Actualy, I have had windows install and reboot while not having automatic updates set to install. I was angry, but really had nobody close to direct it to, so I just let it be. He is talking about windows updating and rebooting itself, not hibernating.
There has been a virus floating around online for the last 2 years or so that attcks Windows XP systems that haven't updated.
As soon as you connect, if you don't have a firewall up, or have it protected it uses a loop hole to shut down the system. |
He's apparently on of those people (heh) who have the forum on "Topic View", and they don't see it as being a branching thread... They just reply wherever they see a post in the chronological order...
Under Topic View, his post came two posts after yours with the original sig typo... So to him, that makes sense... To the rest of us, who are looking at this under the default/normal thread view, that reply is connected to the wrong post... |
I use Topic View and I always manage to reply to the right posts. Anyone who replies to the wrong posts is criminally lazy. =P
It is a simple matter of clicking on the Reply link contained in the message you wish to reply to...
However, I think it is the instinct of many people to click on the reply link at the bottom of the thread, since this is how normal, non-branched boards work... Your reply goes at the end/bottom of the list regardless of who you are replying to... And you click on a Reply that comes at the bottom... In fact, the repeat offenders of this might not even remember that these messages are branched under the default view, so they don't even realize that they're replying to the wrong post, or that others will see that their post is coming off of one they didn't intend... |
That was great. Zork 1, 2 and 3; Vic20; I haven't heard those names uttered in a while. Whenever I say them though, everyone looks at me as if I stopped speaking English.
He has a great point though; if my Commodore brand computers ever crashed, I don't remember it. Even if they did suffer a problem (Sometimes I POKE'ed values into random memory addresses to see what'd happen) all you ever had to do was restart it, but restarting wasn't a problem since it always started up in 1 second! If only we could combine the technology of today with the software of yesteryear. If you stripped out all the extra baggage Windows has, it would take up a lot less space and require a lot less power to run. When you have dozens of different detection programs running all the time for the stupidest things (Anyone ever get that "Your computer is currently unprotected; no firewall is detected." bubble? I get that and I'm thinking "Yeah, it's off because I turned your crappy firewall off. Why did I turn it off? Because it doesn't work; it doesn't just block hackers, it blocks THE WHOLE INTERNET.") it's bound to eat up your resources and interfere with other (other as in legitimate) programs in the meantime. Maybe that's what the kid's problem is; he's suffering from OS. |
I just tend to get upset. I don't usually ever hit the keyboard, just that once. On most occasions I slide the mouse real hard left and it hits my keyboard, because I always seem to forget its going to hit it.
But most of the time I just say "Wow, what the" in ventrilo. |
Nyck wrote:
Really, that didn't seem real at all. Maybe the first minute but nobody acts that stupid. You would be surprised... |
Dark_Shadow_Ninja wrote:
I use to do it till I realized how the tree worked. I dunno, kinda came naturally to me. Far better method- now I look at those non-branched phpBB boards 'n' stuff and I wonder how to reply to the post I want. =/ |
Hahaha, I still have 2 of those suckers in the orginal boxes, a C64 and a C128.. I should dig them out.
Anyways I heard people surf the net with those things now, thats pretty intresting. Now that I think about it, my Commodore's never crashed on me either... Except that one time someone messed up one of my Bards Tales disks and when I was trying to play the game it just shut down... :( On a lighter note.. I do understand his pain in a sense.. Once I rented a PS1 and a few games I really wanted to rent and something happened, I don't remeber what.. but it ended with the PS1 being torn out of the wall and thrown out the window with thw window closed... lol Another time I rented Worms and it forze up on me, so I took a hammer and smashed it. |
actually there were efforts to make 'instant-on' PCs some years ago by storing the OS in some kind of non-volatile RAM, but it fell under the radar, and i have heard little about it since then.
i would imagine that with the new 1-2 GB flash-cards, or USB sticks that are bootable would solve that problem nicely. i understand that since newer BIOS's support booting from USB sticks you can boot up pretty quickly a Linux OS. i'm sure you could stuff Windows or MacOX on there too. DamnSmallLinux has a cool project: Damn_Small_Machine - Linux boxes with no moving parts! :) |
Back on topic, I would watch it, but I don't have the plugin >_>