In response to Mecha Destroyer JD
Mecha Destroyer JD wrote:
Keep in mind, that list was only from a quick search on Gamespot..Apparently I forgot about Mario Golf, Tenis, and possibly others I don't remember.

Mario Golf, Paper Mario, Super Mario Strikers. Love them. Mario is a gaming icon, no doubt about that. And the team behind him has kept him in the right mix of old and new school appeal.
In response to Retsuma
Retsuma wrote:
also thanks for the RE4 reminder,that game looks freaking nice

It's one of the best in the series. They've swung it more towards an action game. The story started drying up around Resident Evil 3. I think with Resident Evil 4 they realised that and decided to push it into the background a little further in order to make a genuinely fun game.

Anyway, if you think it looks nice I really doubt you'll be disappointed with it. The PS2 version has some extra features, so if you've got a PS2 you might consider getting that. That said they're not very good extras, so just grab the one that's closest to the enterance. =P
In response to Mecha Destroyer JD
"No actually if you hadn't looked: Mario Soccer, Paper Mario, Mario & Luigi Partners in Time, Mario Hoops, Dan Dance Revolution : Mario Edition, all were rated good at a minimum..The only mario series that seems to get worser is Mario Party..Check game rating sites next time..0_0"
Keep in mind, that list was only from a quick search on Gamespot..Apparently I forgot about Mario Golf, Tenis, and possibly others I don't remember."

By my comment "what else would be good for mario" i ment other/new genres of gameplay which doesent leave much if any left since there are basicly a mario game for almost all genres.
I must say that it seems you dont understand what im talking about all this time..i know the games are good some even push to great(personally), yet that dont mean it sells.
In response to Retsuma
Retsuma wrote:
please say somethign detailed, and its a fact that game sells are falling very huge!

Based on what? It's not the most stable data set to work with. The games are usually limited to one platformer per generation, so the generations success is heavily tied to the games sales. It's not like when Crash Bandicoot sales crashed. In that case they knew Crash 1 sold great, Crash 2 sold less but even though people had all the required hardware and were buying Playstation games they weren't buying Crash 3.
That doesn't prove Mario game sales aren't going down, but it shows why you can't just jump to the conclusion that because Mario Sunshine didn't sell as many copies as Super Mario World Mario sales in general are going down.

Even if Mario sales are declining they're still pretty awesome. He might not be the mega-star he was in the NES era but he still makes buckets of money. Most of that is based on the fact they haven't screwed up on the games. If a game has Mario in it then you can be pretty sure you'll walk away satisfied (provided you're at least interested in the genre, I wouldn't expect someone looking for FPS thrills to enjoy Mario Golf).

Mario gets people buying games they wouldn't otherwise. Most of the people who buy Mario Golf wouldn't buy Golf. The amazing part is Mario may sell the game but people don't play the game and swear never to buy another non-platformer Mario title again.
I wasn't going to post in this flame war until perhaps I saw someone quote your comment...

"i dont want to be swinging that controler around for 3 years playing kiddie games, and that i would rather have a man console. So i bought ps3, and sold my wii."

That is perhaps one of the most pathetic and dare I say it..... kiddie, =O comments I have ever heard. A manly console, tell me what is the defination for a manly console one that instead of playing the games it perhaps gets into a fight... kicks the living daylights out of the game or perhaps and refuses to play games because it is clearly to manly to do anything you ask it to do, and if perhaps you "diss" it, it would open a can of whoopass on, well.... your ass.

And a Wii... a Wii is sort of a how can I see mediator between the young and the old. It brings them together in a way no console has before, because really you hardly seen your grand parents play Halo 2 multiplayer with you... unless you have really coold grand parents :D

The Wiimote might be a bit annoying at time... especially while playing Redsteel, argh my arm hurts alot when playing that, but it is still a fun game to play. And Wii sports is a very enjoyable game, even my father who always plays FPS games was obssesed with Tennis, this show the power of the mediator which is Wii.

The Xbox 360... hmm I have mixed opinions. I see nothing special about it, it is just another console with some better graphics and I suppose there are some ok games for it and that's about it.... Unfortunately I haven't got my hands on the PS3 because the UK is always a few miles behind the Americans and the Japanese etc etc, but in all the reviews I have seen and read there are hardly any awaited games coming out, except for perhaps FINAL FANTASY XIII OMFG, I saw this little trailer and it looks awsome.

Well thats my opinion given to ya, buh bye. Now I got to take my Wii to the gym to pump some weight and run on the treadmill... to you know, make it more manly ! So if you be dissing anymore it won't only be your PS3 opening a can of whoop ass it'll be my Wii to!!

-Digi Hero
In response to DarkView
so in a way you saying that even tho Mario 1 for NES sold 40m,Mario 2 sold 10mil(did suck tho),mario 3 sold 18mil,SM sold a bit less then SM64 sold wat 11mil?now sunshine sold less than 6mil and the DS mario games sold like less than 4mil is no proof wat so ever that in general mario is going down?

again should i repeate myself, i know the games are good and still making buttloads of money,but surely the fanbase or ppl who buys the games are stoping,dont u think?
Well, since this topic is in full swing still I thought I'd point this out.

You're so ignorant, that you fail too realise what makes a kiddie console. The one that kids want, and play. Thus, the PS3 is actually the kiddie console, and GTA and such are kiddie games.

Sure, they aren't aimed at kids, but since everyone and their friend wants to play it. You've got kiddies every where. Have fun with that!
In response to Digital Hero
"i dont want to be swinging that controler around for 3 years playing kiddie games, and that i would rather have a man console. So i bought ps3, and sold my wii."

I'm pretty sure this quote is going into the hall of fame for dumb quotes made by idiotic people. lol.

No system is ultimately better than the other, it just depends on what you prefer. So stop being retarded, people. All three systems are fun.
In response to Smoko
You damn people... XD. I dont really need to explain it, when i say kiddie console, i dont mean god damn 2 year olds running around, and [expletive deleted]. I mean the games arent as violent as playstation or xbox. If you wanted to get games like halo, you would get a ps3, or 360, you wouldnt get a wii. If you wanted to get less gory games, or games more like mario then you would go for the wii. It's pretty simple, you guys just take everything people say the wrong way.

And by the way, pick up some game magazines once in a while will yah, almost every article you read on the console war explains how some people didnt want to get the wii because most of the games released are "kiddie", and yes those are professionals were talking about here...
In response to Smoko
Smoko wrote:
Sure, they aren't aimed at kids

When you look at how simple the gameplay, plot and humour are in GTA games they're either aimed at idiots or kids. I hope it's kids because I like GTA. =(
In response to Knifo
Eh, you're still basically saying the same thing, which is still wrong...Games on the wii aren't less violent, there just arne't as MANY as on the 360. I can only name 4 games(at the moment) slated for the wii that are mature but they won't be less violent. I have yet to see in a magazine(I read EGM, NP, and Game Informer) a article(as you said) on the cosnole war explaining how some people didn't want to get the wii because its kiddy. Maybe it was a pro and con analysis saying that people won't get it because they think its kiddy(who are idiots btw).. How you've stated it, you're saying that proffesionals wrote an article about people who don't want to get the wii because its kiddy to them; which doesn't add much credit to your post..x.x Anyways, "proffessional" or otherwise, its still opinion. Kiddy = fisher price; Family = Nintendo
In response to Knifo
Knifo wrote:If you wanted to get less gory games, or games more like mario then you would go for the wii. It's pretty simple, you guys just take everything people say the wrong way.

Yeah, that would explain all the disny and other kid centric titles on the Playstation and xbox.

And by the way, pick up some game magazines once in a while will yah, almost every article you read on the console war explains how some people didnt want to get the wii because most of the games released are "kiddie", and yes those are professionals were talking about here...

Professional nothing. Wow! They are employed too write about video games. Does that make then any more knowledgeable than us? No, it just means they get paid for it.
In response to Mecha Destroyer JD
Well, again this all goes down to opinion. Theres defenetly a difference between the kind of games ps3, and 360 have compared to the wii. And you cant deny that. Sure, alot of games are for the family, but again, in my OPINION, i think that games like supermonkey ball are childish, im not saying there boring, or not fun to play, but they are childish compared to games like Halo, or resistance fall of man. Just look at the system as a whole, the name, which i like, sounds kind of childish in a way. The graphics are lacking compared to the ps3, or 360, and many older players enjoy high quality graphics. Think what you want, but I still think the wii is "kiddie" COMPARED to the ps3, and 360.

again, when i say kiddie, i dont mean 3 year olds running around.
In response to Smoko

Smoko wrote:
Professional nothing. Wow! They are employed too write about video games. Does that make then any more knowledgeable than us? No, it just means they get paid for it.

Are you serious with that statement? They better know more about games then you or I do. Its there job. You think they pick up any hobo off the street and give them a job to write about games? Uhh... no. They obviously have to be qualified for the job. Which means, they know what the hell there talking about.
In response to Knifo
About howm any M rated games does PS3 have? About 1? Only the 360 has been out long enough to be considred "not kiddy". Wii has M rated games coming. You can't really compare the games on PS3 and Wii yet..Viva Pinata is kiddy(even has its own show on for kids tv '-.-) and so is Gundam(to an extent). People just seem to overlook the many M rated games on Gamecube(as they will for wii) and claim its kiddy with little credit..It probably won't get as many M rated games as 360, but its not like its a non existant rating for games on the wii and there's only a single digit of them..
In response to Knifo
Knifo wrote:
Smoko wrote:
Professional nothing. Wow! They are employed too write about video games. Does that make then any more knowledgeable than us? No, it just means they get paid for it.

Are you serious with that statement? They better know more about games then you or I do. Its there job. You think they pick up any hobo off the street and give them a job to write about games? Uhh... no. They obviously have to be qualified for the job. Which means, they know what the hell there talking about.

There really isn't much skill in writing articles about games..All you have to basically do is:

1. Have at least 10th grade writing skills(may be exaggerrated)
2. Know how to play games; playing for extended periods of time and etc.

The only way they are more knowledgable about games is because companies talk to them first; they don't actually make games..I'm bettin some developers on Byond are more "proffessional" than most magazine writers.. '-.-
In response to Mecha Destroyer JD
Im not talking about writing about games. I obviously ment consoles, being that the whole "professional writer" topic came up with me saying that they said the wii was childish, not wii games.

And you have to know a thing or two about a console before you write about it, you have to do some research.
In response to Knifo
The research is still easy to do..Whats your point? 0_0
In response to Mecha Destroyer JD
I think he wrote something other than what he meant. We just had a huge debate about this in wiz_chat, and we came to the conclusion that in order for someone to write a review and judge a game, they have to have played other games to judge it against, which explains the 'research' as a metaphor.
In response to Knifo
Yeah, I'm serious about that statement.

How does being paid for writing, make you know more than someone who doesn't? We still play the same games, we discuss them with friends and people over message boards. The only REAL difference is they know before we do, and they are paid too work for a big name site.

As for the kiddie console thing, you really need too wake up and smell the roses. There are just as many kid games on the Nintendo line of consoles as there is on any other. Know why? Because the other consoles sell too, so the developer wants their money. Thus, multi-platform titles are born.

The only thing that makes the different is Nintendo has Mario and the other characters, much loved by people of ALL ages.
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