Now first lets get something straight:
I am not against these games

Now thats over, time for the post.

I just noticed all of the Dragon Ball Z and Naruto Fan Games on beyond. There is alot of them. Not only that but in the classified fields i see adds for crew members to make more of these games all the time. Personally I think theres way to many. But this is the internet and that is not my choice. That's why I'm suggesting a solution.
1)All of the DBZ/Naruto teams get together.
2) They discuss what should be in the game (I know this would take forever, but would give a good example of the industry, and hopefully everyone could have a little something they came up with put in).
3)They all work together to code/icon/map a single game, making it as big as they want/need. Which having so many people won't take as long.
4)(could do this step in 2) each team codes what they wanted originally in the game(individual ideas).
5)Everyone gets a copy of completed code and can run their own server or edit(hopefully at this point everything wanted will have been put in).

Now I realize that not all of this is realistic in theory, but I'm sure people could get together, eventually agree and compramise and make 1-2 really great fan games each of DBZ/Naruto. Its just a suggestion. It if happened I'm sure the game(s)would turn out great and be kinda like the actual industry.
FriesOfDoom wrote:
Now I realize that not all of this is realistic

You just answered your own post. Though selective quoting helps. ;-)

Totally never going to happen. Teams get harder to manage as they get bigger, and most of the people who want to make fan games can't even manage a team of two people effectively, let alone several dozen. Especially when none of them have any form of payment to offer any of the others.
In response to Crispy
Crispy wrote:
FriesOfDoom wrote:
Now I realize that not all of this is realistic

You just answered your own post. Though selective quoting helps. ;-)

Totally never going to happen. Teams get harder to manage as they get bigger, and most of the people who want to make fan games can't even manage a team of two people effectively, let alone several dozen. Especially when none of them have any form of payment to offer any of the others.

It could happen, just not very likely(0.001%):) And yeah there would have to be some time of payment, and someone to manage it :/ It would be cool to see if it happened :D
In response to FriesOfDoom
FriesOfDoom wrote:
It would be cool to see if it happened :D

It would be cool if I had a talking pony made of cake.
In response to Mike H
If I had a talking pony made of cake, it wouldn't be talking for long. Unless it can talk in my stomach. :)
In response to Mike H
Mike H wrote:
FriesOfDoom wrote:
It would be cool to see if it happened :D

It would be cool if I had a talking pony made of cake.

I was trying to be serious. I really dont appreciate your sarcasim. But this is the internet
I am not a fan of DBZ or Naruto, so this suggestion did not come from my own intrests other than if it could happen I think it would be cook
Won't happen. People can't work together, and alot of the Rips, n00bs own them. Therefore, they steal code, icons, argue, and stuff. They are...very very hard to work with.
In response to Sniper Joe
Sniper Joe wrote:
Won't happen. People can't work together, and alot of the Rips, n00bs own them. Therefore, they steal code, icons, argue, and stuff. They are...very very hard to work with.

Agreed and they tlk lke ths nd u cnt read it properley.
In response to A.T.H.K
Ever heard of the phrase, 'Too many cooks in the kitchen spoil the broth'?
In response to Jerico2day
Worse is if none of them actually know how to make broth, and are constantly asking each other for "broth-making codes".
In response to Crispy
Best Post Ever.

Anyways, I think it was mentioned before about 30 times, but this'll never happen. 99% (give or take a few) of the DBZ Games on BYOND are rips. Therefore, they'd compile a huge game of rips, or they'd just all die for having to cooperate with other people.
In response to Audeuro
Audeuro wrote:
Best Post Ever.

or they'd just all die for having to cooperate with other people.
is that a good:D or a bad thing :(:::

Now I'm a noob(coding wise) but I would enjoy working in a team, like this if It was for a game I liked.
In response to FriesOfDoom
His sarcasm pretty much states the chances of this happening, by comparison.
In response to Popisfizzy
The only reason most of them make those games is so that they can be someone with a popular game. Also, they wouldnt team up because they all want to be in charge.
I like the idea, after that we can try to unite all the tribes in Africa.