RPG. DBZ has too many problems. I refuse to host my old BDZ because I'm fed up with noobs asking me for money, pl raises, gm, askin me if its a rip(thanks alot zeta '-.-) and a never-ending list of other crap..The playerbase of DBZ is overall horrible..
Elation wrote:
A hunter who chases two rabbits will catch neither. What if he makes a DBZ RPG? Then he's chasing down one big rabbit. |
Don't even bother with icons until you have the basis of the game's systems programmed. Until then, you can use placeholders.
You completely missed the nail on that one. Seika is not a genre of game. "If we had 12 games like seika around", is already something that does exist. In the commercial market, there are a lot of online games out there. For instance, WoW, Everquest II, Asheron's Call, Runescape, Ultima Online, etc. Now, why are there so many if there is only need for one? Well, setting is the difference, and gameplay style as well, among each are different.
Not all Dragonball games have been exactly the same over time. Each had their own distinct style of play, and thus were different games alltogether. Most of the people who argue with me on this point have simply not been around long enough to argue the point! None of you saw the games that were before Zeta, and none of you saw their greatness! There were many others, all of them better than Zeta, a lot of them better than just about any other BYOND game at the time. How do you think they got so popular? It wasn't just stupid playerbase, as all of you seem to think. I've argued this into the ground, I think I'm done with this one. |
I suggest an RPG with a good quest system tieing into each other to build somehwta of a story. The quest system should give you rare items upon completion, or experience and money.
I used to play Dragonball Z games a lot when I first came to BYOND. I'd spend all day doing it. You're right. Their used to be some really good ones. I never really liked Zeta, but their were some rips of it that were very unique, like Dragonball Fallouts, my favorite one. I'd do it a backflip if it came back, but that was a long time ago. A lot of people were going in there flaming it.
But then, their were also Dragonball Z games built off an entirely different game base. DBTC was one of them. I beleive Geikesen was another. There were a couple of others that I can't remember because I didn't play them much. They were all fun though. [Edit] You can't forget Kyuukei's Dragonball Z RPG, which is something I have never seen before anywhere. For those of you who don't know, I beleive it's called Grand Journey, and whenever it is hosted, it's packed. You get to be one of the many character from the activated saga and roleplay as them. Their are many modes of gameplay, but I prefer strict RP. |
Elation wrote:
Upinflames wrote: Wow that was deep, lol.. |
Do whatever you want most. Don't care much about the "dbz sucks" opinion of most people here, though.
O-matic |
You take the Seika source, edit it. How different can those 12 Seika's be? WoW, Everquest and every single commercial RPG to date has had a different back story and gameplay than the others. The same storyline and characters makes those DBZ games much, much more similar than any of those RPG's are no matter how much you change the gameplay.
In a DBZ game you could never delete these common gameplay altering elements and call it DBZ: 1. Super Saiyan 2. Power Level 3. Beams 4. Saiyans 5. Freeza's race things 6. Goku 7. Gohan 8. Vegeta 9. The DBZ setting 10. Anime style graphics There are many more. But in RPG's these elements are traded and squashed around all the time. They have different races, different systems for leveling up, a completely different universe(setting), different objects and new artistic style. Now, the gameplay in DBZ games can be changed obviously(as shown by DBTC[I think, that turnbased one]), but your always going to have the same basic premise. Do you think people would buy a standalone game of: WoW, WoW different training systems, WoW We have new 1337 armor, WoW turnbased L0l!, WoW r graphics r better,WoW now we're just pulling changes out of our ass? No, to put it frankly there is no need to have all these alterations of WoW, it's superfluous, we only need one. |
In a DBZ game you could never delete these common gameplay altering elements and call it DBZ But people enjoy it. Sure, you must add specific elements in order to classify it as a DBZ gam. But if a developer choses to make such a game, then isn't adding those things exactly what he wants? O-matic |
There may be no game at all if i cant find an iconner i posted in pixel artist society in classified ads here and on my blog anyone whos responded wants money but i cant pay cause im short so im tryibng to find a free worker
Upinflames wrote:
There may be no game at all if i cant find an iconner i posted in pixel artist society in classified ads here and on my blog anyone whos responded wants money but i cant pay cause im short so im tryibng to find a free worker Don't worry about the icons yet, heck, use stick figures and 2-colored tiles if needed! They'll just serve as placeholders, in the meanwhile, you could actually start developing the game(programming), and once you're done, then start worrying about icons and/or request an pixel artist. Likely, odds are that nobody will help you unless you show the progress you've already made. So why not make progress first? O-matic |
Upinflames wrote:
I'm making a RPG game but i was wondering what would get more players and attract more attention an RPG or DBZ i hasve a hub for the RPG but i could make a DBZ which should i choose!?!? RPG or DBZ..."OR not make a game at all!?" Vindicated, I'm selfish, I am wrong... I'm right? |
You couldn't be more wrong.
You can delete all of the main characters, you can remove Power Level, you can remove Icers, you can remove the anime style graphics, and still have it be a dragonball game. All you need is the setting, and that's IT. Everything can be based in the Dragonball Universe, and it can still be totally different. For instance, you could base the game around PvP, and make it something like what the saiyans were doing in the series, conquering and selling planets. Well, what if the races in the game were the saiyans, plus a few races they were trying to conquer? The nameks, and humans (which goes hand in hand with androids and cyborgs). Rather than beam/martial arts based combat, you have the option of what they had in the series for their shock troops, arm-cannons that shoot lasers. It doesn't have to be a game based off of Dragonball, the series, rather, it could very well be based off of the very universe of dragonball, from a different spin. And what defines anime graphics? I've seen plenty of DBZ games without anime style graphics. DBTC, and ZETA were instances of graphics that looked nothing like chibi anime graphics. And by the way, most of you that think the Dragonball universe is all about shooting lasers and killing things, haven't watched Dragonball. The original was an exploration/martial arts themed masterpeice. =P |
Ter13 wrote:
And by the way, most of you that think the Dragonball universe is all about shooting lasers and killing things, haven't watched Dragonball. Oh my God...thank you, thank you, thank you for saying that! I have been trying to say that for quite awhile now, but nobody seems to understand, so I gave up. DragonBall and DragonBall Z are not a bad show, at all. The only series that gets a little out of hand is DragonBall GT, but even that is great. |
I recommend an original RPG theme. Seika and Mystic Journey have had quite a lot of success down that path.