In response to Heavenshero
Heavenshero wrote:
a pwipe would bring in alot more players than would leave...and yes i understand why you would try a 10X Reduction and i understand why people would get pissed off...but i think a majority of zeta players would appreciate a powerwipe if you checked zeta forums, alot of people said yes and no one opposed...

Wipes don't bring more people than they turn away, unless its for some major release. The reduction was hardly anything for most people, but everyone complained about it anyway. If you think most people want it your quite mistaken. That post on the zeta forum about it had posts from people who haven't played in ages, and I'm not trying to keep them happy.

at the end of the day who cares coz 48 is right around the corner aint it nick eh lol!

Nope, far from it if anything. It'll be out when it's done.
In response to Nick231
Nick231 wrote:
Heavenshero wrote:
a pwipe would bring in alot more players than would leave...and yes i understand why you would try a 10X Reduction and i understand why people would get pissed off...but i think a majority of zeta players would appreciate a powerwipe if you checked zeta forums, alot of people said yes and no one opposed...

Wipes don't bring more people than they turn away, unless its for some major release. The reduction was hardly anything for most people, but everyone complained about it anyway. If you think most people want it your quite mistaken. That post on the zeta forum about it had posts from people who haven't played in ages, and I'm not trying to keep them happy.

at the end of the day who cares coz 48 is right around the corner aint it nick eh lol!

Nope, far from it if anything. It'll be out when it's done.

I inquired on the forum and got a positive response...i know a pwipe would brign LOADS back and LOADS in...the few people who would be pissed off would restart...just give them a special item to shut them up...

and i guess you didnt note the sarcasm in my voice before...

How long has it been..1year...2years since you announced 48s testing? i remember it was around halloween time..
I hate DBZ altogether. BYOND needs more action, not (ripped) DBZ bullshat.
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