NOTE: I know Cutscenes has been asked before...
Mysame wrote:
This has been asking various times before. Really, you people never use 'Search'?
> mob/firstchar/Login()
> ..()
> src.client.eye=locate(x,y,z)
> sleep(30)
> var/mob/m = new /obj/npc/king(locate(x,y,z))
> walk(m,NORTH)
> sleep(500)
> walk(m,0)
> src<<"The king is here! Hail!"
> src<<"Unknown Man: Runaway!!"
> src<<"Unknown Man: The king will be murdered, leave!!"
> src.client.eye=src
> src<<"Quest Objective; Save the King!"
FinalFantasyGamer wrote:
Hmm thats flawed. Imagine 2 people login at the same time. I posted this same question before without really thinking of a solution myself. Using images where only 1 person can see the icon is better. That way the cinematics won't be already playing for someone.
So basicly I need something to fit in with what FFG said. Or should I cut a corner, make player density and icons null and use Mysame's code?