In response to GhostAnime
GhostAnime wrote:
I hate you. Not for the silly fangames (ironic statement neh?) but because you used the term 'coding' instead of the proper term 'programming' (see last bracket comment).

- GhostAnime

I use it in the nicest way possible ;-) Besides, it's shorter. I know, I know, why not take the time to type out a few more letters? I don't know.
In response to GhostAnime
GhostAnime wrote:
I hate you. Not for the silly fangames (ironic statement neh?) but because you used the term 'coding' instead of the proper term 'programming' (see last bracket comment).

Aww, I hate you too :)

Programming and coding are interchangable for the most part. Plenty of 'official' sources use the word coding (for example, Macromedia's documentation for the programming language ActionScript).
In response to Elation
But ActionScript is just that, a script. Coding would apply more to it because "Scripting" is seen as a lesser form of programming. Granted, this is not always true, but it is a general rule of thumb. Also, programming suggests that you are making a program. While scripting normally results in simply triggering actions in an existing program. BYOND is one of the unique cases were you are programming but also focus on triggering actions in a program. As I see it, coders script while programmers program.

I do see the shades of gray that are generated by languages like DM and python. DM is compiled into machine code, and is run through a virtual machine, as to were python is read like a human does a book. But when you get down to it, the languages are both powerful and python can actually do more than DM. So is it fair to call those who "script" in python coders and those who "program" in BYOND programmers? Ahh, don't we just love the gray.

I will stick with calling BYOND programmers programmers.
In response to Danial.Beta
Danial.Beta wrote:
But ActionScript is just that, a script.

Not relevant.

The debate about whether "programming" or "coding" is the better word to use (or, as some insist, the only "correct" one to use) is a fairly silly one since they're both valid and both used by accepted authorities.

If "programmer" does more for your ego than "coder" does (hell, it does to mine. I much prefer programmer over the alternative!) doesn't make it any better a word to use, because as I've already stated, it's used interchangably by official and unofficial sources alike.

And anyway, concerning what you said, for "program" says:
a. a systematic plan for the automatic solution of a problem by a computer.
b. the precise sequence of instructions enabling a computer to solve a problem."

Even a scripting language is a programming language. =P
In response to Elation
Like I said, gray area.

It is hard to draw borders, because so many things go right through them. I stick with programmer, and label myself as such. If someone calls me a "coder", I correct them. The way I see it, very few people would object to being called programmers, but most people would at least not like being called coders. So go with programmers, because it pleases the most people and sounds the best.
In response to DarkView
Who is "he"? Regardless, I'll still stop playing the game if the owner threatened to wipe my savefile.
In response to digitalmouse
Actually I was working on my game as I was posting this..

And i'm not crying I'm complaining that you! YOU specifically because you're a mouse should do something about it... but no seriously..

and FYI, Rips aren't what BYOND is for.. if you're using a rip you're not BUILDING your own dream.. you're using someone elses under your name and maybe adding/changing little bits..

I mean no disrespect but if hounding ever post on the forum is byond staff job why not hound all the games.. there're less of those ;)

I mean scroll down the pages of Naruto games... 90% of them actually SAY they're a rip.. like that one "It's Izou... but better" or "Yes this is a rip but give it a try".. Its easy to pick em out, however DBZ rippers have a little more in their head and don't put that on the hub info, maybe on the inside. Worst come to worst, BYOND could get some actual staff who feel like doing some work and fixing this problem and go into games and see if they're a rip.. It takes about 10 seconds depending on your connection speed. Rips are easily identified, just try it one day.. look for the original Zeta so you know what it is (if you don't) then join 5 Hosted Dragonball Z games and tell me you can't tell they're rips from the beginning.

And im not asking gun makers to be responsible for killing people, I'm asking (bare with me) Someone to be responsible for seeing someone walking around with a gun and do something about it instead of just going "ooo look at him kill other people"

Anyway, all rips are doing is DOOND (Destroying Our Own Net Dreams)..
In response to CaptFalcon33035
Goditz, the creator of the game.
In response to DarkView
I wouldn't say Creator.. I would say OWNER, he is the owner of the RIP but he isn't the creator of it, the creator is Axerob and his staff.. but yeah "he" refers to Goditz
In response to VcentG
Well, Axerob didn't create it either. He's the secondhand owner of the game he has.
In response to Nadrew
I thought him AND Buster made Nartuo strikes back?
In response to Nadrew
No, I'm pretty sure he made it. He doesn't mind for the most part, I guess. I think he was angry when it was first released, but he's having WOTS remade. It's going to be known as version 8 officially.
In response to VcentG
Buster and I think someone named Sven.
In response to DarkView
DarkView wrote:
Even though the game is a rip I'd assume the programmer knows enough to create such simple systems, so my guess is that the staff are counting on the fact that people don't feel strongly enough about who they vote for to give up all their work.

That's why noobs use rips, because they can't do it on their own ;)
In response to Nadrew
Nadrew wrote:
Well, Axerob didn't create it either. He's the secondhand owner of the game he has.

Nadrew is correct, for the most part

Story Time, Yay!

Bustercannon and his team(Lightning Inc.) Created a Naruto game named "Naruto Strikes Back", it was a hit, alot of people played it. After a while, a guy named Lord of Light came and joined as a coder, he then got the coding and quit and made a rip of his own. Then some other guy got a hold of it and come the rips of NSB. Buster gives me the source, gives me full ownership, and asks me to run the game for him. That was in December, 2005. I worked on the game a bit, and released it within a few weeks as "Naruto Strikes Back". I had explained in the hub what had happened, and Buster approved. After a while, someone named Sapo Joined the game and we made it a hit(now as big as the old NSB was, but still not bad). After about 2 weeks, Buster asked us to rename the game, so we had some suggestions. "Naruto: Way of The Ninja" "Naruto: Legendary Ninja" and so on. I didnt like these and came up with "Naruto: Way Of The Shinobi" and we stuck to the name.

After about 2 months of it being a hit, Buster comes back from his break and re-joins. I had given my password to sapo and buster to update the hub because i was gone for a while. Sapo ended up deleting the hub and was fired. I came back and things were great, over 100 players were on almost all the time. Then came Gotrax, and this is when it started. He was promoted to Co-owner by Buster, and within a week, he was on a warning. Buster didnt know that i had sent him the source(Yeah, theres my mistake x,x) and he sent it to many people. That still didnt hurt the player base.

A while after that, when the game was in version 5.5, we had over 200 players all the time, it was the most popular Naruto game on BYOND. Then, the thing that created ALL of these rips happened. Some guy(dont remember his name.) had literally hacked through MSN(yeah, no joke) and had taken my MSN address and they got the source from buster(here is his mistake.) They released it, and then thats when all the rips started. One rip was called "Naruto: Birth of the Legendary Shinobi: by IIIume. He had given proper credit, blabla. But eventually, he ended up giving the source to Goditz(At the time he was hosting it) for some reason. I had found this out when it said all of this on IIIume's hub.

Goditz makes his RIP of a RIP of WOTS(yeah, that sad) and we ignore them. At the time(and about a month before) we were using digitalBYOND, Diomedes provided it for us. He had changed his password, so WOTS was taken down. In the meantime, GhostAnime and myself(mostly him.....) Had been working on V8. My computer ended up crashing so i couldnt host WOTS, and thats when BOLTS became popular. I get back about a week later, and its rank 12. As soon as WOTS comes back up, spammers galore on WOTS. I had then talked to Goditz and we had made a peace treaty...thing. and about 5 minutes after that, i got porn posts on the WOTS fourm posting porn(>.>) and "PLAY NBOLTS". Their hub was surpressed, and all war started. We dont bother them now, but we still keep getting spammers, ones that used to play WOTS. Everyone is listening to Goditz what to do because of that gay" I check for voters once a week, if you remove your vote, i WIPE your save"(Blackmail and bribery..>.>'). The best thing to do is get V8 done, then hopefully, the players will return to us, OR if there's a pwipe there(and i hope there is XD).

That is the entire history(Most of it, all non-important factors have been cut out) of WOTS.
In response to Elation
Elation wrote:
Programming and coding are interchangable for the most part.

My view of the debate is more based around the words themselves, and the meanings that should be drawn for them. The way I see it:

Coding encapsulates all areas involving the writing of code. A very broad word.

Programming is the act of writing a program. A more focused word than coding, as coding could refer to scripting, and other acts of writing code that don't involve actually writing programs.

My point (silly me, I've left it out!) is that I believe that the two words are not entirely interchangeable, and that 'programming' should be used when referring to programming. Description is nice! 'I ran 40 meters to the right!' holds much more meaning than 'I moved 40 units horizontally!'
End Edit

In response to Govan
Why bthr typng t ll th vwls? T's shrtr, nd stll ndrstndbl.

Wll, srt f.
In response to Jp
That said, "coding" is pretty much universally acceptable as a synonym for "programming". There are nuances of meaning, but not enough to make a point about.
In response to Jp
Jp wrote:
Why bthr typng t ll th vwls? T's shrtr, nd stll ndrstndbl.

Wll, srt f.

y, y bthr t l tm i fnk tt vn m dstrndbl.

s u sd, 'srt f'. r s Elation lks s t, 'SHUT'.
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