean, who wouldn't want to be able to shoot beams of energy out of their hands? |
Well first off, I have been talking to players. And from what Know the game is totally unbalanced. Right now Saiyan-Jin are the strongest races in the game.
But to make matters worse is players are telling me they are planning on Making the Tuffel races unbeatable. So that means the game will become even more unbalanced as time goes on. Its true, that there is a very big, easy win/loose ratio to the game, and that a lot of times, one hit is all that is needed to kill someone. Another fact is that they treat the players like gold. Players seem to be trusted over the normal staff always, no matter what is said a done. And when a enforcer actully makes a player follow the rules and punishes them for it, the player is the first one to complain the the enforcer is the second one to be fired or banned or a cabintion of the two. Bardy is a good example of that. |
it might be a Byond bug or something who knows, it said like 163 players outside but when u get into the hub it said 80+ so might be a problem
Oh and 2 things To answer all them Qs its pretty simple and its the same answer to this Q...Why play DBZ games? Next is, the game isnt actually that good but i prefer it over everyother dbz game for some strange reason..might be coded with dark majic powers..who knows its DBZ u know XD Anyways even the owner says that a few Key games are still better than it but the ppl just keep getting on it lol enough chit chat...byebye |
Dragonn wrote:
1. If its easy to win/kill things, wheres the fun? If everyhing is easy then everything is predictable, and boring. Thats one reason i was surprised to see that many people on such a repetitive game. Fun isn't restricted to challenge. Something can be just as predictable and boring without being easy. I hear Ghosts and Goblins (Nes) fits that bill rather nicely, but a game like Super Smash Bros is easy to get used to and can be a blast. :D |
Hm, i have a comment for each one of those... The general populace is pretty dumb, and the younger you go (between ages 5 and 18) are even more dumb/naive about life compared to 'some' older people. So although you may desire such things as chalenge, it is your ego that makes you think the rest of the world feels the same way. You don't know anyone elses point of view 100% but your own :) You can only guess! 2. Well, that game only has the illusion of power, but that aside... If its easy to get power for your character then every character's powerlevels are going to be drastically different, and if every character's power is drastically different you can easily see who would win in a fight. And if theres no challenges then what is the point of getting more 'power'? Ya, making someone your bitch isn't fun. Not at all. Either is bragging that you're super SaIyAn 3! Come on now, we're talking about a fan base for a tv show that's so completely mindless and stupid... "Rahhhh!!!" screams goku for about 5 episodes as he powers up. "You ready yet goku? I still have about 10 episodes before I show you my true power!" says the bad guy... Seriously, have you never seen the show? The show is exactly what you just said. It's all about getting power, it's all about simply beating your competition by having more power/speed. 3. Yea, community... I dont really have a comment for that one. People look for others to relate with... I speak l33t! You do too?! OMGZ THATZ SO KEWL! I LIKE DBZ AS WELL! OMGZ I CANTZ BELEIVE YUO RAE SO UBER! 4. Role-Playing, they dont really roleplay at all in there, its basically a kill fest, not as bad as the kill fests in rips though. Hm, other than that I dont have much response. we role play at most situations of our life. When dealing with something that doesn't technically exist as you see it (such as what's on screen) you are role playing that those things are really there. It's all an illusion! To them, simply having energy and looking like goku is enough for them to get their DBZ fix. 5. No response on that one I guess. NuFf SaId. |
I've always been tempted to just refocus my efforts on the large market and hope for donations. I mean, you can go for something original and spend a ton of time making it because you have to start from scratch, or you can make something so completely simple as a DBZ game, get 100's of fan base and advertise and make money... to sit nice and fat on.
I'm really tempted. |
Jon Snow, can you please stop insulting DragonBall fans? You are acting like all of them are complete, mindless idiots, and that you know everything about us and everything about the world. You are completely trashing the show and its fans for no apparent reason. Let them be, let them do what the hell they want. You do not see me going around saying "A Game of Kings" sucks, now do you? Or any of us? No, you do not. So just quit it.
Sorry, I realize I made it seem like I was calling the fanbase particularly stupid when I ment the majority of people out there are generally not that smart. It's not actually my idea, lots of philosophers have said it and I stole it from them because I thought it was true.
I also made it sound like I was saying the DBZ fanbase is dumb, when what I was really trying to say is that the show itself is dumb... yet the problem above still stands, but this is the case for anything and everything. I didn't mean to make it sound like all dbz players talk l33t, but that the point was that if you can relate with someone you're more likely to like them and get along, and thus make friends... and thus have a community. The point still stands also that a lot of DBZ players talk l33t/trash to eachother, and the majority of the player base is younger. I didn't mean to make it sound like ALL players are that way. If you actually watch the dbz tv show you realize that absolutely NONE of the battles depend on the fighting capabilities of the actual person. Instead, it always comes down to power. Who has the more power? Well Goku, he's super saiyan and so freeza is no longer a chalenge to him so he just blasts him away/toys with him. This is the entire premise of the show... not to mention that Vegita is about the worst role model and a lot of younger kids like/follow him. Try not to forget that I was a DBZER wayyy back then, and I don't feel ashamed for how I was. I was a product of my social group, and at the time all my friends did was watch dbz so I became a big fan of it. I've seen like all the episodes up until Buu and I have seen part of Buu. I'm not trying to insault anyone, just trying to make a point :) It's pretty obvious I don't know everything, or otherwise I would have written my first post perfectly so that no one would have a reason to reply. I know I'm not perfect and I make fun of myself all the time. I used to play dbz games on here, it's what brought me here... and I played them a lot. I used to get picked on, etc... it happens to all of us and we don't always intend to be rude. |
Jon Snow wrote:
I've always been tempted to just refocus my efforts on the large market and hope for donations. I mean, you can go for something original and spend a ton of time making it because you have to start from scratch, or you can make something so completely simple as a DBZ game, get 100's of fan base and advertise and make money... to sit nice and fat on. Well that IS true..The real gaming industry is going through the same thing..All those GTA rips... |
GokuDBZ3128 wrote:
Jon Snow, can you please stop insulting DragonBall fans? You are acting like all of them are complete, mindless idiots, and that you know everything about us and everything about the world. You are completely trashing the show and its fans for no apparent reason. Let them be, let them do what the hell they want. You do not see me going around saying "A Game of Kings" sucks, now do you? Or any of us? No, you do not. So just quit it. That's because AGOK didn't suck. Nor has it been done literally hundreds (possibly thousands) of times. And just because someone says DBZ fans are stupid in general, that doesn't mean they are wrong. A generalization like that has to come from somewhere, especially when it includes the words 'people' and 'stupid' in the same sentence. If you look at any post from a DBZer, you'll find 8 times out of 10, its like "omgZor Teh p\/\/|\|sor!". Then you'll get some people with intelligence who can type AND spell AND know what they're talking about for 3 seconds while they're not having Zeta-induced seizures from their 45-hour DBZ gaming binges as they macro P for punch and W for whine. Want to know how I used to 'play' DBZ games? I'd macro 'punch' to the spacebar, then set my good-sized stapler on the spacebar and walk away. Some times, I'd have whole bridges going with a bottle of white-out, the stapler, and a box of staples to reach the A button for when I no longer desired to burn out my spacebar. After a few days of 'playing', I'd seen enough l337 and whining about 'killing in heaven' and 'buying pl' that I often thought about stapling my own hands over my eyes to shield myself from it all. Jack Thompson was wrong! It's stupid games like DBZ that drive people to kill once they realized how messed up they've become, not violent ones! And in a way which defies all conceivable thought, people flock to these games. This only results in furthering my disbelief that humans became the dominant species on Earth. They're ALL the same. Name ten things different between Dragunbal Soop3r Dooper U1timite GT355226 and the next mindless copy. How many DBZ games can be 'the best DB game on Byond'? All ten-thousand of them?!?! And how 'original' can a game be when its based on the same mindless dribble as all the other DB games ever created on any console or for Byond? If I was locked in a room and told to play 'DBZ: Sagas' to get out, I'd break the game disc in half and commit hari-kiri with the pieces. |
I am guessing you have never played DBEO (DragonBall Epic Online) before. It was the first DragonBall game to ever hit BYOND, and by far the best. Give it a try. It will change your mind about DragonBall. The only other DragonBall game I have played other than this is DragonBall Zeta, when it first came out, that is about it. Do not play those crappy rips. Play DragonBall Epic Online and if you do not like it, then fine. I am 95% sure you will like it. DBEO is the only DragonBall game that tests your mind. You need intelligence to play this game so you will never see any newbies/1337 talkers in here. The 1337 talkers/newbies who do enter usually leave after ten seconds saying "tis gme suks ply dball EXT" or some crap like that. The people who stay are the intelligent ones. Everyone in that game speaks with perfect grammar and punctuation. Do not believe me? Give it a try. Everything in this game is pretty much amazing, from the ground up.