Im #2 on the list :) YaY!!

Funny thing was, not that many people pre-ordered =/... only about 6 went, and eb opened like an hour and 30 mins ago...

I wasn't planning on pre-ordering one but, seeing not that many ppl pre-ordered, I decided to go for it..

Anywho, PS3 for me :P
That's because the PS3 is a downright ripoff right now, smart people are waiting for the price to go down, they're not generating the kind of hype the 360 did because they're not worth the price.
In response to Nadrew
Nadrew wrote:
That's because the PS3 is a downright ripoff right now, smart people are waiting for the price to go down, they're not generating the kind of hype the 360 did because they're not worth the price.

Hmm, true. I always end up getting all consoles anyway =/, so I might as well not stop now lol
In response to Xaunux
I've already got my Wii pre-ordered. It's the only one I think is worth it. PS3 may have the graphics, but everything is completely original with the Wii.
In response to Xaunux
I'm lucky to have enough money to get one console of a generation...just before the next generation comes out.
In response to Nadrew
Hmm...if thats the case, maybe I should pre-order one myself and ebay it... I am a 360 fan, so I wouldn't hold onto it. To much money and not a fan of the game selection. All the PS3 launch games are not new games. They are ports from the 360 or games just re-done for it. I'd bet money microsoft gains control of the game industry. PS3 will have "free" online play but developers are wanting to charge people for parts of the game for progression. Gran Turismo for actually beat the game fully it would cost you almost 700 dollars, more then the console itself and that is becuase of buying cars, upgrades, tracks, etc... For 50 bucks a year you CANNOT beat Xbox really is an awesome setup.

In response to Stealth 2k
Stealth 2k wrote:
...Gran Turismo for actually beat the game fully it would cost you almost 700 dollars, more then the console itself and that is becuase of buying cars, upgrades, tracks, etc...

Would you mind showing some proof? I have heard this another time(Might have been you), but I have yet to hear anything about it. I wouldn't mind if you could win cars or buy them, because I prefer to just win them the classic way, but sometimes it is fun to just cheat.

For 50 bucks a year you CANNOT beat Xbox really is an awesome setup.

My PC doesn't cost me anything a year to play online. I just beat XBox Live.
In response to Danial.Beta
Yeah, let me dig up the website explaining it.

I also am talking about console gaming. There are certain games even on the PC that you pay much more then 50 bucks a year for. The popoular WoW for example.

Here is the site Gran-Turismo-for-PS3-to-Cost-1000-009670.php

That is just a quick google search. There are other websites confirming it, but that one came up first.
In response to Danial.Beta
XBConnect works just as well and it's free, too. I've had some pretty rockin' online experiences on XBConnect. I'd probably still pay for XBox Live if I could afford it just to play with Absath online again.
In response to Nadrew
Nadrew wrote:
XBConnect works just as well and it's free, too. I've had some pretty rockin' online experiences on XBConnect. I'd probably still pay for XBox Live if I could afford it just to play with Absath online again.

Rofl! CAD FTW! You lucky bastard, got to play with Tim..
I have been working my plantation hard to raise enough dollars to buy a PS3.
In response to Stealth 2k
All the links I got where mostly rumors. They know that there will be downloadable content. They know that there will be two versions, beyond that, they know nothing. If you can find a site quoting Sony on prices and layouts, preferably with links to the exact Sony press release, than I will believe it. Until that happens, all I can see is that you are spreading FUD about ones of Sony's top titles.

Also, that is GT:HD, not GT:5. GT:HD is a demo of sorts. It is not meant to be played like the older versions, where take on the life of a racer, starting from the bottom and working your way up. This focus's on just pure racing, like an Arcade mode. This distribution model makes perfect sense to me. You charge, say, $10 for the base game, then $0.30 for cars and $1.00 for tracks. No I would want a few tracks, but there are a lot of tracks I can't stand to drive in. There are also a lot of cars that I would never touch. So I buy 10 cars, totaling $3 and my five favorite tracks, totaling $5. So it cost me $18 for everything I normally want in a GT game. Doesn't sound that bad. Like I said, it is not GT:5, it is GT:HD. And that $18 is assuming that all the news articles are right(Which half of what they are going off is rumors).
In response to Nadrew
I used X-Link for my XBox. It worked, but really was more effort than I wanted to play the few online games there where. Also, none of my friends had XBoxes, so I was only playing strangers online. It worked fine though. The only problem is that you have to have Live for some imporant parts of games. Things like mods and new levels, which normally come free on the PC, require you to have an XBox live account. I just think that XBox Live is a rip off, mostly. Most PC games are free online, why should it cost you to play XBox games online?
In response to Govan
We still talk on AIM and IRC all the time. He's a pretty cool guy. He and I go way back, to the days of the original Counter-Strike and Everquest addictions. Tim and his Everquest, the poor guy.
In response to Nadrew
PS3 Has nice graphics and a few good games...most people i talk about say graphics and don't care about game play...Would you rather play a simple racing game with real-life graphics or play a game with good game play and decent graphics.

I would go with the second choice.
In response to Nadrew
Dude. Tim is like..awesome. Well, from what I've heard anyways..:p Yeah..his Everquest addiction was pretty bad though..wasn't it?
In response to Nadrew
I beleive they are worth the price. Of course, the price will go down inevitably (or if they don't get enough sales, will they cancel the production, even regionally?) and I'll buy one then. Not many people can afford it right now including myself.
In response to Stealth 2k
Most of the launch games are new, not ported from another system. There are a lot of very good and unique launch games. I understand some of the titles are familiar (I beleive Tekken and Killzone 2 are launch games), but different games nonetheless. Even if those two games in the parenthesis aren't launch titles, at least you see what I'm saying.
Yep, too bad you're not guaranteed one on launch date...If I put $100 down, I expect to get one..But since you could camp out for this, you should be able to on launch day.
In response to Nishiatsu
Nishiatsu wrote:
PS3 Has nice graphics and a few good games...most people i talk about say graphics and don't care about game play...Would you rather play a simple racing game with real-life graphics or play a game with good game play and decent graphics.

I would go with the second choice.

Everyone should know after that Bomberman game that graphics/"mature" looks alone DO NOT make a good game. That is a huge no no..
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