I found some people to help Icon and code for me But I guess I need to put my game onto a HUD i really need a step by step guide on how to put it on a HUD so I can open up a server and for my friends to help and so when it is released people can play. Please reply thank you very much
Ok first thing's first...
1.You mean HUB!

2. To make a new hub, goto this link:
If that doesnt work (because its secure I don't know) Just click "Publish Games", on the left side, and Click "New Hub Entry" on that page.

3. It'll be pretty step by step from there. Although I hear its broken at the moment, but thats how you do it.
In response to VcentG
Hey thank you so much man i just need to know if you can answer 1 last quetion I made the HUB but now all I gotta do is put my game in it so I can play it if you can explain thank you so much.
In response to Jazzyfizzle
You just have to host it. Run it in dream seeker and hit Host on the bottom right (most people can host if they dont have a router) if you DO have a router you have to open ports for it. And if you followed the step by step thing, you SHOULD have a code in there like:

hub = "Jazzyfizzle.Mygame"

which will link your game to the hub
In response to VcentG
Im real sorry im disturbing you again but for some reason I typed in all the information for my HUB but nothing happend after i was finished
In response to Jazzyfizzle
Then, either you didn't hit save, or its still broken like I mentioned earlier. That's what I'd say anyway.
In response to VcentG
And you mean "hub". It's not an acronym, so there's no need to capitalize it.
In response to Popisfizzy
I capitalize it to emphasize its not HUD, its hub.