In response to Mecha Destroyer JD
My PS2 has never had any DVD failure problems. I used to watch DVDs day and night on that muthah. And as with any console that deal with discs, scratching a game woo much will make it unplayable. That's not the PS2's fault.

Maybe the manufacturer of the game is writing the disc at too high a speed if you're experiencing problems with a disc that has less than a noticeable mark on it.
In response to Critical
Critical wrote:
PSP is heavily overrated, from what i've heard the games are pretty boring and most people just use it as a media center, also UMD's never kicked off because who wants to pay for a movie that you can only watch on a PSP, seems a bit silly if you ask me. If PSP is doing so well why is the GBA SP and NDS Lite beating them by sales hands down in japan

UMD is for those people who want to be able to watch movies anywhere they can bring their PSP. Who cares if you can't place them in a DVD player? Doesn't seem silly at all to me. And hey, if you get bored of watching videos, you can always play your games or listen to music.

Also, for the record, the PSP is a media center. Do media centers not include games? Based on my knowledge, they do, unless we are talking about school libraries, where they ban any usage of games, but y'know, it's for the better. We need that place for research, not to wait on some guy to finish his game of Halo.
In response to Mecha Destroyer JD
There where laser problems with the first few models of PS2. It was a problem that was fixed, and it isn't that hard to fix on your own(by replacing or ajusting). And wont cost you more that $20 if you replace the laser.
In response to AlexisOnFire
Although the PS3 may have some nice games and i was indeed thinking about getting it, i believe that the £425 ($800) price tag is a bit too much. I'm even a Sony fanboy and am going to be missing out on this console to probably purchase a Wii.
In response to Game sabre
That is a euro money sign right? Are euros really worth 2x USDs? Google says "425 Euros = 543.32 U.S. dollars".
Excuse me if it is not a euro sign or whatever, I am clueless when it comes to foreign currency. >_>
In response to Artekia
Artekia wrote:
That is a euro money sign right? Are euros really worth 2x USDs? Google says "425 Euros = 543.32 U.S. dollars".
Excuse me if it is not a euro sign or whatever, I am clueless when it comes to foreign currency. >_>

Nope, that sign is the pound. Euros look like this: €

~~> Unknown Person
In response to Unknown Person
Oh. Those symbols look too much alike. =(
In response to Ebonshadow
Well, that's one reason most people buy consoles. They find it easier to pay a lot of money rather than replace older hardware in their computer.
In response to Y2kEric
man, i like both systems. sorta, i like sony wayyyyyy better. they have good stereos and everything. but yet when it comes down to it, it seems like the x-box may be better. play station games take forever to load and sony has always had a ploblem with the games freezing.
if i were to buy one of them, wich would u recomend?
In response to Popisfizzy
Most people buy consoles, because they don't want to have to deal with computers. They want to be able to pop a disk in and just start playing.
i am buying one and nothing anyone can say could possibly persuade me not to

In response to FaceOff Productions
same here
In response to FaceOff Productions
FaceOff Productions wrote:
i am buying one and nothing anyone can say could possibly persuade me not to

How about:
"If you buy a PS3, I'll cut off all your appendages- fingers, toes, nose, genetalia. Then I'll burn down your house, take all your money and spit on your face. Then I'll drug you with general anesthetic, dig a grave, put you in it, seal the grave back over and wait for you to wake up; concealed in your coffin would be a camera sending a live feed to a new ITV entitled "I'm a DBZer: Get me out of here!"."
In response to SilentShadow666
I'd reccomend the PS3 if you're looking for power. It's going to have it. It's even going to use the Blu-Ray discs (which hold a ton of memory) meaning better graphics and all.

And, I don't think it will be too bad toawrds loading games. With my experience, the time it takes to load a game is based on what the creators do with it. Look at San Andreas. The game is loaded up pretty quickly in the beggining, and never has to load again.
In response to Dark_Shadow_Ninja
That's why I like consoles. And, y'know, the keyboard interface as a controller bugs me so much. I just really find it hard to play a game at it's best.
In response to Elation

That'd definately make me change my mind.
In response to CaptFalcon33035
CaptFalcon33035 wrote:
I'd reccomend the PS3 if you're looking for power. It's going to have it. It's even going to use the Blu-Ray discs (which hold a ton of memory) meaning better graphics and all.

And, I don't think it will be too bad toawrds loading games. With my experience, the time it takes to load a game is based on what the creators do with it. Look at San Andreas. The game is loaded up pretty quickly in the beggining, and never has to load again.

Its great for power, i bet its great for power, but the cost is the main problem that most people have with it, i make $150 AUD per week and i spend half of that on food and myself as im at uni atm, saving for an $1000 AUD console is going to take me an incredibly long time.

Yes, blu-ray discs hold a ton of data, that does not mean its going to increase the graphics at all, it just means they can have more content on one disk rather than perhaps spanning it over 2 or 3 disks. The graphics are dependant on how its coded, what the gpu can handle and the graphics that have actually been made.

San andreas had a dynamic loading system, it didnt have to load in any of the versions except when you went inside which caused a slight delay. Most of the data that is needed is put into ram or virtual ram before the game starts which explains the long load time at the start and the quick loading times after its loaded

I'm still getting a Wii because of its price and the fact that i already have a DS. I also got the DS because of its price and a flashcart and its a pretty good damn investment
In response to Critical
It didn't take too long to load it even before. It took about 2 minutes, and I beleive it streams everything as you need it. Virtual RAM is way too slow to load stuff there.

And, about the Blu-Ray discs, you are exactly right. However, better graphics require more disc space, and blu-ray provides it. Countless times have PS2 games' graphics been limited to the graphics card and limited space on disk. No more!

Actually, I'm not even sure about that last part about the limited disk space, but I'm pretty sure it's true. I know the graphics card part is true. Reguardless, they will be utilizing the extra space for better graphics, no doubt.

We have payed $300 for the Playstation 2, yes? At least we did when it first came out. The PS3 is roughly 35 times better than the PS2. It uses the cell processor, a custom graphics card by nVidia, and high definition move playback. I'd say that Japan-price-converted-to-US-currency $465 is pretty cheap for that kind of functionality.

Of course, they will probably lower the price from that to $399 like they did the PS2, which costed $362 in converted US dollars from Japan currency. But as of now, we know not of what the PS3 will cost us. There is no official price. I am guessing that it will be around $499 for the extra harddrive space (who needs it anyway) and $399 for the normal system.

In response to CaptFalcon33035
It's been stated. 499 for 20 Gig and 599 for 60 gig and everything. (The 499 version is missing a couple things.) second paragraph, last sentance.
In response to Dark_Shadow_Ninja
I was wrong then. The 20GB one has not real big loss, anyway. Do you really expect to do the crazy things that the 60GB allows you to do via extra ports and such? Why on a console gaming system?

They really need to start going to back 1 version of the hardware affordable towards everyone. All that we are really losing is Wifi connection and extra hard disk space.

Also, they never said anything about this. Will there be wired controllers? I always have trouble with wireless items dealing with batteries and functionality, and actual loss of peices of equipment.

Besides, the system will be in my room, and my room is not large enough for a PS2 controller to not reach the chair which is in the middle of the room. We even has extra wire space left after that.
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