i need to make it so a icon over lay appears in fron(bottum, left righ) of you...right now my code make it appear on me
the follow is the code....i didnt error so i didnt want to put it under problems, it just doesnt work right.
the sword does what it is supposed to, the shield goes on me not where it is supposed to. its prob something simple, its almost 1 am so im gettnig tired but w/e
if(src.pcolor != usr.color)
usr<<"You are not that color"
overlays += /obj/sword
switch(input("What Way Do you Attack?")in list("Up","Down","Left","Right"))
world <<"[usr] attacks the upper space"
overlays += /obj/shield
world << "Please use NUMBER now to tell each other what your piece number is. If attacker wins, put it in the defenders place, if not put it in the tray"
overlays -= /obj/shield
world <<"[usr] attacks the lower space"
world << "Please use NUMBER now to tell each other what your piece number is. If attacker wins, put it in the defenders place, if not put it in the tray"
overlays -= /obj/shield
world <<"[usr] attacks the left space"
world << "Please use NUMBER now to tell each other what your piece number is. If attacker wins, put it in the defenders place, if not put it in the tray"
overlays -= /obj/shield
world <<"[usr] attacks the right space"
world << "Please use NUMBER now to tell each other what your piece number is. If attacker wins, put it in the defenders place, if not put it in the tray"
overlays -= /obj/shield
overlays -=/obj/sword