CaptFalcon33035 wrote:

I dislike the so-called minorities in America that get scholarships or free admission to college because they are black or hispanic. They aren't even a minority anymore. Whites are in America.

So, you dislike minorities that get scholarships, maybe people like you are the reason they do? And whites definitely are not the minority is America as a whole.

It shows that their is still segregation in the world. People treat other people better or worse according to race. It will never be gone. If everyone got free admission to college in America, we'd be teh ru14r of u al!11 Maybe our literacy rate wouldn't be so bad.

White people get better jobs, and have a better chance of being chosen over an equally qualified African American, so giving minorities free scholarships seems fair to me, especially when they have to go through tons of testing to get it anyway.

But what I dislike even more is that they don't even take advantage of this idea. It saddens me.

Some people don't want to go to college, it's not for everyone, and you have to reach certain qualifications, and pass certain test to even get a minority scholarship.
In response to Digital Samurai
So, you dislike minorities that get scholarships, maybe people like you are the reason they do? And whites definitely are not the minority is America as a whole.

I think you completely missed the picture. Their skin color doesn't affect their scholarly performance; only their mind does. Granted, there could still be racism in the system, but we need to address that issue instead of creating a new one.

I very highly doubt the majority of colleges make decisions based on race (before affirmative action), and so you know why more whites get into college than other races? Because whites are the majority! White people are also more prone to graduate because generally, white people can afford it. Black and mexican areas are typically more poor. Is it their fault? I don't know, but it's still a fact.

It has nothing to do with race, it has to do with whatever race is the majority, and how much money they have. Middle-class and rich black kids can graduate and go to college just as easily as white kids.

Being black doesn't make you any better at your job, so why should it affect you getting the job?

White people get better jobs, and have a better chance of being chosen over an equally qualified African American, so giving minorities free scholarships seems fair to me, especially when they have to go through tons of testing to get it anyway.

First of all, the politically correct term "African American" is stupid and in my opinion, unintentionally racist.

And white people get better jobs? Do you really think NASA cares more about what the color of your skin is than how well you did in mathematics?

And they have to go through tons of testing? So if I go to Africa and take some tests that anyone equally qualified could do, I should get into college more easily than the Afrikans there?
In response to Jmurph
If it's any consolation, studies indicate that white males still make more than any other group with comparable experience and training. They also dominate top paid positions and positions of leadership throughout the US. Minorities continue to suffer severe economic disadvantages and suffer continuing discrimination in housing, lending, etc.

I hate statistics, though. They never give the whole story. Anyways, more often than not, there is a reason why minorities aren't doing well, but sending more minorities to higher education I don't believe is the answer. For one thing, affirmitave action really isn't a HUGE deal that it's there. It only affects a very small number of people. However, it's still a moral issue, so that's why it gets so much attention. It could also become bigger, which would be a problem.

Affirmitave action is bad because it ignores the true issues and tries to provide an uneffective workaround.

Equally qualified black people not paid as much as white people? That's racism and should be addressed instead. How is more black people in the system going to make them get paid more, unless it's so many black people that it takes up a near majority of their workforce? Affirmative action lets the real problem grow.

Not enough black people in higher education? Maybe it's because a large percentage of the already smaller group of black people are poor. Maybe we need to fix them being poor, and a few black kids getting higher education isn't going to fix the problem. The problem, I believe, is the overall poverty in their areas create a vicious cycle and the lack of good k-12 education.
In response to Kunark
Kunark wrote:
Maybe we need to fix them being poor, and a few black kids getting higher education isn't going to fix the problem. The problem, I believe, is the overall poverty in their areas create a vicious cycle and the lack of good k-12 education.

I realize that you say "and a few black kids getting higher education isn't going to fix the problem"

However, subsidizing their college education and affirmative action is exactly what we're doing to fix them from being poor.

Granted, I agree that it may be a case of poor k-12 education. But subsidizing college and a bad k-12 education are completely unrelated, (minus the fact that it's education)

How can you get into college without a good education behind you? There's a serious problem with our elementary/high schools I won't argue that fact.
In response to Digital Samurai
Digital Samurai wrote:

White people get better jobs, and have a better chance of being chosen over an equally qualified African American

Since when? I live in a town where there are just as many blacks as whites. If a black and white went into a job with the same qualifications, the black would be more likely to get the job.

Why? If they were to hire the white, the black could take them to court, cry racism, and most likely win.

Reverse racism at it's finest.
In response to Kunark
Kunark wrote:
I very highly doubt the majority of colleges make decisions based on race (before affirmative action), and so you know why more whites get into college than other races? Because whites are the majority! White people are also more prone to graduate because generally, white people can afford it. Black and mexican areas are typically more poor. Is it their fault? I don't know, but it's still a fact.

Agreed. Although I do like the idea of addressing this disparity with scholarships. The only thing is, the academic standards must be high. Why subsidize the education of someone who won't earn a good grade?

White people get better jobs, and have a better chance of being chosen over an equally qualified African American, so giving minorities free scholarships seems fair to me, especially when they have to go through tons of testing to get it anyway.

First of all, the politically correct term "African American" is stupid and in my opinion, unintentionally racist.

Hear, hear! Good gads I'm sick of hearing that expression. Indeed, it could be applied to many people of diverse skin color including white, whereas it's a broad misnomer for people whose ancestry split off from Africa many generations ago. It's kind of like calling me English American just because I had some Pilgrim stock in there.

And white people get better jobs? Do you really think NASA cares more about what the color of your skin is than how well you did in mathematics?

Apparently engineering is one of the major fields where there's a racial disparity, and it's not because of racism on the part of the workplace or academia. From what I've read, engineers can expect to work with every race or creed from around the globe, but the black community in the US is sadly missing from that melting pot. The reason for that has a lot more to do with an insular ghetto culture that derides academic achievement more than praising it, and construes any attack on said culture as racist. In other words, colleges just aren't graduating many black engineers because too few are applying to those programs to begin with.

Of course there are those who fight for the people in their community to aspire to something better, who encourage development in math and science and English. Those are the kinds of role models we need more of.

Lummox JR
In response to SSJ2GohanDBGT
SSJ2GohanDBGT wrote:
Reverse racism at it's finest.

I'd love to see the employment rate in your city for whites vs blacks. This just isn't the case, on average in the US.
In response to Jerico2day
Bad link to support your case. We were speaking of equally qualified competitors. Your link simply describes how blacks don't have jobs, and even uses increasing their literacy as a way of helping.

Either way, if I were an employer I'd most likely higher the black. It would just be an easy way to avoid trouble, and businesses avoid complications where possible.
In response to SSJ2GohanDBGT
SSJ2GohanDBGT wrote:
Why? If they were to hire the white, the black could take them to court, cry racism, and most likely win.

Reverse racism at it's finest.

I'd claim that was more to do with America's sue-happy problem than anything else.
In response to CaptFalcon33035
CaptFalcon33035 wrote:
Who's says I'm blaming anyone? I know the economy isn't bad just because of them, but they are a contributor, like it or not.

I don't get it. Since when was the American economy 'bad'?

(Off-topic, I know, but just curious.)
In response to Crispy
CaptFalcon33035 babbled without a coherent thought:
...They shouldn't get rewards for passing here illegally. They'd be exploiting our country, like it hasn't already been done enough. They should be kicked.

kids with your attitude make me completely sick - it's not enough you have to whine about such issues when you yourselves either cannot come up with a workable solution or (more likely) don't care enough to develop one because of your own mis-guided predjudice and lack of complete information, you become even more silly-sounding by not thinking of the causes for such migrations. kicking mexican workers out, when they are an integral part of the American working force now, is not the answer. but if it is, you'd better kick out 60% of the working-class population of the US too - Russians, Poles, Romanians, Italians, Jews, Germans, Irish, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, Koreans... i would suspect a large chunk of the hard-working American population is either illegal, or related to illegal immigrants at some point in their family history. i don't see any of the other cultures being pushed out yet (atleast not reported on the news).
In response to Mecha Destroyer JD

I'm not getting in to the arguement but...

All they play on MTV is rap or hip-hop. VH1 is slightly better but more or less the same.

But, that is of course because rap is extremely popular.

See you both win!
In response to Lummox JR
Thanks to Lummox and Kunark for those posts - they really get at my view on the issue.

And let's talk about "African Americans" for a second now. How many generations do they have to stick around before they're just "Americans"? Lummox isn't an English American, and I'm not a Scotch-Irish-Italian American.

I think we need a descriptor that's based on the obvious thing, the skin color, rather than the "ethnic background" that the person has. Putting them with the word "African" suggests that they still have some part of Africa in them, and if they've been here for generations that's just not true. People have disagreed with me on this, but I think that the most appropriate descriptor is "dark skinned". It doesn't make assumptions about background, it isn't (in my opinion, here's a disagreement with some) demeaning or patronizing, and it's directly descriptive of an obvious skin color difference. If you want to point out which guy is Jeff in a group of three, and Steve and Mike are white, then calling Jeff "African American" is just stupid. Calling him a "Negroe" is old-fashioned and often construed as demeaning. Calling him the "guy of color" is really trite these days. The descriptor "Darkie" is infinitely patronizing and demeaning. But "dark skinned"? To me, that sounds respectful, accurate, and few enough syllables to roll off the tongue. Perfect.
I hate affirmative action too, fellow klan member.
In response to PirateHead
PirateHead wrote:
If you want to point out which guy is Jeff in a group of three, and Steve and Mike are white, then calling Jeff "African American" is just stupid. Calling him a "Negroe" is old-fashioned and often construed as demeaning. Calling him the "guy of color" is really trite these days. The descriptor "Darkie" is infinitely patronizing and demeaning. But "dark skinned"? To me, that sounds respectful, accurate, and few enough syllables to roll off the tongue. Perfect.

I like to be called brown, or African American. Why not black? Because I'm not black, and I've yet to meet a black person. I don't see how a bunch on peachy people can tell us what we should be called.
In response to Kunark
I was merely trying to say, which I obviously did in a terrible way, is how he makes it sound like they are giving the scholarships away. When I tried to get one, I passed on income, because nobody in my house worked, but I failed for having a criminal background, and I didn't score high enough on the test.
In response to Digital Samurai
So, is dark skinned okay? People aren't really brown - tree bark is brown, turds are brown, people are sort of brown-yellow-golden-whatever. I like "dark skinned" because it is opposed to "light skinned", which is also a better descriptor than "white". Very few people are "white" -- and albinos that I know don't even like to be called "white", they like to be called "light"! What a mess.

Dude, speaking of which, here's an offtopic question: does anybody know, or know of, an albino with dark skinned parents?
In response to PirateHead
Yes, in Africa there are people who look like they have been cooked in an oven, with Albino kids that are clear as glass.

Also, I guess dark-skinned is OK, I've never actually heard anyone say that before. >.>
In response to Digital Samurai
Digital Samurai wrote:
Yes, in African there are people who look like they have been cooked in an oven, with Albino kids that are clear as glass.

Yikes, I'll bet they have a tough time, especially if they're poor and have to work in the sun. I always think of albino kids as being shut up indoors so their skin doesn't burn.

Also, I guess dark-skinned is OK, I've never actually heard anyone say that before. >.>

I've never heard it before, either. I'm the only one who I've ever heard use it, because I like it better than anything else I can come up with. My friends still think it's demeaning (for what reason I don't really understand, it "just is"), and use African-American.
In response to PirateHead
PirateHead wrote:
I've never heard it before, either. I'm the only one who I've ever heard use it, because I like it better than anything else I can come up with. My friends still think it's demeaning (for what reason I don't really understand, it "just is"), and use African-American.

Well, we are dark-skinned there's really no denying it, or saying it's demeaning it is what we are.
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