In response to Alathon
Alathon wrote:
Shades wrote:
Even if the Industry loses a Billion dollars a year, thats a very tiny chink in a much larger, grander, solid gold suit of armor they have.

If I steal $1000 from a bank, thats a very tiny chink in a much larger, grander, solid gold suit of armor the bank has.

Great logic.

But your comparing something that exists to something that is mearly a copy. When you pirate a game you do steal the game but you dont physically steal the game, rather you copy the game. When you steal from a bank you are taking money from a whole. When you copy a game you are stealing something that you probably never would have bought
In response to Critical
Critical wrote:
But your comparing something that exists to something that is mearly a copy. When you pirate a game you do steal the game but you dont physically steal the game, rather you copy the game. When you steal from a bank you are taking money from a whole. When you copy a game you are stealing something that you probably never would have bought

That doesn't apply. What you buy when you buy a game isn't the copy of the game in its entirity, you buy the right to USE that copy of the game. When you pirate a game, you are illegally obtaining the game and playing it despite not having bought the right to do so.

Whether its something you hold in your hand or not doesn't matter, its money no matter what.
In response to Shades
People like me? I never said I didn't have any illegal copies of software and such, but it's pirating. Exactly the word I am looking for. It's illegal, and has been illegal for ages.
In response to Critical
You would have never bought it because you would have stolen it instead.
In response to CaptFalcon33035
Not true, a lot of times pirated versions of DVDs and video games usually lack something, extra content, music or sounds. I don't care what. Piracy isn't exactly the most effecient.

When I find a movie or a game that I enjoy greatly I buy it. Take for example the New Super Mario Bros. It was leaked like two weeks ago, and I downloaded it and played it. I loved it. When I was at EB Games yesterday I purchased it.

Why? Because I enjoyed the game, and I love supporting the companys that make me happy.
In response to Shades
$50 gone one day could mean the fall of a company the next. It affects the economy big time.

Sure, most companies aren't as unstable as to fall with the loss of $50, but when one person pirates, you set a bad example for a lot of people, and advertising it is just making it worse.

This can cause the sort of unstability that will rid our economy of a company that produces games that everyone loves, and even those who don't make games that everyone loves, or even make games at all. Tons of companies rely on each other.
In response to CaptFalcon33035
Most people will buy games to begin with. And secondly, if your company is going to fall because one person didn't buy your game, than you probably didn't make good games to begin with.
In response to CaptFalcon33035
nintendo inovative?

since psx came out nintendo has been 2 steps behind all other consoles and now with the psp there handhelds are aswell

there not inovative they just make them as cheap as possiable and market the crap out of it to young kids who bug there paerents for 1

ya the wii will have motion sensor whoop dee doo itll be another virtual boy flop all over again mark my words i mean how far can a gimic get u
In response to CaptFalcon33035
CaptFalcon33035 wrote:

I love Sony and their products. I will be buying it. And their hardware isn't crap. It's teh excellent.

The only game that got my attention on the Ps3 was that Heavenly Sword game.
In response to Y2kEric
I really doubt that they copied their buttons from Nintendo. Now, if they had circle, sqare, triangle, and X, I'd say they were copying. But A,B,X, and Y are just simple letters to signal what buttons were what. What were they supposed to use? Alpha, beta, gamma, and pi? Using English letters is just must simpler.
In response to Insomniak 420
Insomniak 420 wrote:
nintendo inovative?

since psx came out nintendo has been 2 steps behind all other consoles and now with the psp there handhelds are aswell

there not inovative they just make them as cheap as possiable and market the crap out of it to young kids who bug there paerents for 1

ya the wii will have motion sensor whoop dee doo itll be another virtual boy flop all over again mark my words i mean how far can a gimic get u

If you dont call a touch screen innovative or a montion sensor based controller than knows pretty much exactly where your moving it innovative your an idiot. They make it cheap because it means that people like you who dont get hand outs from their rich parents can buy a console without having to spend their life savings.

PSP is heavily overrated, from what i've heard the games are pretty boring and most people just use it as a media center, also UMD's never kicked off because who wants to pay for a movie that you can only watch on a PSP, seems a bit silly if you ask me. If PSP is doing so well why is the GBA SP and NDS Lite beating them by sales hands down in japan

DS Lite - 161,010 (1,383,391 total)
PSP - 37,946 (720,552 total)
PS2 - 32,030 (591,846 total)
DS Phat - 24,428 (842,947 total)
GBA SP - 7,144 (127,727 total)
Gameboy Micro - 3,830 (89,331total)
In response to Critical
Critical wrote:
If you dont call a touch screen innovative or a montion sensor based controller than knows pretty much exactly where your moving it innovative your an idiot.

I guess I'm an idiot; Or maybe I'm just skeptical that something like this will add ANYTHING at all to my gaming experience. What am I supposed to use a motion based sensor for, until a game comes along that manages to incorporate this in a solid manner ? You do know that the SNES (I think it was) had a motion-sensor glove, right ? Revolutionizing, no doubt.

They make it cheap because it means that people like you who dont get hand outs from their rich parents can buy a console without having to spend their life savings.

Ah, I see. So they're sympathetic to the poor; Riiiight, because we all know that big corporations give a rats about doing whats right. And they don't make consoles to get money.

Riiight. Take a look at target audiences for Sony and Nintendo sometime, and the general wealth of the target audience. I can pretty much guarantee without having to second-guess at all that the price of an incredibly major console has everything to do with business and sales and absolutely nothing to do with improving the life of those poor buggers who don't get handouts from their parents.

PSP is heavily overrated, from what i've heard the games are pretty boring and most people just use it as a media center, also UMD's never kicked off because who wants to pay for a movie that you can only watch on a PSP, seems a bit silly if you ask me.

So you haven't tried the system, you've got hearsay that the games, which you haven't tried, are boring; And then you state that most people use it as a media center.


If PSP is doing so well why is the GBA SP and NDS Lite beating them by sales hands down in japan

DS Lite - 161,010 (1,383,391 total)
PSP - 37,946 (720,552 total)
PS2 - 32,030 (591,846 total)
DS Phat - 24,428 (842,947 total)
GBA SP - 7,144 (127,727 total)
Gameboy Micro - 3,830 (89,331total)

According to that, PSP has made 720,552 sales and GBA SP has made 127,727. How, exactly, is that beating them in sales ? PS2 is right below with 591,846 sales. Unless I'm reading that wrong??
In response to Insomniak 420
Insomniak 420 wrote:
nintendo inovative?

since psx came out nintendo has been 2 steps behind all other consoles and now with the psp there handhelds are aswell

there not inovative they just make them as cheap as possiable and market the crap out of it to young kids who bug there paerents for 1

ya the wii will have motion sensor whoop dee doo itll be another virtual boy flop all over again mark my words i mean how far can a gimic get u

Nintendo has been proving themselves over every single year I have bought anything from them. Each year they release new and intrusting hardware and games to match. I haven't seen another company create a pinball-war sim game and let me tell you, the game is fantastic. And yes, I have played it. But that is just one example.

Nintendo has never done anything else then help define and advance game play. They have already stated that they believe the time and place for sheer hardware power has long since passed. Video games are more then realistic in this day and age, and with the price of hardware now adays, Id perfer not to have to drain my bank account to buy a new system.

Nintendo watches the market, they review the market and watch price trends and decide what hardware is the best to release when based on market analysis.

Have you ever noticed that almost every single Nintendo system has never went over $300 max? That is because they release hardware when it is affordable for everyone, not just some.

Nintendo has already proven themselves with the Nintendo DS. Not only does it continue to sell better then the Sony PSP, but it has a lower price cost and has released much more games that I and other people can enjoy.

The Sony PSP was way over rated. Sony went too far and too fast with it. The hardware is expensive, the loading times can be terrible at times and the battery barely lasts 4 hours long. They could have taken the PSP and made it into a portable PS1 instead of a over-powered PS2 wanna be that costs almost as much as a brand new system and eats the battery like a fat chick with a bucket of ice creme without a date on prom night.

I took the Nintendo DS on a week long road trip with me once and I didn't have to recharge the game for well over half the week and I would played it for at least 12 hours total before I had to recharge.

The Nintendo DS has been a giant leap in video game communication. Not only can you interact with your game more closely with the touch sceen, but the speaker in the system adds even more fun.

I agree, Nintendo has been largely aimed at children in the past. But if you PAID ANY ATTENTION AT ALL to the way Nintendo has been acting lately you would see that Nintendo is starting to work towards a more mature adult based auidence. There are tons of adult games out there.

Aimed at Children? I am 21 years old and I have always owned a Nintendo system and I have always enjoyed what Nintendo has put out. Excuse me for not buying into all the hype and blood and gore.

Did you even watch the Nintendo Wii press release? It isn't a gimmick, its the next generation of video games, where you will actually have to PLAY the game instead of just sitting on the couch. Its a new level of interaction that we haven't seen yet. And in the future I am sure Nintendo will also be the first company to properly introduce virtual reality in games close to something like DotHack the anime series.

Don't get me wrong, I love Sony, and I do plan on getting a PS3. But the fact remains that with the price tag on this system it is clear that they could have waited on this kind of hardware for at least 2 or 3 mores years. I work a full time job and make $2.50 over min. wage and it is still going to be a bank buster for me.

I can barely read your words, more or less mark them. Grow the hell up and stop using useless excuses. Nintendo has been around for ages and they will continue to, because they know what they are doing and they do it well.
In response to Shades
Shades wrote:
Each year they release new and intrusting hardware and games to match. I haven't seen another company create a pinball-war sim game and let me tell you, the game is fantastic. And yes, I have played it. But that is just one example.

No one is arguing whether you like the systems they produce or not; you obviously do.

Nintendo has never done anything else then help define and advance game play.

Facts backing this up?

They have already stated that they believe the time and place for sheer hardware power has long since passed. Video games are more then realistic in this day and age, and with the price of hardware now adays, Id perfer not to have to drain my bank account to buy a new system.

And that coupled with them making continuous technological advancement makes sense how?

Nintendo watches the market, they review the market and watch price trends and decide what hardware is the best to release when based on market analysis.

...And other companies don't ? Let me answer that: Every company that intends to stay on the market watches it carefully and has analysts specifically hired for that purpose alone.

Have you ever noticed that almost every single Nintendo system has never went over $300 max? That is because they release hardware when it is affordable for everyone, not just some.

Facts backing this up, as opposed to their release price being based off the fact that their primary target audience are young children ?

Nintendo has already proven themselves with the Nintendo DS. Not only does it continue to sell better then the Sony PSP, but it has a lower price cost and has released much more games that I and other people can enjoy.

Facts backing this up ?

The Sony PSP was way over rated. Sony went too far and too fast with it. The hardware is expensive, the loading times can be terrible at times and the battery barely lasts 4 hours long. They could have taken the PSP and made it into a portable PS1 instead of a over-powered PS2 wanna be that costs almost as much as a brand new system and eats the battery like a fat chick with a bucket of ice creme without a date on prom night.

Funny. I've had a PSP and the battery lasted far longer than 4 hours. Guess I must be lucky.

The Nintendo DS has been a giant leap in video game communication. Not only can you interact with your game more closely with the touch sceen, but the speaker in the system adds even more fun.

How is that a giant leap ? You've been able to do that for ages, albeit not in a portable medium. The technology has existed for a long time, it just hasn't been cost-effective, to my knowledge.

I agree, Nintendo has been largely aimed at children in the past. But if you PAID ANY ATTENTION AT ALL to the way Nintendo has been acting lately you would see that Nintendo is starting to work towards a more mature adult based auidence. There are tons of adult games out there.


Aimed at Children? I am 21 years old and I have always owned a Nintendo system and I have always enjoyed what Nintendo has put out. Excuse me for not buying into all the hype and blood and gore.

Being aimed at children definately doesn't restrict it to children. Their main target audience IS children, and taking a quick glance at the games released for Ninteno consoles should provide more than ample proof of that.

Did you even watch the Nintendo Wii press release? It isn't a gimmick, its the next generation of video games, where you will actually have to PLAY the game instead of just sitting on the couch. Its a new level of interaction that we haven't seen yet. And in the future I am sure Nintendo will also be the first company to properly introduce virtual reality in games close to something like DotHack the anime series.

I thought you just said they were already content with the level of realism game systems provide ? So based on the released information provided by Nintendo, why exactly will I have to be jumping around to play a game ? Much less, why would I *want* to be jumping around like a madman to dodge in Zelda, f.ex?

Don't get me wrong, I love Sony, and I do plan on getting a PS3. But the fact remains that with the price tag on this system it is clear that they could have waited on this kind of hardware for at least 2 or 3 mores years. I work a full time job and make $2.50 over min. wage and it is still going to be a bank buster for me.

I agree the price is steep. I don't think I stated otherwise (that I recall)

I can barely read your words, more or less mark them. Grow the hell up and stop using useless excuses. Nintendo has been around for ages and they will continue to, because they know what they are doing and they do it well.

I really don't think anyone preached Nintendo's doom. I'm not giving any excuses, I'm asking for fact to back up this endless praise Nintendo is getting - And every time I do, I'm met with nothing but hearsay and guestimates, whether its here or IRL. I'm patiently waiting for someone to throw actual facts at me to back up the claims made :)

[Edit: A google search returned 185 titles (Including future releases) for DS and 183 current titles for PSP. In any case, thats pretty close]
In response to Alathon
Find the facts yourself, it is more then easy enough, as you have already proven you know how to use google. All you have to do is look for sales numbers and you will see it yourself.
In response to Shades
Shades wrote:
Find the facts yourself, it is more then easy enough, as you have already proven you know how to use google. All you have to do is look for sales numbers and you will see it yourself.

Sure thing.

reference: PSP vs. DS

"As of Friday October 21, 2005, the PSP had shipped 10 million units worldwide. Sony was expecting a large boost in sales by the end of the year with the creation of the PSP Giga Pack, which debuted at the start of the holiday season. By hitting 10 million units shipped in 10 months it marked the "fastest penetration speed" of any PlayStation platform.[22]. By December 31, 2005 15 million units had been shipped.[1]

According to Mercury News Research, the PSP sold 3.63M in the US in 2005[23] compared to 2.58M by the DS in the same period. It is estimated 2.6 million PSP units have been sold in Japan through to 2006 via the Media Create tracking service.[citation needed]

There you go.
In response to Shades
Is it not your job to provide proof of your claims? Not his to find it? If that is not the case, you stole my TV, I want it back or I am calling the cops.
In response to Alathon
In response to CaptFalcon33035
I wouldn't say their hardware is crap, but I have heard plenty PS2 problems from my friends such as it scratching discs, not playing games after playing alot of dvds on it and more. Although you should be able to play how many dvds you want to on yer ps2 without worry of its failure, I'd still buy a sony product.. :)
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