The second idea is to create doors that automatically take the player to the specified area, by doing something along these lines:
var/z_loc //I'd change this in the instance editor to go to the correct location
if(src.y == 1) M.loc = locate(src.x,world.maxy,src.z_loc)
if(src.y == world.maxy) M.loc = locate(src.x,1,src.z_loc)
if(src.x == 1) M.loc = locate(world.maxx,src.y,src.z_loc)
if(src.x == world.maxy) M.loc = locate(1,src.y,src.z_loc)
What I don't like about this method is that when the player is transported, they realized they've arrived in another map, due to the camera stopping at one edge then changing to another. I'd like the player to remain unknown to the fact that they've gone to another map.
Has anyone faced this problem before? Do anyone have any suggestions on what to do?