Pheonix Wright(Was really rare until the seonced one is about to make out they wen't crazy and made hundreds and thousands of copies but I got mine a month after it game out)

Trauma Center Under the Knife( The new version on the Wii is a sequal to this one the Wii one isn't rare but this one sure it!)

Then I have no rare ones for the Wii, I was looking for a nunchuck like crazy though and finally found target had nine controllers and three nunchucks, really great, but I looked first in Gamestop, and I looked to my left in great wonder but to my surprise I see a used game that cost fourty-three dollars! This is a very rare game on the PS2 called "Shin Megami Tensei" made by Atlus, then I was happy and almost baught it, but I turned to the right just to see if they have anything else rare, I found Suikoden one and two for 60 dollars each, which amazed me because I thought I'd never see either of those in stores! So I baught all three and skipped home with my three rare games, and was poor shortly after that, but still that was awesome. Anyone else out their have those? I bet someone does but all in one day (excluding Pheonix Wright), just left me baffled at my luck.
Phoenix Wright is a rare game o.O;?
Atlus? Aw yeah. They made Super Dodgeball Advance. I've been playing that for 2 years. Might make a YouTube video showing me with the worse team owning the championship and whats after that.

And the worse team really sucks...
I'm even luckier. I've got 5 or more Mario Bros/Duck Hunt carts that came with the NES! I sure bet you wish we could trade places now, don't you?

I'm not sure if I've got anything rare game wise, but I know my brother has. I'm just not sure of there names off the top of my head.
I have the Tengen copy of Tetris, and supposedly Dragon Warrior 2, 3 and 4 weren't entirely plentiful.
In response to Sarm
Now that I think about it, I got a even rarer game. Tao's Adventure for DS. It obviously sucks, but it was hard to find before it even got reviewed let alone now that everybody knows it sucks(it was one of the biggest disappointments of '06 in GameInformer)..XD
In response to Smoko
Smoko wrote:
I'm even luckier. I've got 5 or more Mario Bros/Duck Hunt carts that came with the NES! I sure bet you wish we could trade places now, don't you?

Those are rare, too!? My god, I must be sitting on a rare game treasure mound!

<< I have the original Megaman X, X2 and X3 for SNES. I heard those were really rare, along with Sonic the Hedgehog 2 and Sonic & Knuckles
In response to Dead_Demon
Lunar Silver Star Story Complete - PSX (Playstation One)
Cost = 85$ (with case)

Not the rarest but there are not that many (that I know of).
In response to Shlaklava
I have a Visual Boy that I picked up at a garage sale some time ago for $20. I have Wario, Tennis and a couple others for it, maybe 5-8 games total. Last I checked the Visual Boy is worth $85 by itself. >_< and it sure does hurt your eyes after a bit of playing....
In response to Dead_Demon
You guys wanna talk about rare games? Try this on. I was going through my old stuff awhile back (I'd say 3 months) and I was separating some games/consoles/books/etc and I found my copy of Kizuna Encounter that some dumb bastard(Might I add RETARD) sold me for 30 bucks awhile back. He got it from his brother, who died in a car crash..v.v,but anyways, I walk outta my room to see what my grandma wants, and I come back and my dog is eating it. Last I checked Kizuna was worth somewhere around 10,000. I about cried when that evil, EVIL dog ate it.
I've got Perfect Dark, Blast Corps, Goldeneye, DK64, Donkey Kong Country, Diddy Kong Racing, Jet Force Gemini.
In response to Vortezz
Vortezz wrote:
I've got Perfect Dark, Blast Corps, Goldeneye, DK64, Donkey Kong Country, Diddy Kong Racing, Jet Force Gemini.

0_0 I don't think a single one you mentioned(except maybe Jet force or Blast Corps) is rare......
Andn ow that I think of it, I got a few more:

Shenmue for Dreamcast(I got it RIGHT before the DC went extinct for about $7)
Seaman for Dreamcast(kind of like a TV 'giga pet' that used a mic to talk to a fish with a man's head..hence Seaman)

Also, maybe my Sega Saturn and its games count as rare. :D
In response to Govan
I got Lost in Blue for the DS, which I had to get off of ebay v.v because I couldn't find the game anywhere in my HUGE city!
In response to FriesOfDoom
FriesOfDoom wrote:
Vortezz wrote:
I've got Perfect Dark, Blast Corps, Goldeneye, DK64, Donkey Kong Country, Diddy Kong Racing, Jet Force Gemini.

0_0 I don't think a single one you mentioned(except maybe Jet force or Blast Corps) is rare......

Are you crazy? All of those games are Rare!

Unless maybe you're referring to Rareware, before they made the name switch.
In response to Vortezz
Vortezz wrote:
FriesOfDoom wrote:
Vortezz wrote:
I've got Perfect Dark, Blast Corps, Goldeneye, DK64, Donkey Kong Country, Diddy Kong Racing, Jet Force Gemini.

0_0 I don't think a single one you mentioned(except maybe Jet force or Blast Corps) is rare......

Are you crazy? All of those games are Rare!

Unless maybe you're referring to Rareware, before they made the name switch.

_> not the company.....we're talking about avalibility
Ever heard of ROMs?

Games aren't rare anymore.
In response to FriesOfDoom
FriesOfDoom wrote:
_> not the company.....we're talking about avalibility

Comedians of the future are in dire trouble.
In response to Airjoe
Games aren't, but cartridges are.
In response to Vortezz
Cartridges are innefficient.

Finding a working NES is hard enough, and finding games is harder.

I'll stick to my computer :]
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