You know what, for as long as I can think about it, I have hated Peta with my entire soul.
Peta believes animals have a right to life and a life without pain and all of that other good stuff. Goody for them.
I understand what they are saying and I understand that there are abused animals out there. But most of the Peta members take a strong stance on any thing they might consider animal cruelity. And that includes using products made from animals and eating animals.
They have such a strong stance that they believe they are right, they often times will twist up facts and give little white lies to help make their cause look better. They often ignore other people and those peoples' way of culture because thay might not agree with them and mark them off as ignorant.
Peta believes that animals are not ours to use for food, clothing or entertainment. And I can understand that to an extent for some of that.
But the fact is, in nature animals eat one another, it happens every day. And as much as Peta and YOU might not want to admit it, Humans are just another kind of animal.
What will Peta do next? Stop animals for eating one another because that is cruelity also? Perhaps they can teach a lion to eat soy?
They go on to compair eating animals to enslaving african amercians and beating house wifes.. WHAT.
They also try to justify the ALF and the millions of dollars woth of damage they have caused in their name and animal rights, even though Peta says they take a firm stance on being a non-violent group. Such a group should not assoite with another like that.
The funnyest part is in the FAQ they ask if Peta had ever been to a slaughter house or a Vivisection lab and they reply NO. What the hell?
I suggest people take a second to check out Maddox's take on this sort of stuff..
I just feel so annoyed when Peta just walks all over other people and their triditions because they think they are right and only they are the answer.
![]() Jun 11 2006, 10:46 am
![]() Jun 11 2006, 11:28 am
What made you go off on such a rant? :S
Oh, you mean stuff like this? :D I read that this stuff was marketed for young children, too.
![]() ![]() |
Sarm wrote:
Oh, you mean stuff like this? :D I read that this stuff was marketed for young children, too. Yep, had gotten a PETA kids pack in the mail a while back. Some cute stickers: ![]() Some comic books that seemed harmless at first glance, about half-way through you came to pictures of animals that look like Dr. Frankenstein got his hands on them. (On the outside they were much more tame than the ones above). |
Shades wrote:
Perhaps they can teach a lion to eat ![]() Leela: "Animals eat other animals. It's nature." Free Waterfall Junior: "No it isn't. We taught a lion to eat tofu." Lion: *cough* *pause* *cough* |
Peta will be the end of carnivourous life as we know it. If all carnivorous animals were taught to eat nonmeat things because of Peta, they'd end up killing more animals daily than are being killed currently. It's just take some time for the starvation to kick in. They'd cause a lot of pain.
I will continue to feed my dog meat as well as myself. |
*pukes up the Mexican Parrilada which contains steak, pork, sausage, spicy meat Chorizo, and several other meats, that he ate earlier.*
*pukes up the Chicken Nuggets he ate yesterday* *pukes up the Spicy Cajun Chicken Alfredo he ate at Garfields two days ago.* *pukes up the steak he ate last week.* *cuts his dogs stomach open and pulls out the left over steak* *murders all 12 of his kittens and their 2 mothers for devouring the rats which would, in turn, eat our meat if the cats didn't kill them* *murders himself because humans contain meat* bye |
CaptFalcon33035 wrote:
I will continue to feed my dog meat as well as myself. you feed yourself to your dog? |
I've actually seen a documentary that says that PETA extremists raid Health Research Facilities... and "liberate" the animals. They end up killing a lot of the animals they "liberate".
Also, wasn't something like this on Pen and Teller's BS before? |
D4RK3 54B3R wrote:
Also, wasn't something like this on Pen and Teller's BS before? Yeah, Garthor (I think) had posted a link on his blog before. |
Yeah, this is so important to the BYOND community that it definitely deserves a rant.
I mean, holy cow, how could these people stand up for something I personally don't agree with? Is that insane or what? And then they want me to listen to them? WTF? Do they think this is a free country or something? Do they honestly expect me to just ignore them when I could post some misspelled rant on some anonymous forum? I want to eat my meat and meat products in peace, without knowing anyone else's view! And how dare anyone have a fringe element! If the Christians, Muslims, white people, black people, Asians, men, women, etc. can all keep their extremists in check, why can't these darn animal lovers? And.... and... Oh wait. It's almost lunch time. I guess I don't really care. |
Have you seen the southpark ep about peta? lol its funny the peta members marry the animals and have babys...