I can't tell if that was sarcasm... I assure you. Socailism/Communism will not help anyone's situation.
Wuld you like to live in Cuba? Who would? How about North Korea? No takers? Didn't think so.
That's like saying "Capitalism doesn't work because Mexico is poor".
sure they can, but they won't because they are either lazy, or pursuing higher education to get better paying jobs. therefore immigrants fill the other positions nicely.
America *needs* immigrants, illegal or otherwise. the country would mostly collapse without the cheap labor they provide.
think of it as payback for what the 'white-man' (ie, Spain, France, Britain) did to them long ago. to qoute Robin WIlliams, 'you take away our land? we give you monkey for your back'.
i hear the Native Americans are doing well in casinos now. and Mexican brothels are more popular than ever. :D