BYOND Version: 3.5 beta 5

Operating System:windows xp

Web Browser:internet explorer

Game/Hub(s): hub://

Detailed Problem Description:my map will not show up when i run the game

Code Snippet to Reproduce Problem:

Does the problem occur:every time
Every time? Or how often?

In other games?

On other computers?

In other user accounts?
While this probably isn't a BYOND bug (sounds like a code problem), and this will probably get moved or deleted, I'll say what I suspect this is:

Have you put anything in Login()? If you've changed Login(), but didn't add a ..() at the end, it will not place your mob on the map (and thus, you won't see it)
In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
..() // Do the normal, this is VERY important, else you'd overwrite the whole Login() proc.
src.loc=locate(1,1,1) // Place him on the map..
In response to Mysame
it did not work mysame
In response to Ethan5078
Maybe you're missing an icon_state somewhere? I remember when I first started out, I missed one and I ended up on a black screen. If you're going by the tutorial for RPGs, zihals i think, then you're prolly missing the icon_state = gender at login. That's just what I remember from when I was a noob. That messed me up back then.
In response to Pyro_dragons
Be sure you don't have another mob/Login() or mob/New() without ..() in it.
Ethan5078 wrote:
BYOND Version: 3.5 beta 5

Operating System:windows xp

Web Browser:internet explorer

Game/Hub(s): hub://

Detailed Problem Description:my map will not show up when i run the game

Code Snippet to Reproduce Problem:

Does the problem occur:every time
Every time? Or how often?

In other games?

On other computers?

In other user accounts?

Maybe you didn't check the little box next to the map file? :P
In response to DivineO'peanut
client/show_map = 1

try that lol
In response to Mysame
Mysame wrote:
> mob/Login()
> ..() // Do the normal, this is VERY important, else you'd overwrite the whole Login() proc.
> src.loc=locate(1,1,1) // Place him on the map..

You don't need both ..() and src.loc=locate(1,1,1), as that is a bit redundant. One or the other will do.

In mob/Login, all ..() does is to locate the mob on the map and set client.statobj to src.
for(var/indexz = 1 to world.maxz)
for(var/indexy = 1 to world.maxy)
for(var/indexx = 1 to world.maxx)
if(Move(locate(indexx, indexy, indexz)))
break find_open_turf
client.statobj = src

That is the default Login function. As you can see, if you are giving the mob a location manually, especially if you are doing it after you call ..(), you are only creating extra work that could be avoided. In that case, you can use the line client.statobj=src instead of ..() in your Login.
In response to Loduwijk
I know that, really ;). Though, he might've covered his map with densed objects by mistake.
In response to Pyro_dragons
i don't use icon states
In response to Ethan5078
yo eathan i thought u were going to be gone for 30 days
In response to Mxjerrett
turns out that my mom decided to not cancel the internet until spring brake
In response to Ethan5078
hmm ok i should be on later tonight