In response to Mecha Destroyer JD
"i dont want to be swinging that controler around for 3 years playing kiddie games, and that i would rather have a man console. So i bought ps3, and sold my wii."

This should be added to the LoL hall of console rofl, very mature coments on your part.

"ps3- Really cool. I defenetly think its worth the price. Its the most powerful of the 3 systems. The graphics are the best of the 3."

True,tho again it has the most potential of the 3 consoles GFx wise..people need to learn that just becouse the hardware is strong doesent mean its being used well.

"Gameplay wise, i think its pretty much like the 360, just a little bit more advanced."

WtF!!? a bit more advanced..gameplay?have i gone blind!!? your saying/refering that gameplay is hardware related!?please think before you type...

"360- Cool, but seems kind of plain, seems like the xbox, but just a little bit better."

My first impresion on the 360 was amazing,surely im a console gamer so i dont have any comp games, the gc/ps2/xbox to 360 jump was huge.cant refer from comp gfx to console gfx becouse they arent in the same territory.

"Overall, i think the ps3 is defenetly the best, xbox second, and even thow i loved the wii, im going to have to give it last."

I would say something like that or wii in the first, ps3 2nd and 360 third..but really i just said a huge load of B.S lol wait for next year to predict which is best and ofcourse BY gameplay.if it was Gfx ofcourse the ps3 is the one with the best hardware...

" The thing that really irritates me about your statement is that you think PS3 is grown-up.Look at the blockbuster PS2 and PS3 titles. They're clearly aimed at 13-19 year old males."

Obviusly(erm>.>w/e) he isnt 'manly' enough to know that.

"Its time someone else reviewed this."

True but the review came from someone not 'manly' enough. >_>

" But Nintendo stated those graphics were only pushing the power of the GameCube, NOT the Wii."

I would really really like to see that comment by Nintendo, not that i dont believe you but CoD3 for the Wii is a port of an already very good GFx wise game shoudnt it be pushing the Wii specs?

" Meaning as time goes on, I'm sure we'll see more in the graphics department on the Wii.... even though it may not reach 360."

Oh it wont....sorry very true it wont.also your comment 'as time goes on=better gfx' well thats for all the consoles also so every game for every console will look better than they do atm.

" most PS3 games I've seen have cliche effects, and ironically have many graphical errors."

True but the same can be said about the games on the Wii and 360 that arent made by the console makers.

"The Xbox360, on the other hand, has graphics that flow together(not crappy, and not too intense), and a lot of decent gameplay, with plenty of interaction, and the Online functions make it even better."

True true blahblahblah...on the online part well every other console can add them with patches, so in the end they will end up the same or w/e.

"In the end, I think each system offers it's own blend of options, games, and everything else involved in these "SuperSystems." It all depends on what you prefer."

abut(sorry canadian humor>.>) time someone said somethign that made sence.

" And nintendo has hit the 3 mil sell. Hmmm sounds like a lot of kids want to play eh?"

Hmm nice numbers Nintendo, i did predict that they would sell the most consoles after all =P, but most importantly i wanna see who sells the most games that does MEAN something very important.

" Thats funny, i thought the cool thing on byond was to say that playstation 3 sucks, and the wii is the best."

Ofcourse they must have been fanboys...just like you correct? =P anyways wanna make a good comparison on gameplay PS3 has RFOM,360 has GoW and Wii has Zelda..personally i havent played the ps3 or the wii but i guess id love the 3 games equally, like RFOM seems like a fun onliner,GoW seems like the best single experiace(4me) and Zelda is an adventure so thats a whole dif categorie.

"If you think that Mario and Kirby are kids games, you need to be smacked with the trout of brightness. Mario games are fun for EVERYONE, not just kids."

I must disagree very much with you sir, if you have any of those games ofcourse the fact shows that you are a fan of those,or a child(very unlikely), game sells dont lie =P and as ive said before also Mario is dieng, fans just dont know it yet.Also i must say give me a kirby game mainly the SNES one and I WILL drop anything to play it, ofcourse i love em BUT i wont waste money on em.

"I am not afraid to admit that I enjoy playing games that aren't graphically stunning."

Gr84U =P

"I suggest you reserve you options for about a year. You can get whichever console you want now, but refrain from bashing other consoles until you give them a fair chance after a few games have came out(The Wii and PS3 don't have a lot of titles right now)."

Newbs READ that.

That is all, good day mate.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product(message) is not intended to diagnose,treat,cure or prevent any disease.
In response to Nishiatsu
Nishiatsu wrote:
PS3 and 360 are like super mods of their old ones. I would >now go for a 360. I trust the microsoft XBOX more then the >Sony PS3, because it is sony and they suck. SONY ARE IN DEBT > because of the ps3.....that says something.

Now we know why...
In response to Retsuma
Retsuma wrote:
I would really really like to see that comment by Nintendo, not that i dont believe you but CoD3 for the Wii is a port of an already very good GFx wise game shoudnt it be pushing the Wii specs?

Have a look at Resident Evil 4 for Gamecube, its one of the later games released and it has awesome graphics. Wait a while and you'll see that games with better graphics come out for the Wii.
In response to Critical
"Have a look at Resident Evil 4 for Gamecube, its one of the later games released and it has awesome graphics. Wait a while and you'll see that games with better graphics come out for the Wii."

True and i did say above that games would come wiht better gfx overtime, i did a lil checking and i think CoD3 was actually made by diferent ppl for diferent consoles so my comment has no ground anymore, also thanks for the RE4 reminder,that game looks freaking nice, guess wiill have to wait to see wat the w!! is actually capable of, but also i still say it wont ever reach the 360 or ps3, the hardware diference is too big, actually ill even specify it more, the wii wont have the GFx of the 360 and PS3 WHILE running on the same FPS(framespersec) and same game genre,if you understand what i said i think you wont say its false.
In response to Retsuma
Retsuma wrote:
I must disagree very much with you sir, if you have any of those games ofcourse the fact shows that you are a fan of those,or a child(very unlikely), game sells dont lie =P and as ive said before also Mario is dieng, fans just dont know it yet.Also i must say give me a kirby game mainly the SNES one and I WILL drop anything to play it, ofcourse i love em BUT i wont waste money on em.

No. Just No.
In response to Smoko
please say somethign detailed, and its a fact that game sells are falling very huge! like by 50% each gen! Mario wise im sure, i could check for other games...

mario prediction..might go back to 5-10mil sells with wii becouse of how the wii plays(wiimote) ORrrr 2.5-4mil sells becouse its what it seems it would be at this gen.
In response to Nishiatsu
Nishiatsu wrote:
And another thing. The sales of the Wii are increasing but it would greatly rise in spring when Nintendo ship more out to the EU because of the great demand and the shortage.

Yeah. I heard here in the UK you can buy them for 200 and sell them for 350.
Knifo wrote:
I bought a wii, played it for 2 days, and decided that i dont want to be swinging that controler around for 3 years playing kiddie games.

You are lazy.

Who has seen that fat sony women on that youtube thing?
You can guess what i am getting at.

In response to Nishiatsu
Nishiatsu wrote:
Who has seen that fat sony women on that youtube thing?
You can guess what i am getting at.

Link me.
In response to RedlineM203
RedlineM203 wrote:
Nishiatsu wrote:
Who has seen that fat sony women on that youtube thing?
You can guess what i am getting at.

Link me.
In response to DarkView
DarkView wrote:
...working in a coal mine.

In response to Retsuma
Mario is slipping a bit but they always find something new for him to do..The Mario Kart series especially won't die any time soon with online capabilities..
In response to Partner420
Your talking about the wii having many possiblities. The playstation 3 has so many plugs in it, becuase you can updgrade it so much, so in a couple years, it will be fully upgradable.
In response to Knifo
I upgrade my computer every year, I want a console that lasts me 5 years. If you can upgrade a console it just becomes a computer with specialized hardware and hardware specific games.
In response to Critical
Critical wrote:
I upgrade my computer every year, I want a console that lasts me 5 years. If you can upgrade a console it just becomes a computer with specialized hardware and hardware specific games.

Well remember when that Sony guy(Kutsuragi or somethin) said the PS3 would be better than a PC? I remember plenty people saying Sony was being too big-headed...That remindes me of when Sony said that the PSP would revive gamers from the "handheld ghetto"; so much for that..But we'll see this year..^_^
In response to Mecha Destroyer JD
"Mario is slipping a bit but they always find something new for him to do..The Mario Kart series especially won't die any time soon with online capabilities.."

They always...?
I just said they are dieng <.< means every attemp they done has failed to keep the amount of ppl they had a gen before,what else would be good for mario?cmon only the platformer and kart serieses are the ones that sell the most.
In response to Mecha Destroyer JD
Mecha Destroyer JD wrote:
Critical wrote:
I upgrade my computer every year, I want a console that lasts me 5 years. If you can upgrade a console it just becomes a computer with specialized hardware and hardware specific games.

Well remember when that Sony guy(Kutsuragi or somethin) said the PS3 would be better than a PC? I remember plenty people saying Sony was being too big-headed...That remindes me of when Sony said that the PSP would revive gamers from the "handheld ghetto"; so much for that..But we'll see this year..^_^

Yeah but I already have a computer so I dont want another one that I have to upgrade :P
In response to Knifo
"The Nintendo Wii has shown that it has so much potential and I can't wait to see what it's going to do in the next year or two. Could you imagine the realistic possibilities for games? This system, by far, is going to rule the "party game" scene. Me and my buddies love playing rounds of Wii Golf already!"


"""Your talking about the wii having many possiblities. The playstation 3 has so many plugs in it, becuase you can updgrade it so much, so in a couple years, it will be fully upgradable."""

please read that comment 100 times heck 101 times, maybe you will know what he is actually talking about.BUT to help on what you said yes it has alot of plugs and crap so it can be enhanced but really why buy things that will possibly cost upwards to 100$ when the wii already has features the ps3 and 360 doesent.And doesent the Wii also have some plugs? the 360 has erm let me check o.O 3 USBs.

Knifo wat ever your name is, to make your

"The playstation 3 has so many plugs in it, becuase you can updgrade it so much, so in a couple years, it will be fully upgradable."

comment more realistic or such, would you care to give your ideas on what would be upgradable to the PS3?

Becouse i seen what,wheels and that robot control(xbox) and the dancedancerevolution mat and eyetoy..ALL which can be added to any console or some are already added from the start.

Please make your comments more detailed so that we could all really have a nice conversation =P
In response to Retsuma
Retsuma wrote:
"Mario is slipping a bit but they always find something new for him to do..The Mario Kart series especially won't die any time soon with online capabilities.."

They always...?
I just said they are dieng <.< means every attemp they done has failed to keep the amount of ppl they had a gen before,what else would be good for mario?cmon only the platformer and kart serieses are the ones that sell the most.

No actually if you hadn't looked: Mario Soccer, Paper Mario, Mario & Luigi Partners in Time, Mario Hoops, Dan Dance Revolution : Mario Edition, all were rated good at a minimum..The only mario series that seems to get worser is Mario Party..Check game rating sites next time..0_0

Keep in mind, that list was only from a quick search on Gamespot..Apparently I forgot about Mario Golf, Tenis, and possibly others I don't remember.
In response to Retsuma

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