is there even one decent pokemon demo for like battling?
In response to VolksBlade
no one has a decent pokemon demo?

and will someone answer my questions?
In response to VolksBlade
A person isn't on the forums 24/7 refreshing it just to answer questions for you people be patient geeze.

The answer to your questions is HERE
In response to A.T.H.K
The DM guide doesn't tell you everything ATHK.

Like, "hmmm, how do i make a jumping thing?" That's something a tutorial needs to tell you, or a person, either one.
In response to King of Slimes
In response to King of Slimes
King of Slimes wrote:
Like, "hmmm, how do i make a jumping thing?" That's something a tutorial needs to tell you, or a person, either one.

Not true in the least. If it were, nothing would ever happen, because nobody would know anything, because nobody would have anyone to turn to that knew. There are a million and one (to the million-and-one'th power) different ways of making a "jumping thing" (maybe more), and the best way to learn is to do it yourself. Then you can examine the results, and look to improve it. Eventually, after enough improvements (and possibly through peers adding their input), it becomes usable to a high degree.

How do you create your own?
  • Read the DM Guide, and check out a demo or two, to learn the language.
  • Utilize the DM Reference, to learn all that you can about the language specifics.
  • Use your brain, and think for a change. What is going on in ____? How can you use the information you gained above to recreate the effects of ____?

In response to King of Slimes
return FALSE

I'm working on a super-mega-awesome-top-secret project right now, and part of it involved coming up with a system to parse simple commands entered at the terminal. I didn't go looking for a 'parsing tutorial', or ask around about it - no, I thought for myself about what effect I wanted, and then broke that down into an algorithm. I thought about how to do what I wanted to do in small steps. That works. That's the heart of programming.

What you may need tutorials or expert advice on are some extremely specific things, like "How do I determine whether two ellipses are intersecting?", because that requires mathematical skills that not everybody (For example, me) possesses.
In response to Hiead
dang you guys find many ways to fight amougnst yourselfs, when you are trying to help me which isnt helping me (or anyone that i know of, especially on the MAIN TOPIC here...)
In response to Hiead
Bullcrap Hiead.

The guide doesn't teach asmuch as everyone lets on.
In response to Dark Bahamut
Dark Bahamut wrote:
The guide doesn't teach as much as everyone lets on.


The guide is about 15 months behind, and I haven't even been on BYOND that time. I learnt how to code from ripping, the guide is just... pointless compared to the level of requests and demand.
In response to VolksBlade
Well, if the Guide isn't enough for you, try looking through the reference. It describes almost every built in proc, var, ATOM and more. Sure, it isn't a blast to read, but it will teach you everything you need to know. I use it constantly when I program. Some good starts on Pokemon battle related stuff is screen. Because most of the battles are almost 100% hud based(Unless you actually put one person on the top to both him and his enemy.)

It would also be a good idea to look up some other turn based demos. Most of them work similar to how Pokemon does, so they should be good references.
In response to Dark Bahamut
Dark Bahamut wrote:
The guide doesn't teach asmuch as everyone lets on.

I didn't say that reading the guide would teach someone how to go and make some huge epic RPG. Note, I said to use it to learn the language, and with that I even added two demos for the same purpose.

Before you can program in the language, you need to know the syntax, keywords, and how stuff works. If you don't know what a var is, what a proc is, or what a mob/obj/turf/area/world is, it's kind of hard to go very far programming-wise. All of these things are in the guide.

In reference to the Redline comment I just read, it isn't behind at all. Just because it was made a while back doesn't make it any more outdated than anything written today. The same concepts still apply, as does the same structure of each program. By Redline's standards, I would learn nothing reading an authoritative book from 1998 about programming for the Windows OS, though that is surely a lie. Even though there have been many updates, viruses and what-have-you, the same concepts still apply there, as do the guide's principles here.

If you want something that "teaches" as much as anyone can let on, take a stroll through the Reference, which just so happens to be the second bullet of my post. Basically any utility of the language that is of use to any programmer can be found documented in that reference.

In response to Hiead
Dark Bahamut == king of slimes
i think they are one in the same
i saw a topic that king of slimes made and he bumped and ask for a anwser with the dark bahamut key.
hmm hes tag teaming you with 2 keys.
In response to Boraken
I am King of Slimes >.>

What, it's illegal to have two keys? >.>
In response to Dark Bahamut
Now it is :p

Nah... you should of said though really.