Sep 9 2006, 6:05 am
Just a few minutes ago i was surfing google for a website with software to create softwares and i went on one website and it kept trying to put a trojan on my comp =O so i exited the site and posted something on here anyone know any websites thatare definatly bugged
In response to Sarm
I find that the ads are what have the most trojans that I encounter embedded on them
In response to Shlaklava
no i have norton and norton said that JS-Downloader.trojan was trying to infect my comp
Upinflames wrote:
Just a few minutes ago i was surfing google for a website with software to create softwares Sounds like the storyline behind Terminator or The Matrix. |
In response to Upinflames
Upinflames wrote:
no i have norton and norton said that JS-Downloader.trojan was trying to infect my comp Since it detected it, you're fine. Run a full scan just in case though. The things you need to worry about are the things that your anti-virus doesn't catch. =) |
Here's something I find useful, and it's free. - AVG
As for the website, how did you find out that a trojan was trying to get placed on your computer? Was it some sort of pop-up, like an advertisement? It's probably a dumb question but I'm asking just to be certain.