I'm working on a game right now, but the problem is, when I try to host, noone can join. For example; I tried to multi-key and log in and it did not work. When I had my friend try to log on, he could not. Same thing with a few other people. I's not firewall or anything, because on other games I can host and other people can join... Any ideas? (I mean hosting in the unpublished section...)
Well, you might think you don't have a firewall or anything, but you get it. The same thing happened to me, before I could host game just fine, and now I can't. It's that or that you have a router that blocks people from connecting to your computer. I would find someone good to host your game or make it that people can download and play the game and host it themselves if they want.
Oh and I just realized, while I was typing, that you may have a code missing. Do you have...

hub = "yourkeyhere.gamenamehere-gotothegamehuband typethatnameinthisiscasesensitive"
view = 6 //how big the screen is
tick_lag = 2
loop_checks = 0


If you don't you can't host the game. That is all the help I can give you.

Hope it helps

If you are using a router, try here to disable your router so other BYONDers can play your game.
In response to Derekjeterisgod
Derekjeterisgod wrote:
If you are using a router, try here to disable your router so other BYONDers can play your game.

Uhh if he disables his router he will not beable to access anything on the internet at all... you need to open a port which you will use for hosting eg 9909 you must always host on that number because it has been opened in the router
In response to A.T.H.K
A.T.H.K wrote:
Derekjeterisgod wrote:
If you are using a router, try here to disable your router so other BYONDers can play your game.

Uhh if he disables his router he will not beable to access anything on the internet at all... you need to open a port which you will use for hosting eg 9909 you must always host on that number because it has been opened in the router

/sigh. Read the page before assuming you know what he meant by "disable." The page goes directly to
In response to Audeuro
I knew that the link went to port forward he just used the wrong words and some people just don't know and listen to it come on DISABLE your router if you had no idea what you were doing you would of turned it off by now.
In response to A.T.H.K
Ermm yeah... Also, it (as in "my game") does not apear in the "unpublished section"
In response to Bamrulez
Is there anyway to make it downloadable without making it published? Also, can anyone name me a good site that will let me put my game files on it?
In response to Speedro
In response to Speedro
Speedro wrote:

Yes hello

you know theres not someone on the forum 24/7 to answer questions just be patient.
In response to Speedro
Speedro wrote:
Is there anyway to make it downloadable without making it published? Also, can anyone name me a good site that will let me put my game files on it?

hub = "yourkeyhere.gamenamehere-gotothegamehuband typethatnameinthisiscasesensitive"

The reason why your game doesn't appear on the hubentry is because you failed to enter the credentials correctly. *points to the above code*

Not to mention you will need to first CREATE A HUB for your game under Publish Games, give it a path name (Eg: Speedro.MyGame). After you're done, go back to the code above and key in...

hub = "Speedro.MyGame"

Next, regarding the matter on where you can upload it (argh, here we go again), simply go to dream maker...

1)Open up the game
2)Package files
3)Make world host files so other players can host (or whatever)
4)Wait till it's done, you would have obtained a new zip file! (Zelda's dadadada sound effect)
5)Upload it somewhere, like geocities, angelfire, freewebs, briefcase, anywhere as long as people can download from.

In response to Bamrulez
Bamrulez wrote:
If you don't you can't host the game. That is all the help I can give you.
No, no, no. He can always host the game, no matter what. This must be something on his end blocking the players, unless all of his friends are running super-restrictive firewalls.

Hitting two birds with one stone, I will inform both of you that what you're talking about is a method to get the game on the Unpublished Games channel. Alright, alright; it can go on the published games channel, but that's only after intensive reviewing which has been discontinued for an unknown amount of time.

As for downloading of games so others can host them: this can be archived by editing the "Download URL" whilst editing your hub entry. Due to bandwidth and maintaince costs, the BYOND storage method has been discontinued. If you are a BYOND Member you can upload the game to your members site and link it from there. Otherwise, you will be stuck to using a service like Freewebs to host your game files. You can set "Download URL" to the full URL where to download your game.
Let's say you get a Freewebs site with the name "speedro". You upload "" to it. The download URL should then be set to "".

Well, I hope I've helped.