Check out the screenshots, looks eerily close to Byond.
![]() Nov 3 2006, 10:42 am
![]() Nov 3 2006, 10:51 am
Its from late 2005...
Wow; thats creepy. But Byond looks/is better imo. :D I wonder will their community suffer the same fate with rippers? 0_0
Whoa, it's nice. BYOND has competition. I would like to see how they orientate the coding practices though. Because it better not be in java.
EGUY wrote: Haha, it looks like a clone of BYOND, for sure. Even has the on-map context menus, as well as stat panels and a text window. Good news is that it's in Java, and so too shall it fail horribly. Hiead |
Hiead wrote:
Good news is that it's in Java, and so too shall it fail horribly. It's even using Swing for its GUI, by the look of it. Egads. Are they masochistic or what? And people complain about BYOND being laggy... just be glad it's not written in Java, using Swing! |
Oddly enough I don't recognize any of the developer names as BYONDers. It might be possible they decided to make a graphical MUD engine and arrived with the same end result as BYOND (although it looks more like DUNG to me).
to be fair though: doing it in Java from the start means they have access to *all* the popular OS-users for graphical gaming, not just Windows.
Yep; it can run equally slowly on all platforms! Hurrah for progress.
Seriously though, Java's cross-platform nature is not a selling point (except perhaps on mobile phones where there are too many different architectures to keep track of). C and C++ are cross-platform already, provided you use appropriately cross-platform libraries. Sure, you need to recompile it a few times, but running a compiler is really not that hard! |
Crispy wrote:
It's even using Swing for its GUI, by the look of it. Egads. Are they masochistic or what? Don't we still use BitBlt for drawing? =P |
Yes, and this is why OpenGL is on the way. =) But the crappiness of BitBlt pales in comparison to the crappiness of Swing. There are no excuses for using this kind of crap when there are far better alternatives. It's 2006 already! Wake up and smell the coffee (and when I say coffee, I don't mean java)!
Swing amplifies all the worst traits of Java: Ugliness, slowness, verbosity, and heinously excessive feature creep. It deserves to be abandoned in the desert to die. |
Someone should report them for ripping BYOND's source code and icons and editing a bit and then putting them on a new website, claiming it is made in Java. And they don't even say it's a rip!
MUGU Project Advanced Project Web SiteProject Summary MUGU (Multi-User Graphical Universe) is a gaming system for multiplayer roleplaying worlds. As of 2006-08-06 18:58, this project is no longer under >active development. As it Says Its Basicaly Dead so Byonder's have nothing to worry about.... It look Like crap anyway Look at the way verb's are executed >.> lame :P screenshots.php?group_id=7739&ssid=12918 |
Though that it pretty cool. Write a lib that does it. Now. Anyway, it does look quite cool but it also looks like it is specifically geared toward masochistic in-depth RPG players - it has built in skill systems and attributes. It's also open source, which for full game engines means only one thing to me - to do anything more than average you have to submit yourself to the greasy clasp of Java. Urrgghh, the only reason I'm going there again is Multiverse, and hopefully I can use Python instead. I did a bit of Java once, but it just didn't do it for me. I'd say it's as ugly as VB, but that would be going too far :-P. |
DivineO'peanut wrote:
Someone should report them for ripping BYOND's source code and icons and editing a bit and then putting them on a new website, claiming it is made in Java. And they don't even say it's a rip! No. By the looks of it, it was made in Java. No one ever said they ripped source and they definitely did not rip icons. No one actually knows if it was a rip anyway. It's just a shady, discontinued project that might have simply been coincidence having similarities to the BYOND interface. |
Crispy wrote:
Sure, you need to recompile it a few times, but running a compiler is really not that hard! Running the map compiler in Hammer is. It takes a long-ass time and often goes unresponsive if you minimize it to work on something else. But, I blame the minimizing problem on Windows. |
As someone who has never heard of BitBlt and wouldn't know the difference between that and OpenGL, from a player's side will that have any noticable difference in anything?
I heard something about gamma or partial transparency or whatever it was called, but is there anything else that will change? Or am I just making myself look dumb? |