I'm not used to the DblClick proc, but how do I make it so that once an object is DblClicked, it can't be DblClicked anymore? Basically, just killing the DblClick command all-together once it's used once?
Make a var and check it to see if you have DblClicked.
In response to Zythyr
Or to make it dissapear you can have something like
[do whatever]
DragonMasterGod wrote:
I'm not used to the DblClick proc, but how do I make it so that once an object is DblClicked, it can't be DblClicked anymore? Basically, just killing the DblClick command all-together once it's used once?

var/dblclicked = 0

return 0
dblclicked = 1
return 1

Of course, that applies to ALL objects, but you get the idea.
In response to Foomer
Thanks man, yea I fixed the problem before I saw this I just didn't place the if and else statements in the right area before. Thanks guys. Problem fixed.