I'm planning on using some of the neat tools BYOND offers to host a Dungeons and Dragons game. I'm looking for some interested players. I'd like to have 4-6 players to start with.

Here's what you need:
  • A BYOND key and software (not much of a problem here!)
  • An instant messanger (specifically, AIM, Jabber/GTalk, MSN, Y!M, IRC, or ICQ)
  • An interest in social gaming, trying new things, and having a good time. If you're a "solo gamer" or a "power gamer", DnD is probably not for you.
  • A little sense of humour and a littlepatience. DnD is a game where people make mistakes, and mistakes are no problem if everybody is cool. If you're a hardcore gamer who feels lost without strict rules and ultra-balanced gameplay, you might be uncomfortable in the try-this, try-that style of DnD games.

What you might think you need, but don't:
  • Money. The game is free to play, and most of the basic rules are free under the "OGL" (Open Gaming License) so you can view them online.
  • Knowledge of Dungeons and Dragons rules. Rules are something you can learn along the way. They really aren't that important to the players; it's your job to decide what your character does, and my job to use the rules to decide what happens.
  • Previous Dungeons and Dragons experience. New players are welcome, and anybody with the things listed above can have a blast playing!

If you're interested, please post here, send me an email (piratehead care of gmail dot com), or otherwise contact me.

Game information for previous DnD players:

Characters are negotiable. That means you can be pretty creative with stats, class traits, races, etc. The party will not start higher than level 5, unless everybody is an experienced DnD player and we decided to run something with really high power.

The setting is standard DnD fare. Backstories are important to give everybody footing in the world, and I can help people with that sort of thing.

Anything printed by Wizards is basically fair game. Things you come up with yourself are fair game if I approve them. I'll approve things that I think can be fun, and that don't break game balance (and thus the fun).
Hells yeah, if you are serious about doing this, and planning on doing it at least once a week (Id perfer more!) count me in.

I used to play in a group that uses the GURPS system for almost 2 years, before the group broke up.

I am an avid role player and I think the best kind of role playing is in groupes.

What I do not like are people who do not take it seriously at all. I enjoy screwing around as much as the next person, but when a player disrupts the entire game, I get pissed.

Having fun should blend in with the game and still not take away from the main plot of each scenario but add to it. I used to play with this GM who would randomly do stuff out of know where, that had no place in our current game. He also played a charater (Which I think GMs should not do) and whenever things didn't go his way, would use his GM power to change the out come. Not right.

If this is a semi serious thing, count me in.

I am not fimiarl with DnD systems, so you or someone else will need to help me and teach me.
In response to Shades
Shades wrote:
If this is a semi serious thing, count me in.

Semi-serious is a good way to describe it. I certianly like to surprise players, but I never do the "Suprise! It's the Revenge of the Thirty-Headed Tarrasque(TM)" thing. (In DnD, a Tarrasque is an ridiculously powerful monster that can kill a whole team of ultra-high-level players.)

If you're "in", you'll need to get ready for the first game. Send me some IM contact information over email, or post it here if you're comfortable. Welcome to the dark side.
I'm definately interested.

I'm pretty obsessed with D&D. >_>
Have a -ton- of books... obtained through... virtual means.
Used to play in a non serious group IRL awhile ago.
Same, I would most likely be interested.
AIM - JustinElizondo04
Email - [email protected]
Me and my low-level human cleric with full-plate are interested. :P
In response to Jon88
We might need another Human cleric or Fighter! =D

Count Me In!

AIM: D4RK3 54B3R

Thirty-Headed Tarrasque

Hehe. I would hate to fight one of those... even though I don't see how you could fit 30 heads onto a Tarrasque's torso... That makes me wonder... Would you need a wish spell for each of the heads?
Sure I am totally in then.

E-Mail: [email protected]
AIM: SNickideums

Would you also like my credit card number and SS#?
Im in. Mail me at [email protected], but i have a MSN aswell.
In response to Devindrover
What edition are you using?
In response to Sabin Stargem
I use D20 3.5 edition rules for the most part. Some things, like the material from the Manual of the Plains book for example, isn't included in the 3.5 rule set, but I use it anyway with some small changes I've decided upon myself. I hope that answers your question.
In response to PirateHead
It does. Here is my e-mail and AIM address.

E-M: [email protected]
AIM: hyper_sabin
I've been hoping someone would start one of these (I'm terrible at DMing). So, will this be played with everyone online at once in a chatroom-type setting, or a play by post format, or what? And if the former, any idea what time of day this would occur?

Anyway, count me in if you're still accepting members. fuuhaa at gmail dot com
Count me in as well.

Email and msn: Ness314 at
In response to PirateHead
I don't think the differences between 3.0 and 3.5 are drastic enough to say that the pre3.5 books don't fit into 3.5. The changes D&D 3.5 made were mostly the type of changes that one person could be using 3 and another 3.5 in the same group and you might not even realise you're using different rulebooks.

I play all the time using 3rd with someone that uses 3.5, and the only differences I can recall at the moment us coming across are variations of spells (different damage than my version, different duration, etc.) 95% of the time we don't conflict at all.
Do you know yet how strcit a gaming schedule would be? What days and times?

How much time do sessions usually last for when you DM?

How would you respond to someone not being able to make it to a session? I once played in a campaign where the DM called up his friends that were in the campaign (I wasn't a friend directly but rather was a friend of a friend, so I wasn't called) and they played without me. His response to my absense was to say the people of the town we were in killed me because of damning false assumpmtions they made about my character. 'Twas the end of that campaign for me.

I have plenty of interesting ideas floating around, as I always have a bunch of character ideas I've been wanting to play but haven't yet since I come up with 3 new character ideas for every campaign I play. Some are truely unique (or so I assume), while others are more generic but with enough of a twist or flavor to make them fun.
In response to Loduwijk
When we had a player that couldn't make it to a group session, we would try to contact them, especally if it was a continuation of a previous quest, but if they couldn't make it we wouldn't kill them off.

We would either say they were injured and were sent back to town, or we just didn't even acknlodge he was ever in the last session to begin with.

When I played GURPS once a charater died, we tore up the sheets and we were never allowed to use that charater, or character name again, so we wouldn't sensesly kill people who couldn't make it to a game.
In response to PirateHead
ID love to be in im a beginner but ive played b4 and ill need to know when it's starting and what everyone's msn messenger name, mine is [email protected] Pirate head Im me when you have a chance
In response to Shades
Shades wrote:
When I played GURPS once a charater died, we tore up the sheets and we were never allowed to use that charater, or character name again, so we wouldn't sensesly kill people who couldn't make it to a game.

That is something that I don't care for. The whole reason we play games, including RPGs, it to have fun. So what if you really like a character idea, or even specific character, so much that you want to use the same build all over again? I have so many character ideas that I have plenty to toy with and will usually try something new, but some people like having the same thing all the time.

If someone wants to use the same character build, even the same name, or heck even reuse the exact same character, I say that just makes things more interesting for the DM. When running the game, I think it's fun to throw in odd concepts like alternate-parallel universes or other such ideas that can bring back a character. And there are also time paradoxes and magic reality alterations. There are plenty of very interesting excuses that would allow someone to keep what they want while also keeping the game very fun for everyone.

Then again, I also come from a small group that always plays in the same overall setting that is extremely vast with alternate universes and timelines built in by its very nature, and not everyone else does, so I can see where someone could argue that it's not easy to work around what the person wants in some specific worlds.
In response to Loduwijk
You can use the same character build but you were not allowed to use the same chataer name, details, ect. Once your character died, they were dead.

And I know what you mean, I had first started with a drunk mage named Nickideums, who had grown so strong he had a level 75 acid jet. It wasn't even funny.

I had played with him for almost an entire year when one of my team members actully killed me on accident. :(
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