icon = 'mob.dmi'
usr << "Welcome To My Server!"

icon = 'start.dmi'
usr.icon = 'mob.dmi'
world << "[usr] has logged in!"

obj/Quit//the quit obj
icon = 'quit.dmi'
icon_state = "q"
del usr

icon = 'black.dmi'

OK, it keeps giving me errors.. saying that it cant find the files mob.dmi, i have them in my made in a file called mob.dmi just like i should.
And i have a picture in that file too.. can anyone help??

Should just be mob/icon='mob.dmi' or src.icon='mob.dmi' (That's for in Login() ).

Also, please don't use 'usr' in procs except Click/DBlClick and a few others.
In response to Mysame
omg ty so much it worked xD
I don't think you should start with a login like that. But as for rthe Login error's go to new and make an icon file called mobs or whatever. That should get rid of the error and do the same for every file that the game cannot find. But I do think you should have an easy Login just to work. You can make it like this.

src.loc = locate(1,1,1)
world << "<B>[src] has logged in."
world << "<B>[src] has logged out."
del src

In response to Bamrulez
Bamrulez, you shouldn't start a login like YOURS n'either.
Don't give examples unless you're fairly certain they're bug and abuse free. :|

1. You still have a compile error. o.O
2. usr abuse? zomg!
3. Close html tags.. Really.
4. Parent proc, ever heard of it?
In response to Mysame
Well I don't know because it work's just fine in my test game.
What's wrong with the code? All it does is make you loggin as what icon it says and logs out. I tested it like 2 times and it work's fine.
In response to Bamrulez
'Course it may work, but, though some say the parent proc doesn't do a lot, it's still very important. >.>. It could bug up your whole player.
Also, 'usr' CAN be safe in Login(), I still wouldn't recommend it. Use 'src', really.
And not closing html gets to be a bad habit when coding at higher levels.