A dragonball game, with a final fantasy 12 type battle system. You hit x, and a pop-up window comes up showing you a list of options, kind of like a mix between real time, and turn based.
I wouldn't be very keen on a turn-based Dragonball game.
In response to Dice1989
well its not exactly turnbased, if you have played final fantasy 12, you will know what im talking about.
In response to Dice1989
The way those guys stop and talk every five seconds you'd think a Dragonball game would have to be turn-based. =P
In response to DarkView
DarkView wrote:
The way those guys stop and talk every five seconds you'd think a Dragonball game would have to be turn-based. =P

Haha, you do have a point. :D
Note that in realtime DBZ games people mostly just straight attack eachother on sight. :D
In response to Knifo
In most dbz battle's the enemy and you mock and taunt each other "is that the best you got!?" "You really coulda done better than that!" and other crap that takes a good 40-60 seconds out of a perfectly good dbz show, like the db gt last 3-4 episodes with the omega shenron, Goku and vegita fused at ssj4 wich made them unstoppable , yet goku wasted time and they were almost defeated. but yeah they taunt and mock each other and the on-lookers bable between themselfs and the person next to them, but turn based seems right to me.

Kame Hame ImOutaHere!
*runs away before people startes to judge*

In response to DarkView
"I have a power level of one million!"
"Oh yeah? Well... I have a power level of two million!"
"Nuh uh!"
"Yuh huh!"
"Well, if you have a power level of two million, then I have power-level-proof armour!"
"No you don't!"
"Yes I do!"
"No you don't!"
"Yes I do!"
"Nuh uh!"
"Yuh huh!"
[ad infinitum]

Based on the description, I believe this battle system is called "ATB" by Square-Enix -- Active Terminal Battle. It was also featured in Chrono Trigger. Bear in mind I haven't played FFXII yet.
In response to Jtgibson
It's actually worse than that. It goes more like this;

Evil: "I have a power level of one million!"
Good: "Oh no, power level ONE MILLION!"
Evil beats good around
Good figures out a way to become stronger (through a new ally, transformation, etc)
Evil: "Oh no, now you're power level TWO MILLION?!?! That's impossible!"
Good: "Now you will pay!"
Good beats evil around
Evil: "Oh well, I better use my FULL power"
Good: "Oh no, he was just toying with us before, at full power he's THREE MILLION!"
Evil beats good around
Good figures out a way to become even stronger again

They get stuck in that loop for a while until finally they end up in an even match, at which point they fight for a few hours and good eventually wins (but only just!).
In response to DarkView
In response to DarkView
Alright, nice laughs, but you're overdoing it now, the anime isn't THAT bad. :P They don't even mention powerlevels anymore past the Frieza Saga (around the first quarter of the series).
In response to Kaioken
Kaioken wrote:
They don't even mention powerlevels anymore past the Frieza Saga (around the first quarter of the series).

Yeah but they followed that 'evil is impossibly strong, then good is impossibly strong, then evil, then good' formula even more closely after the Frieza Saga. With the addition of Super Saiyan, fusion, etc the show pretty much degraded into power up contests. They abandoned any sort of smart fighting so the combat consisted of nothing but ki-blasts, punching/kicking for a minute (so fast you can barely see their hands/feet!) followed by the occasional trade-mark move (ie, Kamehameha).
I watched every episode in Japanese but by the time the Cell Saga was in English I was sick to death of watching those sorts of fights.
In response to DarkView
DarkView wrote:
Kaioken wrote:
They don't even mention powerlevels anymore past the Frieza Saga (around the first quarter of the series).

Yeah but they followed that 'evil is impossibly strong, then good is impossibly strong, then evil, then good' formula even more closely after the Frieza Saga.

It never was exactly that, there were variations. Also, apart from that basic formula, there aren't really many others. >.>

Anyway, stop mocking DBZ, sure, it isn't the best series ever but not that bad either. Also, this topic isn't for that >_>
dragonball isn't really made for turn based. The show is all about power levels, if you couldn't move and dodge it'd be boring. Also, no weapons/customization of character looks.

Unless you start bringing magic and weapons into the picture and basically make a non-dbz game based off the concept of dbz + final fantasy (which I reccommend) then you will have a really bad game.
In response to Jon Snow
I totally disagree.
Anything can be made turn-based, and DBZ most of all needs it. Because the single-variable powerlevel system doesn't lend itself well to interesting gameplay, you need the tactics and strategy of the turn-based system to envigorate DBZ.

And let's face it, in DBZ each character can have lengthy powering-up moves and shouting matches that drag on for entire episodes- that sounds pretty turn-based to me. :P

That said I've never even watched DBZ so what do I know .