In response to Stephen001
Stephen001 wrote:
Not to mention, you'd still be like ... 2/3x faster than Java. (=P That 2/3x just came from one of my Lecturer's personal benchmark tests, not exactly a full factual figure but it'll do)

Yeah, that's not very accurate. I'd say it's more like 100x. =P Assuming that the Java graphics interface used Swing, at least... it's amazing how Sun actually managed to make a simple user interface API so incredibly slow that it takes half a second just to respond to a mouse click, even on top-of-the-line machines! What are they doing, performing a linear search on the pixels of the screen in order to find the mouse pointer?
In response to Crispy
It's Bogosearch, obviously.

Step 1 - Pick a pixel, at random.
Step 2 - Is the pointer here? If yes, go to step three. Else, go to step 1.
Step 3 - Return pixel.
In response to Jp
Ah, of course, silly me; that way our abstract PixelCollection class (the sole subclass of which is of course the TwoDimensionalPixelCollection class, which in turn is a superclass of TwoDimensionalRectangularPixelCollection) doesn't need to implement the Iterable interface. It's design genius!
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