Hoping this is the right forum..
I just hit a bit of a bump with my game. The mission is to find the 6 gems that have been scattered everywhere. I'm aware how many times this storylines been done, by the way.
I just don't know where to hide each one. Theres fire, ice, water, thunder, light and dark. Lights being put in a town, embedded in a statue. But the whole..fire/volcano type things boring. The storylines overused, I don't want the challenges to be the same =D
So where can I put each one? I still want them to be in areas complementing their element, just not areas so overused.
Any suggestions? Please and thank you's ^_^;
![]() Apr 23 2006, 9:44 am
How about the fire gem is inside the body of a giant dragon, that you need to be swalloed whole by to get in. And then you need to fight his organs as a boss in that area.
For lightning, you could have it start in a old roman town, and players need to work their way to a old cathredral, which was used to worship the god of thunder. You can pray at the gods statue to get him to summon you to his palace in the clouds where you must fight him. but due to the fact of the lack of belife in his person, he is much less stronger then he was before, thus the players can kill him. |
Light Gem could be hidden within a tree that omits light(source?) within a dark dark creepy angsty forest! :P
Could travel across the tree tops and such. Maybe go through a few big trees where you have to hack some roots from the insde to clear away on the outside? The Boss could be a monster that feeds off the light. Hence why it gaurds the tree. Depending on the battle type. A nice turn based battle: you could cast Dark spells (or use dark skills) to block the light from the tree and then whack the bejeebus outta it. A nice hack and slash: you could pcick up 3 or 4 discs that you have to put around a tree to stop the light from getting out. (Mind that the discs would have to be force given to the player so they don't miss any. Or they could only block some of the light and weaken the boss making him a tad easier?) No clue, but thats my 2 cents ^.^ |
The gems are hidden within the player's own soul. They need to go on a journey of spiritual enlightenment (i.e., get to level 50 ¬_¬) to unlock the secrets of their soul and collect the gem.
You level up! You have become one with everything. Your name has been changed to "The Buddha." You receive a elemental gem! |
That IS kind of like Ultima.
In one game, the point of the game wasn't to kill a big monster, or to save the king, or the world. It was to rediscover the 8 virtues and become the avatar and become like a shineing example for all of the people in Britina. You had to find all 8 mantras, all 8 runes and then go to each of the 8 shrines of virtue, mediate and say the mantra. But it wasn't enough to just DO that. You have to follow the virtues, and be kind, and nice and helpful. It had a karma system in the game, so if you were overly evil, it was bascilly impossible to actully beat the game. |
Hmm...Heres what I think
Light Crystal - You gotta open a portal that leads to the Moon. oull be warped inside of an old castle, and you have to fight a Lunar Dragon to get the stone. Dark - You have to mix some items together, to create a sort of 'Alternate Dimension Cube' thingy, that , when used, takes you to the 'Dark' version of the Moon. You have to fight a...guess...Dark Lunar Dragon to get the precious stone. Earth - A forest protected by Earth Spirits and Dark Elves? You must fight an ancient tree spirit to get the stone. Water - Uhm...You go under the ocean into a cave, and fight a Leviathin? Fire - You go to hell and fight some demons. Yah. |
Dead_Demon wrote:
Dark - You have to mix some items together, to create a sort of 'Alternate Dimension Cube' thingy, that , when used, takes you to the 'Dark' version of the Moon. The dark side of the moon maybe? =) |
Right here we go (totally shouldn't have gone out after posting this, wouldn't have so many to reply to!)
Elation wrote: The gems are hidden within the player's own soul. They need to go on a journey of spiritual enlightenment (i.e., get to level 50 ¬_¬) to unlock the secrets of their soul and collect the gem. Thank you for giving me the best laugh all day! I wonder how many people would comment that its...*not very good* to put it politly XD Shades wrote: For lightning, you could have it start in a old roman town, and players need to work their way to a old cathredral, which was used to worship the god of thunder. This actually fits in somewhat, as these gems were made and protected by the gods/goddess..es..whatever-the-word-for-more-than-one-goddes s-is. Mechanios wrote: The Boss could be a monster that feeds off the light. Hence why it gaurds the tree. Depending on the battle type. A nice turn based battle: you could cast Dark spells (or use dark skills) to block the light from the tree and then whack the bejeebus outta it. A nice hack and slash: you could pcick up 3 or 4 discs that you have to put around a tree to stop the light from getting out. (Mind that the discs would have to be force given to the player so they don't miss any. Or they could only block some of the light and weaken the boss making him a tad easier?) No clue, but thats my 2 cents ^.^ This is one awesome idea! I'm working on turn-based (once i learn some more), but I might be able to make it so the character can move around during these battles, so maybe I could use BOTH ideas there! =D Elation wrote: The gems are hidden within the player's own soul. They need to go on a journey of spiritual enlightenment (i.e., get to level 50 ¬_¬) to unlock the secrets of their soul and collect the gem. Thank you for giving me the best laugh I've had all weekend <3 I don't think anyone would be happy with me if I did that XD; Dead_Demon wrote: Light Crystal - You gotta open a portal that leads to the Moon. oull be warped inside of an old castle, and you have to fight a Lunar Dragon to get the stone. Why the moon? The moon strikes me as a more dark place to be honest...as well as impossible due to this being *before* space travel, so they don't even have space suits! But then, most the game defies reality. Dark - You have to mix some items together, to create a sort of 'Alternate Dimension Cube' thingy, that , when used, takes you to the 'Dark' version of the Moon. You have to fight a...guess...Dark Lunar Dragon to get the precious stone. I like the idea of a mirror realm, maybe while I'm at it I can mess around with the characters head and make them the opposite of what they are (theres 2 humans, a Demon and an Angel you can play as) or make them what they hate or something. I <3 mindgames >=) Earth - A forest protected by Earth Spirits and Dark Elves? You must fight an ancient tree spirit to get the stone. A bit predictable, but meh. Kinda why I'm here =P I like the idea of having to fight a spirit for the gem. Water - Uhm...You go under the ocean into a cave, and fight a Leviathin? Again with the laws of reality defying! =D I like the idea of the Leviathan (*thinks FF* >_>) Fire - You go to hell and fight some demons. Yah. Maybe you can face my brothers RP character, who's little slogan is "when hell freezes over i'll destroy this place you call earth" (yea, he'll be waiting a while..) and you, at this point, have the Ice Gem. His lil slogan could become reality if you lose! =o DarkCampainger wrote: If you want to do something completely unexpected, you could put the gems in their anti-environments. Maybe something about only being able to contain their power when weakened? Fire frozen within a glacier, Wind trapped under water, light hidden in the shadows (Theives guild perhaps?) I think I just might do that =D Thanks everyone ^_^ |
Well depending on there use in the game, like you coul dhave the gems be a metaphor..like there not really crystals but rather like certain ironical items. Such as the gem of light is a flashlight..and if the gameis in medivevil times like realm then nobody would have ever seen a flashlight so they all think its a magical thing that continuesly gives light. i dont know...just what i was thinking.
That's a little like Ultimate Domain - a turn-based strategy game from windows 95 with really annoying music. You have to find the 9 jems of <random RPG-sounding name> to win.
You could have it so that the owner of just one jewel is slowly transformed by its power into a mindless avatar of that element. (The original owners would be the bosses guarding each jewel, pure incarnations of elemental energy) A little transformation would be beneficial, but after that you slowly loose control. To counteract the transformation, simply find the opposite elemental jewel and the opposite energies will cancel. (Don't know how the lose control thing could be programmed). Your character returns to the place you discovered the jewel that transformed you if you completely lose control, and unless your soul does some trange thing in the netherworld, your character is deleted. If you succeed in the nether realm, you lose all power jewels you have and all transformations and are returned to the world. Sound good?? --Vito |
This is one awesome idea! I'm working on turn-based (once i learn some more), but I might be able to make it so the character can move around during these battles, so maybe I could use BOTH ideas there! =D You're welcome. If you need any other ideas, jus gimme a holler. Got about 10 million that I don't think I'll ever get to doing. =( |
What's the game gonna be called? I've taken an intrest to it and I wanna see how it comes out when it's finished.
Light - At the top of a faraway tower.
Dark - Hidden underground in a secret chamber that you have to unlock by traveling around the world and activating six other something-or-anothers. Fire - In an ancient castle, beneath which lies rivers of lava. Ice - Publicly displayed in the most populace place in the game, and well guarded. Water - In the desert, at the bottom of a lake in an oasis. Lightning - Owned by some guy who owns a smithy in the boonies. Its his favorite treasure. |
Wow more to reply to =o
RedlineM203 wrote: The best way to hide something is don't have it at all. :P Thats boring though! =D Pyro2013 wrote: Well depending on there use in the game, like you coul dhave the gems be a metaphor..like there not really crystals but rather like certain ironical items. Such as the gem of light is a flashlight..and if the gameis in medivevil times like realm then nobody would have ever seen a flashlight so they all think its a magical thing that continuesly gives light. i dont know...just what i was thinking. That could be a little confusing, but I might be able to do something with it =D (like "thanks for saving us. we give you this thing thats really cool! *you recieve a laptop*) Elation wrote: That's pretty cool. Time travel. ALL HAIL THE MAGICAL WAND THAT CHANGES THE TV CHANNEL I was about to drink some coke when i read this. i had to change my shirt. you made me choke =( Vito Stolidus wrote: That's a little like Ultimate Domain - a turn-based strategy game from windows 95 with really annoying music. You have to find the 9 jems of <random RPG-sounding name> to win. A lil confusing and I'm not even the one having to play it =P Mechanios wrote: This is one awesome idea! I'm working on turn-based (once i learn some more), but I might be able to make it so the character can move around during these battles, so maybe I could use BOTH ideas there! =D Hehe doesn't it suck? KirbyRules wrote: What's the game gonna be called? I've taken an intrest to it and I wanna see how it comes out when it's finished. Not decided yet =P Foomer wrote: Light - At the top of a faraway tower.boonies? lol okay ^_^;; I like the idea of sending people off on a treck all around the world JUST for one gem >=D |
Ice... could be in someone's drink? Just kidding. You might be able to do some cool underground ice caverns. Also, if you do an ice area, you gotta have an ice sliding puzzle, it's tradition ;)
If you want to do something completely unexpected, you could put the gems in their anti-environments. Maybe something about only being able to contain their power when weakened? Fire frozen within a glacier, Wind trapped under water, light hidden in the shadows (Theives guild perhaps?)
Just a suggestion.