In response to Mecha Destroyer JD
"so is Gundam(to an extent)."

Damnn J00! =P

Nice comments overall tho >.>
In response to Knifo
Knifo wrote:
console war

There's a console war? Last I knew, it was just three companies making videogame systems so that people take them and games for $$$.

I don't see anything that makes one console "kiddie" or "manly" because the only thing consoles do is run the games you play. If you absolutely have to label things by age, label the games because that's what you're really playing.

If you have the spare cash, just buy all three systems. Failing that, pick whichever one that appears to have the greatest number of games you find interesting.

There is no console war. If anything, it's a fanboy war, and nobody's doing their preferred console any favors by "warring" with other people. :/
In response to Nishiatsu
* Guide *


Best For

Blu-Ray playback
The most powerful console ever
Multimedia Functions

Not so great for

Having any particularly great launch games
Being Cheap
Being available to buy.


Best for

New kind of games you can't get anywhere else.
Multi-player party action
Arguably the best first-party game.

Not So great For

Impressing people with Graphics
Online gaming
Watching films on.


Best for

Online gaming.
Big collection of brilliant games.
It's the home of the first person shooter
Jaw dropping visuals

Not so Great for

Party Games
Cute Platformers
Younger Gamers.

Should I buy one right now? No. There are too many great games out at the moment but the PS3 is lacking.The Playstation Three has massive potential. In a year or two, you'll be seeing some truly incredible games that the other consoles won't be able to match. Shall I get another Next-Gen console now? Not if you want the PS3 unless you already have the money =P

It's not quite as cheap as we hoped and the controlers are expensive but Wii gives you access to some brilliant content at a fraction of the price of it's competitors. More importantly, it provides something different. Get an Xbox 360 or PS3 and you'll be getting more of the same, just much better kiijing, with more functionality. Get a Wii and you'll be getting something completely new.

If it's proper next-gen gaming you want, plenty of stunning games to look at and a solid, reliable and enjoyable online gaming experience, then the Xbox 360 is the way to go. Of course, it has had a year's head start but that's really starting to make a difference in terms of the quality on offer. The only major criticism is that most of the really good games involve either military action or hurting people in some way.
In response to SSJ4Gogetenks
SSJ4Gogetenks wrote:
* Guide *


Best For

You seemed to have forgot online play. The PS3 has just as strong of online play and content as the 360(As a ratio based on current game count)

Not so great for

Having any particularly great launch games

Alright, I'll give you that one, but I honestly don't see the Wii's launch games as much better.

Being available to buy.

Oddly enough, I found a PS3 while on the hunt for a Wii.


Best for

Can't argue with these "Best for"

Not So great For

Ditto on the "Not So great for"


Best for

Online gaming.
Big collection of brilliant games.

I have seen very few games that impressed me. It isn't a bad list of games, just not much that is great.

It's the home of the first person shooter

That always was, and always will be the title for the PC. Don't even try to say "But the PC isn't a console", because it is a gaming platform, it deserves this title.

Jaw dropping visuals

Hardly, my PC has been doing what the 360 is doing for years. I have yet to be impressed by any "live action" footage from the 360.

Not so Great for

Party Games
Cute Platformers
Younger Gamers.

That is mostly true. Kinda limits the fun when you can't find half the video game genres. I really don't know why Microsoft doesn't push these more, it would appeal to a larger target market if they did. I guess they are selling the system on an image, rather than actual fun of gameplay.

Should I buy one right now? No. There are too many great games out at the moment but the PS3 is lacking.The Playstation Three has massive potential. In a year or two, you'll be seeing some truly incredible games that the other consoles won't be able to match. Shall I get another Next-Gen console now? Not if you want the PS3 unless you already have the money =P

I agree that the PS3 will be a lot more attractive in a year. That's why I request that Nintendo fanboys try a "wait and see" tactic before writing off the PS3.

It's not quite as cheap as we hoped and the controllers are expensive but Wii gives you access to some brilliant content at a fraction of the price of it's competitors. More importantly, it provides something different. Get an Xbox 360 or PS3 and you'll be getting more of the same, just much better kiijing, with more functionality. Get a Wii and you'll be getting something completely new.

Actually, the games I have played for the PS3 so far were really good and unique. Granted, they still use similar controls, but a control is nothing more than how you interact, that is why each console has a different control, because it has little to do with how fun the game is. Give it a little time and the use of the Wiimote will be toned down a lot, and it will become a standard console with pretty standard games(Not saying that they will be bad, just saying that the Wiimote is being pushed now, but it will calm. The DS had the same effect with the touch screen, and it was a good thing that people stopped using it)


Because of my personal biases, I am going to leave this section alone.
Knifo wrote:
I have played all 3 systems. I bought a wii, played it for 2 days, and decided that i dont want to be swinging that controler around for 3 years playing kiddie games, and that i would rather have a man console. So i bought ps3, and sold my wii.

Funny thing is, it's more of a "teen" console. A majority of adults (both men and women) with real lives enjoy the Wii :p
In response to DarkCampainger
Really? I thought "adult" consoles are the PC and arguably, life :P

- GhostAnime
In response to Danial.Beta
sit and wait?! whaddya mean sit and wait?! the console wars don't fight themselves ya know!



In response to Danial.Beta
"It's the home of the first person shooter"

"That always was, and always will be the title for the PC. Don't even try to say "But the PC isn't a console", because it is a gaming platform, it deserves this title."

Hmm i disagree XD

Xbox IS the home for the Most Current Best FPS sir! =P

Top Selling PC FPS = Half-Life (8 million),
Half-Life 2 (4 million)<-being the current one..

Top Selling X㮖 FPS = Halo 2 (8 million)

So...Xbox wins the FPS war >.>
In response to Knifo
I'm sure hes serious with that statement.Anyone can be a critic.
In response to Knifo
Just because you like more violence in your game, DOESNT mean less violent,fun games(like many of the games FOR the Wii) are "kiddy".
In response to Knifo
Hah!So what?Its got a few extra plugs?All it is, is a way for the company to obtain more money, since you'd have to buy the upgrades, when the Wii already has some of the things built-in.
Anyways, I have my opinions, you guys have yours, noone is going to win this debate, so, i think it should stop here. It seems like you guys think i have something against the wii? I love the wii, i would trade my ps3 back for my wii in a heart beat. But I just made a statement on what i thought about SOME of their games.
In response to Knifo
" i would trade my ps3 back for my wii in a heart beat."

then wiihy dont you ? =P
In response to Retsuma
You seem to ignore all the other FPS, and how much longer the PC has been on the market, and that Halo is a bland game, despite popularity.

99% of FPS come out on the PC first and sell better than the XBox versions.
In response to Knifo
Heh, I think you just got outmatched but yeah, no one is gonna win...But every system has SOME games that are "kiddy"; so whats the point of the argument?
In response to Danial.Beta
ofcourse the PC has more FPS' long has the PC been on the market has nothing to do with the Best game of any genre atm, Halo is actually pretty good,mainly ppl who where into PC fps games are the ones who say that which i dont know how would they be like that,fanboys, but Halo did a good job with the grenades,scene,weapons overall good game.

Heck Doom 1 estimately sold about 10mil...i guess no other FPS ever reached that maybe Halo 3 will =P

EDIT!Forgot to anser your other little comment...

"99% of FPS come out on the PC first and sell better than the XBox versions."

Seems you forgot that 99% of FPS games that come to the PC and then to Consoles in general, come a !FEW! !MONTHS! before there console kids, some even take years! LoL

Nice chatting =P Happy w/e Day
In response to Knifo
Not all of the games for the Wii are kiddy, infact very few(if any of them) are. Zelda isn't kiddie, Splinter Cell isn't kiddie, Red Steel isn't Kiddie.
In response to Retsuma
Halo 1 was a poor excuse for a FPS. I bought it when it first hit PC and I returned it 2 days later. Some would argue that I didn't give it enough time, but I beat the single player and had a full understanding of how multiplayer worked. Halo 2 was only slightly better and online play was boring. On top of that, Halo doesn't allow any game mods, no server side mods, nothin'.

Even if you cut off FPS for PC at the XBox release date AND include the XBox 360, I am certain that the PC would out sell in that market.

On top of all that, the mouse+keyboard control system is far, far superior to the gamepad.

Continuing, the PC is upgradeable to make it better for FPS. You can buy better hardware(Mouse/Keyboard) to better the experience and change the keys to fit your needs(Some games do allow you to do this on consoles, but not many).
In response to Knifo
Knifo wrote:
Smoko wrote:
Professional nothing. Wow! They are employed too write about video games. Does that make then any more knowledgeable than us? No, it just means they get paid for it.

Are you serious with that statement? They better know more about games then you or I do. Its there job. You think they pick up any hobo off the street and give them a job to write about games? Uhh... no. They obviously have to be qualified for the job. Which means, they know what the hell there talking about.

But being a human being they still have opinions. Most of the guys that write those magazines(GI,EGM,ect) are biggest PS3 fanboys in existance. Not only that but their bosses can tell them to write anything they want to see in the magazine. I see under the table money floating about....

Also in regard to your other post....

Kiddie? What part of family oriented don't you get? Does that mean DDR is kiddie because the fact kids play it, or the graphics have a cartoony look? Your only talking about face value here. If I gave my nephew Zelda and told him to play through it and then tell me the gist of it story and all, he'd barely scratch the surface. Most of it would probely go over his head. Give him GTA and he probely could tell me right away, specially since the story is about the same as just freeroaming(kill this man, piss off this person).
In response to Danial.Beta
"Halo 1 was a poor excuse for a FPS."

Ofcourse you shoudnt compare it with games from the past, like 007,Half-Life 1,Doom1-2, and Quake1-2 and a few like Unreal 1 and the Tribes....why? Becouse those game made an impact that changed the whole seen,Halo just made a few good changes and its an overall good/great game,somehtign that current shooters dont do well heck like a handful of the almost hundreds had have a good following after our friend Halo.

" On top of that, Halo doesn't allow any game mods, no server side mods, nothin'."

A port from console to a PC, does that happen often?Just wait for Halo Vista, it will have some tools.

"Even if you cut off FPS for PC at the XBox release date AND include the XBox 360, I am certain that the PC would out sell in that market."

The probability of that comment to be true is a high one, also as for about ANY type of genres...PC have been around for like >.> 40-50 years,games for 30-40 years?

"On top of all that, the mouse+keyboard control system is far, far superior to the gamepad."

Maybe, i prefer a control...its simple and fun.i really wanna try the wii on FPS games.

"Continuing, the PC is upgradeable to make it better for FPS. You can buy better hardware(Mouse/Keyboard) to better the experience and change the keys to fit your needs"

True but that just costs alot but it is an advantage...if you have the dough.

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