var/savefile/F = new("[ckey].sav")
F["afk"] << afk
F["canattack"] << canattack
F["attacking"] << attacking
F["canhold"] << canhold
F["password"] << password
F["protect"] << protect
F["correctpass"] << correctpass
F["house"] << house
F["GMhouse"] << GMhouse
F["canenter"] << canenter
F["shop"] << shop
F["SGS_kick_for_repeat"] << SGS_kick_for_repeat
F["SGS_remember_txt"] << SGS_remember_txt
F["SGS_locked"] << SGS_locked
F["SGS_Stop_all_txt"] << SGS_Stop_all_txt
F["Fishing"] << Fishing
F["FishingExp"] << FishingExp
F["MaxFishingExp"] << MaxFishingExp
F["axe"] << axe
F["gold_banked"] << gold_banked
F["owner"] << owner
F["maxhp"] << maxhp
F["hp"] << hp
F["maxsp"] << maxsp
F["sp"] << sp
F["exp"] << exp
F["maxexp"] << maxexp
F["str"] << str
F["def"] << def
F["delay"] << delay
F["attack"] << attack
F["protection"] << protection
F["giveexp"] << giveexp
F["level"] << level
F["gold"] << gold
F["race"] << race
F["random"] << random
F["move"] << move
F["clan"] << clan
F["clanowner"] << clanowner
F["copper"] << copper
F["steel"] << steel
F["hammer"] << hammer
F["deitystone"] << deitystone
F["sword_equiped"] << sword_equiped
F["shield_equiped"] << shield_equiped
F["shield_able"] << shield_able
F["weapon"] << weapon
F["shield"] << shield
F["admin"] << admin
F["deity"] << deity
F["deityspells"] << deityspells
F["Mining"] << Mining
F["MiningExp"] << MiningExp
F["MaxMiningExp"] << MaxMiningExp
F["PickAxe"] << PickAxe
F["ishop"] << ishop
F["subscibe"] << subscibe
F["type"] << type
F["parent_type"] << parent_type
F["tag"] << tag
F["name"] << name
F["desc"] << desc
F["suffix"] << suffix
F["text"] << text
F["icon"] << icon
F["icon_state"] << icon_state
F["overlays"] << overlays
F["underlays"] << underlays
F["dir"] << dir
F["luminosity"] << luminosity
F["opacity"] << opacity
F["density"] << density
F["layer"] << layer
F["gender"] << gender
F["mouse_over_pointer"] << mouse_over_pointer
F["mouse_drag_pointer"] << mouse_drag_pointer
F["mouse_drop_pointer"] << mouse_drop_pointer
F["mouse_drop_zone"] << mouse_drop_zone
F["verbs"] << verbs
F["vars"] << vars
F["contents"] << contents
F["invisibility"] << invisibility
F["infra_luminosity"] << infra_luminosity
F["pixel_x"] << pixel_x
F["pixel_y"] << pixel_y
F["loc"] << loc
F["x"] << x
F["y"] << y
F["z"] << z
F["sight"] << sight
F["client"] << client
F["group"] << group
F["ckey"] << ckey
F["key"] << key
F["see_in_dark"] << see_in_dark
F["see_invisible"] << see_invisible
F["see_infrared"] << see_infrared
F["pixel_step_size"] << pixel_step_size
F["deityspells "] << deityspells
usr<<"Your progress has been saved."
var/savefile/F = new("[ckey].sav")
F["afk"] >> afk
F["canattack"] >> canattack
F["attacking"] >> attacking
F["canhold"] >> canhold
F["password"] >> password
F["protect"] >> protect
F["correctpass"] >> correctpass
F["house"] >> house
F["GMhouse"] >> GMhouse
F["canenter"] >> canenter
F["shop"] >> shop
F["SGS_kick_for_repeat"] >> SGS_kick_for_repeat
F["SGS_remember_txt"] >> SGS_remember_txt
F["SGS_locked"] >> SGS_locked
F["SGS_Stop_all_txt"] >> SGS_Stop_all_txt
F["Fishing"] >> Fishing
F["FishingExp"] >> FishingExp
F["MaxFishingExp"] >> MaxFishingExp
F["axe"] >> axe
F["gold_banked"] >> gold_banked
F["owner"] >> owner
F["maxhp"] >> maxhp
F["hp"] >> hp
F["maxsp"] >> maxsp
F["sp"] >> sp
F["exp"] >> exp
F["maxexp"] >> maxexp
F["str"] >> str
F["def"] >> def
F["delay"] >> delay
F["attack"] >> attack
F["protection"] >> protection
F["giveexp"] >> giveexp
F["level"] >> level
F["gold"] >> gold
F["race"] >> race
F["random"] >> random
F["move"] >> move
F["clan"] >> clan
F["clanowner"] >> clanowner
F["copper"] >> copper
F["steel"] >> steel
F["hammer"] >> hammer
F["deitystone"] >> deitystone
F["sword_equiped"] >> sword_equiped
F["shield_equiped"] >> shield_equiped
F["shield_able"] >> shield_able
F["weapon"] >> weapon
F["shield"] >> shield
F["admin"] >> admin
F["deity"] >> deity
F["deityspells"] >> deityspells
F["Mining"] >> Mining
F["MiningExp"] >> MiningExp
F["MaxMiningExp"] >> MaxMiningExp
F["PickAxe"] >> PickAxe
F["ishop"] >> ishop
F["subscibe"] >> subscibe
F["tag"] >> tag
F["name"] >> name
F["desc"] >> desc
F["suffix"] >> suffix
F["text"] >> text
F["icon"] >> icon
F["icon_state"] >> icon_state
F["overlays"] >> overlays
F["underlays"] >> underlays
F["dir"] >> dir
F["luminosity"] >> luminosity
F["opacity"] >> opacity
F["density"] >> density
F["layer"] >> layer
F["gender"] >> gender
F["mouse_over_pointer"] >> mouse_over_pointer
F["mouse_drag_pointer"] >> mouse_drag_pointer
F["mouse_drop_pointer"] >> mouse_drop_pointer
F["mouse_drop_zone"] >> mouse_drop_zone
F["verbs"] >> verbs
F["contents"] >> contents
F["invisibility"] >> invisibility
F["infra_luminosity"] >> infra_luminosity
F["pixel_x"] >> pixel_x
F["pixel_y"] >> pixel_y
F["loc"] >> loc
F["x"] >> x
F["y"] >> y
F["z"] >> z
F["sight"] >> sight
F["client"] >> client
F["group"] >> group
F["ckey"] >> ckey
F["key"] >> key
F["see_in_dark"] >> see_in_dark
F["see_invisible"] >> see_invisible
F["see_infrared"] >> see_infrared
F["pixel_step_size"] >> pixel_step_size
F["deityspells "] >> deityspells
Problem description: I open up the game file and use the save verb, but when i do that, it says this:
runtime error: bad output proc name: save (/mob/proc/save) source file: Save and,96 usr: Flame48 (/mob/subscribers/Subsciber3) src: Flame48 (/mob/subscribers/Subsciber3) call stack: Flame48 (/mob/subscribers/Subsciber3): save() Flame48 (/mob/subscribers/Subsciber3): Save()
Instead of all those vars, use something like this
Forum indendation..