Why was my duel monsters game Duel Destiny Xtreme takin off the hub is it because I havent hosted in a while or what. I mean I go to search my name and I see its gone. Well its happened before, but I would like to know what happened and what I can do to fix it.
This should probably be sent to the support form.

(roughage removed)
In response to Xx Dark Wizard xX
Xx Dark Wizard xX wrote:

You misunderstand him. It's there if accessed directly, just if you search for it using the search function, it doesn't appear.
KillerGrand wrote:
Why was my duel monsters game Duel Destiny Xtreme takin off the hub is it because I havent hosted in a while or what.

It's possible. To try and keep the hub un-cluttered, if a game isn't downloadable it needs to be hosted occasionally or it won't appear in searches. (it could just be a blank, useless hub entry)
In response to Airjoe
I'm saying type my key name and it shows my other games just not my Duel Destiny Xtreme one.
In response to KillerGrand
In response to KillerGrand
I think the misunderstanding here is that you need to check the "Search everything (includes old and empty hub entries)" to find it.

The reason behind this is that it is an "empty" hub entry, eg. a player who finds it cannot play it because the host files aren't uploaded.
In response to Elation
Elation wrote:
Xx Dark Wizard xX wrote:

You misunderstand him. It's there if accessed directly, just if you search for it using the search function, it doesn't appear.

He probably selected the option to hide it in hub listings.

Lummox JR