In response to Crispy
Beause we need that money circulating in the USA and I don't give two damns about their family.
In response to Shades
Shades wrote:
Beause we need that money circulating in the USA

Isn't it your responsibility, as the world's largest and richest superpower, to help the people of the entire world and not just yourselves?

(Don't answer that question, because I just know you're going to be contrary and say no. =P)

and I don't give two damns about their family.

Oh, I see. Their family deserves to be poor because they live in Mexico! Makes perfect sense. Silly me. I don't know why I didn't see that before.
In response to Shades
Shades wrote:
Beause we need that money circulating in the USA and I don't give two damns about their family.

many legal immigrants in the US make money and send it out of the country. and some of these legal immigrants have real jobs, making $60,000+ annually, so they have a lot more money to send out of the country than the illegal immigrants do. if that's such a horrible thing then you should have been complaining about that right along instead of illegal immigrants.
In response to Crispy
The USA has been "responsible" for the rest of the world for too long. They need to forget everyone else and worry about ourselfs for awhile.
In response to Shades
Yes, the USA has been very responsible for other countires and peoples. Just look at the SOA/WHINSEC. And how about regular people. Just look at the $100 green laptop which is intended to be sold to developing countries. Poor countries need doctors and medicine more than laptops.

Sure, the USA helps, but it also doesn't a lot of times. Just because you have some racial prejudice against immigrants (which aren't all Mexican, so you can all stop saying Mexican) doesn't mean that your opinion is any more correct than the immigrants.

And why is this such a big deal lately? Hasn't immigration been a problem for a while? Why choose now to make a huge deal out of it?
TO clear everything up...they are protesting because of ignorance.

The news makes it out to say "BUsh wants to send the illegal immigrants back to Mexico" which isn't true.

PART 1 - Build 30 foot high bard wire fence around the border.

PART 2 - Give Amnesty to all illegal immigrants.(Basicly if you want to live hear and work here, you just have to pay taxes).

So..I don't see the point in "protests".
In response to Crispy
I care about the poor people in other countries, but it doesn't make much sense to me why the US (and a few other countries) develop well through hard work, yet some countries just sit their lazy arse down and don't do a damn thing to truely improve their country.

Shortage of food? Yes, I could see that as crippling an economy, but as long as they have a decent supply of food and they aren't being tyranized by other countries, why can't they improve their economy through some hard work?
In response to digitalmouse
digitalmouse wrote:
about the only time when you (or more likely your parents) actually, directly, pay for education is when you wish to continue beyond high-school,...

That is not true at all, we had to pay for lots of things in school. I had to pay at least $40 a semester in stupid fees because the school could not afford to buy paper. To some of you, $80 a year doesn't seem bad, but to my family, that was a lot. If somebody was poor enough, they could get out of paying it, but the line was drawn too low, and about the only families that could get out of paying for it where illegal immigrants. Then there are uniform schools, which require, but don't pay for uniforms.

My point is that it is not free, nor is it all that good. I suppose it is free when you compare it to some of the paid education places, but those actually give an education. I felt like everything after 5th grade was nothing but constant review of the last year, which was also a review of the last year. I did not get an education; I could have learned everything that I was taught in school from a book in a few weeks.

I will admit that I did learn some things from some of the specialize courses. Drafting taught me a lot about using the AutoCAD program, and a little about engineering design and architecture, but I feel the internet could taught me as much, and possibly faster.

To put it simply, our schools suck, but I suppose it is a case of "You get what you paid for".
In response to Soccerguy13
The laptops follow the "Give a man a fish, feed him for a day, teach a man to fish, feed him for life" idea. The point is to educate the masses, allowing them to take better care of themselves, and remove a large portion of the need for doctors and whatnot, and also allow more of their population to become things like doctors.

Some people might have racial prejudice, but I have valid reasons for disliking the current illegal immigration situation. I know how hard it is to find a low-end job these days. Working in construction, at one time, paid very well, now it hardly pays at all. Why? Because they hire illegal immigrants at below legal wages and squeeze it on the books just right. The same goes with many jobs. Who are you (not literally you, but many people) to say what jobs I do and don't want to do?

They do pay sales tax, but they don't pay income tax, which is a very large portion of taxes. I know I pay anywhere from 25-30% of my income to taxes, then another 7% when I use the money. Illegal immigrants only pay the 7%, does that seem fair? This country was founded on immigration, and I have no problems with it, as long as it is done legally. We have a immigration quota for a reason[period]
In response to digitalmouse
Well, to a small degree, us Americans do, but it is just a small portion of our taxes that go to them. When they go to a hospital, they do get treated(not saying they shouldn't), but I highly doubt most of them pay the bill (There is no incentive to, what with no credit to ruin, or any formal address to be billed).

If their house burns down, the fire-trucks we pay for put the fire out. You get the idea, but I don't really dwell on that fact, because there are many more important reasons to disagree with allowing illegal immigrants into our country. All I want is to stop them from coming in, not kick them all out.
In response to OneFishDown
See [link]

Illegal means you broke the law. If I were to go to Gguatemala, then go north into Mexico, I'd be arrested and sent back to Guatemala - the Mexican army is camped on that border keeping people from walking in... Which is a huge "do as I say, not as I do" hipocracy from Vicente Fox - he is "ordering" America not to defend its own borders.

I say we do this the Mexican way... with troops.

In response to Crispy
Oh, come on. I'm not believing this without some documented evidence. How exactly are they getting free education which US citizens can't? Is there perhaps a special program set up to educate illegal immigrants?!

  • Many states give extra scholarships to illegal immigrants.
  • Also, think of it ths way: Public school is expensive. Since illegal tresspassers on our land don't pay taxes in any significant form, they are getting the advantages of the public schools without having to pay the taxes that the rest of us pay to support those same school.
  • Free education.

    "Sorry, your papers are all in order, I'm afraid I'm not allowed to educate you."
  • it's more like: "Your papers don't seem to match up, sir. Would you like to participate in our Migrant Workers Education Scholarship?".

In response to OneFishDown
That's okay - they can do what they wish with their money - they earned it. What, though, do we do about those illegal tresspassers who are on wellfare and are sending some of that back?

On another note, what about all those tens of billions the government sends to Africa as charity? I'm not saying that should stop, but for the sake of argument, isn't that even more than legal and illegal immigrants sending money to their families combined? What about the amount of money that we send to the UN that ends up lining the pockets of people like Fidel Castro and Saddam Hussein? Legal immigration is a drop in the bucket for us.

However, illegal immigration surpasses all of Mexico's industries by far as a source of revenue - it beats out oil and even tourism. Mexico is leeching from us. While the majority of a Mexico's economy may be comparably small, but they are still profiting handsomely from something that is disadvantageous to America. I can't see the difference between that and covert war.

In response to Shades
If we pulled our money from the UN and Africa, at least nine economies (by my count) would collapse - and ours would get a boost, I predict. We won't, though.

In response to Soccerguy13
Just because you have some racial prejudice against immigrants

I believe all of us who see a problem have been called racist! Race has nothing to do with this. I oppose Canadians doing the same thing... Incedentally, they do do the same thing, only in fewer numbers.

In response to digitalmouse
If they don't pay those taxes that are assigned to schools (as much of the income tax and property taxes in America are) they still get to send their children to those schools. If that's not "free", what is? Americans not only have to pay for their own kids' education, they have to pay for the kids of those who broke our laws and by all rights shouldn't be here in the first place.

In response to Scoobert
No, what we get is actually inversely proportional to the money paid in... The more school levvies go up, the more the quality of the education goes down.

In response to digitalmouse
digitalmouse misrepresented:
so you actually pay more taxes than normal? that's odd- i have not heard taxes have gone up to compensate for illegal immigrants - heck, i don't think taxes have gone up in a long time. so i doubt you are paying for them too. usually when the government raises taxes it's to cover their butts from military spending, or debts they owe (or money they've lent out to other countries).

The money I pay in taxes goes to helping the government subsidize, provide scholarships for, educate, and otherwise prop up Illegal tresspassers on soverign land. How am I not paying for them? They also cause hospitals to charge more - they go in, get treated, and don't pay - so the hospitals have to raise costs to stay afloat.

In response to Vito Stolidus
maddox said it well when he wrote: "Oops! You're racist."

"they have to pay for the kids of those who broke our laws ..."

How exactly did the kids break our laws?
In response to Crispy
Crispy wrote:
Oh, I see. Their family deserves to be poor because they live in Mexico! Makes perfect sense. Silly me. I don't know why I didn't see that before.

Shove that bull where I can't see it, Crispy. It isn't nice that they have piss-poor families, but that doesn't make it ANY more right for them to to take advantage of America, at expense to Americans. People who come here, make money tax-free, spend frugally, and wire their income out of the country are robbing the coffers of every business owner and worker, and the cumulative cost is to the tune of billions of dollars. That makes illegal immigrants cogs in an evil wheel of injustice that grinds at America and its legal inhabitants. It isn't a nice world; illegal immigrants are criminals and they are intruders.

I hear people say we should just deport them all or something. We can't. They've become such an important part of our economy that it would be disasterous if we were suddenly rid of them. The only way to solve the problem is to allow more legal routes for immigrants, including ones that are already here illegally. If they were allowed legally into the country by good means, it would bankrupt the "coyotes" that smuggle people here illegally, allow the US to control illegal drug trade more easily, and improves border security.

The solution isn't easy, but it isn't a mystery either: legalize the illegals, get them into the legitimate mainstream as quickly and painlessly as possible, and then give more legal, controlled, monitored roots for new immigrants from other countries.
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