How do you host your own server off your own computer?
Is there any risk to do so?
There is no harm in hosting off of Dream Seeker, the only risk you would take is giving away your IP, which most script kiddies would say "OMG I HAX U", but if you have a brain (and figure out they are dumb.) you should be fine.
In response to Flame Sage
Just be sure to tell any script kiddies that your IP address is 127.x.y.1, where x and y are two random integers between 0 and 255. ;)
In response to Jp
In response to Jp
<font color="green">[what the ding-dangle]</font> is a script kiddie?
In response to CaptFalcon33035
CaptFalcon33035 wrote:
<font color="green">[what the ding-dangle]</font> is a script kiddie?

usually a young person who gets ahold of some account information through some level of socializing (or just plain stealing), or downloaded a few scripts or little programs that are designed to crack or bring down a service or computer.

they have no actual hacking/cracking skills themselves, but rely on other people's work to boost their own ego as 'haxxors'. occasionally they do damage or disruption out of sheer luck, not out of any understanding of what they are doing.

the term easily applies to 100% of the BYONDer's here who have ever made that claim in this community.
In response to digitalmouse
Thanks. And sorry about the apparently explicit term. I didn't know it wasn't allowed in the forum. Won't happen again.
In response to CaptFalcon33035
not a big deal- but it's in the same league as people who type things like c***** - masking or abbreviating foul words really ain't kosher here.
In response to digitalmouse
Another question, How does this website work? I mean as in terms of hosting a game.
In response to Madow
What do you mean exactly? Do you mean having the game show up on the website when it's hosted?
In response to Crispy
Yeah, like how it works, works.
In response to Madow
The pager reports to the hub and the hub generates the website. If you want to do it yourself you can either make your game report to a website or obtain data from the hub.
In response to Madow
Well that's still pretty vague... I'm not sure whether you mean "how do I get it to show up" or "how does it all work internally", so I guess I'll try to answer both. =)

When you host a game in Public mode, it (Dream Seeker or Dream Daemon, whichever one you're using to host) contacts the BYOND hub, which is a custom-written piece of software that runs on Dantom's server. It tells the BYOND hub stuff about the game; which game it is (using details such as its hub entry - for example, Crispy.Thieves), where it's hosted (IP address and port number), its status, that sort of thing.

The BYOND hub then puts that information in a database. When someone browses the website, that information gets looked up in the database and is displayed on the web page.

To get this to happen, you have to do several things:

- Host in Public mode (this is the default).

- Have an active pager in some versions (older versions of BYOND, such as 341, require that at least one person with an active pager is logged into the game before it will show up on the hub - this is because the pager connection would be used to notify the hub about the game. In newer BYOND versions the game does this itself.)

- If you're the developer of the game, you need to set world/hub="YourKeyHere.YourGameNameHere" in the game's code. This value is sent to the BYOND hub so it knows which game is being hosted. You may also wish to set world/hub_password to a string which you can set when editing the hub entry; doing so means that games without that hub_password set won't show up under your hub entry. In other words, people can't pretend to be hosting your game by making a game of their own and setting world/hub="YourKeyHere.YourGameNameHere" in their game's code.
In response to Nadrew
nadrew is an anagram for andrew... i just got that. wow.
In response to Darkdemonrad
But his name's not Andrew. :P I know I've asked, and I wouldn't be surprised if people suggest it once every couple of months.
In response to Darkdemonrad
Or Newrad, but I doubt that is his name. Andrew is just by chance. If you saw someone with the key Denial, would you assume that their name was Daniel?
In response to Sarm
oh, lol my bad. Thought his name was andrew.