set category = "Help"
switch(input("What do you want more Information about?","Information")in list("Item Information","Weapon Information","Game Rules","Credits"))

if("Item Information")

if("Weapon Information")

if("Game Rules")


Problem description:

Ok i want to be able to make a brower pop up with my information it it. What is a code so that When they select a choice a small browser window will pop up and display the information? The code posted are the choices.
I happen to know that you already posted something to this effect, and that you're not willing to learn how to do what you ask -- you're just fishing for code snippets. This fish won't bite, and I hope that others will
<font size=1337 color=red>ignore the help vampire.</font>
In response to PirateHead
<font color=red size=5> I tryed to use the DM refrence but i didnt understand it when it was talking about the browser. I just need an example
In response to Dbgtsuperfreak
Your in Developers, look up a demo...
In response to Vans

browse("<b>insert HTML String</b><br><i>like this</i>",Browser options)

and there's always a proc with a returning HTML string:

return "<h2>OMGZZZZZ</h2>"

If you don't get what I am trying to convey, I pitty the players... >.>

- GhostAnime
In response to GhostAnime
i got it working now thx to everyone except piratehead.
In response to Dbgtsuperfreak
Dbgtsuperfreak wrote:
i got it working now thx to everyone except piratehead.

Your way of learning is silly reading the Dm Guide and Dm Reference with demos and libs is the easist way to get started try it out read through them 2 or more times.
In response to Dbgtsuperfreak
Dbgtsuperfreak wrote:
i got it working now thx to everyone except piratehead.

I'd like to see some people get manners. Rippers, like you, especially.

You just wait for someone to present you with some ready made example. You have no idea how to code whatsoever. You didn't even try looking at the reference, heck you can't even spell it right.

For the love of God, Bleachguy (forgot your name, sorry), don't give him ready made examples. I bet you my noodles he copy/pasted that code of yours, and is still calling it with a proc.
In response to Mysame
I Agree with you mysame this guyt is just a leecher of coding snippets.