Hey, I am a Pot user, and I got cuaght last saturday...
Well I stayed tonight with my friend monday, and we smoked about a dime. And this Saturday I might get some more.
My dad knows I have THC in my system probably. And I need to get a job soon, So if I smoke atleast one more time Saturday, How long will it take to get out of my system you think??
Im sure one more time wouldn't hurt?? XD Anyway I didn't know where else to post this so, I posted here...
![]() Aug 2 2006, 10:09 am
Look, I'll say this once for your own good: Using illegal drugs is idiotic. If you get caught by the law, there are actual consequences. If you want to get a job, the time to stop using it is now. Yes one more time would hurt. Duh!
It can take over a month, probably longer, for the traces to disappear. So do yourself a favor and consider your last hit your actual last hit. You'll save money too. Lummox JR |
Okay, you guys have no clue what you are talking about. It will take 30 days to clear your system. I have no idea why everyone is saying months.
Depending on how regular you smoke marijuana and how much you smoke each session, it could be anywhere from two weeks to a month, but that is only if you are going to be urine tested. A blood test can read back 60 to 90 days after use, and a hair test can read back over five months. If you got caught then I suggest you just stop, you'll be better off without using it. Not many people see marijuana as having many adverse effects like other drugs, but marijuana use can lead to depression. I used to smoke marijuana regularly during my freshman year of highschool and I ran into trouble, and I have to say I wish I never touched the drug, I argued with people about how it was harmless and how it should be legalized, but it wasn't until after I got caught that I kind of woke up about it. If you got caught and are still willing to smoke then that is a sign of addiction, addiction can be defined by proceeding to do something over and over again, no matter the consequences, and you probably have some consequences lined up from your parents, plus the fact that you risk not getting/keeping a job while you smoke marijuana. My suggestion is that you quit now, because the anxiety of getting past that drug test is going to be so bad that the feeling of being high isn't going to be able to cover up the feeling of not passing the test. One more time will hurt.
I recommend you read some stuff from Dr. Drew, or listen to a few of his shows. He has been doing a show called Loveline for quite a long time, and it deals more than just sexual problems, seeing as how he is an addiction specialist. There is an online version of his show running 24/7, they are all archived reruns, but at least once or twice a show there are questions about marijuana use that he addresses. |
It depends on the person, THC is storied in fat cells, if you are an active sports player then you can get clean for a test in under a month, if you don't get much physical activity, readable amounts of THC can sit in you for over a month. It also depends on how regular a person smokes. There is also the fact that different tests can read traces over different periods of time.
Using drugs gets you insta-banned from any BYOND chat program I'm an OP in, and wiz_chat == job. >:|
Getting caught shouldn't affect your point of view on the stuff. I don't get what being caught has to do with anything, except for the fact that more people now know what you do. The legal aspect is a rediculous one, as the stuff should not be illegal in the first place; supporting responsible use is way better than forcing it into the shadows where it does real harm.
As for the people who say it is harmless, they do not know what they are talking about. The stuff is harmful in multiple ways, some of them permanently. I have used it a few times, and I will be the first to tell you that it is great for the short term. It was such an amazing experience that I'm tempted to do it again, but I did some research and found out what many of the known side effects are and decided that it was not worth it. My mental and physical well being are more important than a great but temporary feeling. |
For me, getting caught lead me to look into it more than I had already, and over a long time of thinking about it my views changed, that is how getting caught has everything to do with it. If I hadn't got caught I probably wouldn't look at it the way I do now, and it doesn't really matter to me if more people know what I did, because now it is a social norm for the majority of my friends.
Using any powerful substance can seem good for the short term aspect, it doesn't mean that it is ok for use. I'm not trying to shove marijuana into the dark, but by the way this guy is talking about using it, I want to direct him away from it, because it can lead him to facing some serious consequences. I guess for me, looking back, smoking marijuana is a mistake in my mind, and I don't want other people making the same mistake. I think that if you smoke it every once in a while, and I don't mean once a week, but maybe once a month or so and do it as private as possible, or with a small group of good friends that you can trust, then its ok, but even that is stretching it. However, getting caught and then wanting to smoke it again the next weekend, is very unhealthy. |
Loduwijk wrote:
The stuff is harmful in multiple ways, some of them permanently. I think the most overlooked are the non-physical ways. This is a perfect example of a part of your life that you don't want it influencing your judgement. It's not that important a decision by itself, there will be other jobs and if you don't get this one it's not the end of the world, but if you choose getting high over this job odds are you're going to keep on doing it. I know so many stoners from High School that just haven't done anything. Even the ones who don't live with their parents still can't say they've done anything more in the last year than sit around and play video games. They just don't seem to realise their life revolves around pot. It's fun to play around with drugs, but if you're having problems choosing between smoking one weekend and a job it's probably time you took a few months off anyway. |
Kusanagi wrote:
I think that if you smoke it every once in a while, and I don't mean once a week, but maybe once a month or so and do it as private as possible, or with a small group of good friends that you can trust, then its ok, but even that is stretching it. To me that sounds like the total opposite of what you should be doing. If you do decide to continue casually smoking you should be limitting your reasons for smoking not your environment. Does it really matter if it's a small gathering of friends or a huge party? In both cases you can do it purely to get high or purely to relax and have fun. Although I think it's much more likily that I'm doing it for fun when I'm at a party then when it's just me and my friends sitting around on the couch playing Playstation. |
Well from my own experience marijuana seems to make me not focus on socializing, among other things, at a party I would just leave depressed, something that would make marijuana less than enjoyable, and have some side effects on my own self confidence. That is why I would just think that doing it with a few friends or on your own would end up better than doing it in a huge social situation. However, for other people it might work to help them socialize, I don't really know, and so it might make the situation more enjoyable. Responsible use of it really is better determined on how it affects someone, I was just relating from my own experience. In addition, if you aren't around people you can trust, you may be around someone who doesn't approve and might get you into trouble with the law.
I remember my step dad having to clear his system for a test, he just took some kind of medicine from a store..It um clears out your system or somethin within 2 days..But uh I can't fully recall it..Simplest solution is to jsut quit..Think of all the stuff you could have bought with the money you spent smokin weed!
Drink alot of water. And I mean ALOT.But, if you didn't know, the stuff also goes into your hair follicles which can follow you around for years.
Loduwijk wrote:
Getting caught shouldn't affect your point of view on the stuff. I don't get what being caught has to do with anything, except for the fact that more people now know what you do. The legal aspect is a rediculous one, as the stuff should not be illegal in the first place; supporting responsible use is way better than forcing it into the shadows where it does real harm. Considering its side effects, the fact that it's worse than cigarettes for tar, that it can't really be traced easily if you drive under the influence, I don't really buy into the argument that it simply shouldn't be illegal. There are plenty of good reasons not to legalize it. As for the people who say it is harmless, they do not know what they are talking about. The stuff is harmful in multiple ways, some of them permanently. This seems rather at odds with your first statement. Unless you're referring to limited medical use, I don't see how you can square "This will mess you up for life" with "It should be legal anyway". Lummox JR |
As previously mentioned in this thread already, THC can take up to 90 days to leave your system. That's not saying it will always take that long, but that's pretty much the maximum time. I would suggest not toking up on Saturday if your test is anywhere in the vicinity of a month or two, just to be safe.
Now if your test is quite soon, the best thing you can do is drink a lot of water. Make sure everytime you have to take a number 1, you piss. You have to really keep the fluids going through your system to clear the THC. Drug tests can't always detect THC in urine, that's why you hear of people toking up the day before a test and passing. Although I still wouldn't risk something like that, especially if you really want a job. [Edit] Oh yeah, Mecha Destroyer JD was saying something about a thing his father took to get the THC out of his system. If you are old enough, you can go to a local drug store. I don't mean like a pharmacy, but a place where you buy bongs and pipes etc. They have something called a Drug Test Kit, which somehow foils drug tests. Not sure if they have them where you are, but they are very effective. [/Edit] Just my thoughts on using marijuana: Yes, there are health risks in using it. Yes, it can cause short-term memory loss. Yes, it's illegal. The way I see it though, is the same as snowboarding. When you snowboard, you take the chance of getting seriously injured. Marijuana is the same, you smoke for a while, and you run the risk of getting lung infections/memory loss/etc. The thing is though, if you are aware of these risks and can accept them, you shouldn't stop smoking marijuana. It's no different than snowboarding. They are both exciting, relaxing, and fun. I didn't fully explain what I wanted to say, but I hope you pretty much got the message of what I was trying to say. |
Caramonmajere wrote:
Just my thoughts on using marijuana: The difference being, you're probably not going to hurt someone else while you're snowboarding. However, too many people smoke pot and then get behind the wheel, only to kill or seriously injur someone who shouldn't have been killed or injured. |