is there a way that i can create a certain trurf, lets say /turf/worldsend/, that tricks teh src.eye so that it will keep the viewers screen inside the turf so they dont see the giant black void that lies beyond them?
In response to Arcanedragon_2004
that demo/library only does that for the actul end of the map. I mean if we create a turf that will take the end of the maps place. Like if i were to surrond my cities with the turf/endofworld/ or whatever and then, just like that demo/library does, shows no extra black voidness
In response to Newen
Well, you could try to just set it so that when you step into a certain turf that your camera is locked for that axis until you step out again. I don't know how to do it, but you can try. ^_^ sorry I couldn't be of more help.

Could you help me out with this though? index.cgi?action=message_read&id=442851&forum=8&view=0
In response to Arcanedragon_2004
that sounds like an intresting idea, i might try that at a later date. Thanks :D
In response to Kalzar
thanks, i'll look into it.
In response to Newen
I believe what you're looking for is the EDGE_PERSPECTIVE variable for client.perspective:
client/perspective = EDGE_PERSPECTIVE

That automatically readjusts the camera to not show the void.
In response to Popisfizzy
Thanks, i'll try that :D
In response to Newen
OK, adding that little snippet causes what i actully wanted but only at the actual edge of the map, like the edge of the map file. Is there a way to assign that same value toa turf file so that the vacant turfs all act like the edge of the map.
In response to Newen
Newen wrote:
OK, adding that little snippet causes what i actully wanted but only at the actual edge of the map, like the edge of the map file. Is there a way to assign that same value toa turf file so that the vacant turfs all act like the edge of the map.

you can set client.edge_limit, but you can only set that to a rectangular area. so yes, you can change the bounds for the eye, but you might not be able to get it as precise as you'd like.
In response to OneFishDown
that sounds exactly like what i'm looking for.
when setting the client.edge_limit would i set that to a certain file like...
client.edge_limit = /turf/mapping/opac/

or... do i need the actual coordinates? like x1,y1 to x2,y2?

for example, is
if(ismob(M) && M.client)
M.client.edge_limit = "[x1],[y1] to [x2],[y2]"

if(ismob(M) && M.client)
M.client.edge_limit = null

the only way to do it?
In response to Newen
Newen wrote:
for example, is
>   Entered(mob/M)
> if(ismob(M) && M.client)
> M.client.edge_limit = "[x1],[y1] to [x2],[y2]"
> Exited(mob/M)
> if(ismob(M) && M.client)
> M.client.edge_limit = null

the only way to do it?

that's the only way that i know of. if thats the only method the help shows, that's probably the only way.