if (usr.slashing * 25 <= usr.atksxp)
usr.atksxp = 0
usr.slashing += 1
usr << "Your Slashing skill is now [usr.slashing]"
if (usr.bashing * 25 <= usr.atkbxp)
usr.atkbxp = 0
usr.bashing += 1
usr << "Your Bashing skill is now [usr.bashing]"
if (usr.missle * 25 <= usr.atkmxp)
usr.atkmxp = 0
usr.missle += 1
usr << "Your Missle skill is now [usr.missle]"
if (usr.xp >= usr.lvl*50)
usr.lvl ++
usr.xp = 0
usr.mstam += rand(usr.lvl, usr.lvl+3)
usr.mhp += rand(usr.lvl, usr.lvl+3)
usr.mmp += rand(usr.lvl, usr.lvl+3)
usr << "You are now level [usr.lvl]"
ignore the no usr in procs rule, this proc is ONLY called when someone uses the attack verb, and therefore, will always be a usr. that, and src wasnt cutting it for the first 3/4ths of the proc.