i need some jutsu from naruto

You can't just ask for the code like there is one universal code for a jutsu. It depends on the variables in your game,etc, and this is code problems anyway, for problems with your code.
In response to Konamix
i need jutsu for sand, water, fire, grass, bloodline, skills,and others plz email me
In response to Kira4th
Many of us don't have a clue what these things are.

Learn to code do it yourself.

start HERE
In response to Kira4th
Wow everything you said has no sense :P i need jutsu? tell which jutsu and how it should looks like and what effect it should do >.<

Kira4th wrote:
i need jutsu for sand, water, fire, grass, bloodline, skills,and others plz email me

In response to Matiz
Matiz wrote:
Wow everything you said has no sense :P i need jutsu? tell which jutsu and how it should looks like and what effect it should do >.<

Kira4th wrote:
i need jutsu for sand, water, fire, grass, bloodline, skills,and others plz email me

Well i sry i'm only 14 give me a break plz
In response to Kira4th
I'm 14 and can tell exactly what I need..
In response to Kira4th
Kira4th wrote:
Well i sry i'm only 14 give me a break plz

Age really is no excuse. You go to school, do you not? How to properly explain what you want to achieve is probably one of the first things you learn, years before you're 14.

The question here is one of effort; Consider that people reading your post will not, in general, spend more time on your post than you did. That might not be true, but its a nice guideline to go by sometimes.

Its often a bad idea to bring in concepts from shows, cartoons, whichever - Someone may not have seen the cartoon, show, movie, et cetera; But you have, so you should be able to explain what it is you want to do.

As a last addendum, this forum is not a 'code request' forum; If you want to figure out how to do something, you can post here explaining what effect you want to achieve (Such as, "I want to create an ability that breathes fire; It does this and this, then this. How would I go about that?"). From that, you'll most likely be pointed in a direction as to how to solve the problem yourself.

If, after looking at those directions and attempting to solve the problem yourself you're stuck, take the code you have and make a post in Code Problems - Explain whats going wrong, whats supposed to happen, and mention anything you dont seem to understand.

This, is called effort - If you give it a try, I'm sure the forumgoers here will as well.
In response to Alathon
Fine Can i have Some Jutsu(icons for the jutsu) for my new villages

mind tranfer- kill [m] who is targeted and self
death god- summon a god of death
Flash step- move faster
god of life- heal surrounding people and raise your heath level
shadow possation?- take over someone movement by shadow

and well im at it can u tell me how to make me hokage on (dasher(gotrax)'s game)
In response to Kira4th
What's a Hokage and a Jtsu? and i thought this forum was for people to help you on "how to" not to request stuff you want.
In response to Kira4th
Kira4th wrote:
Fine Can i have Some Jutsu(icons for the jutsu) for my new villages

mind tranfer- kill [m] who is targeted and self
death god- summon a god of death
Flash step- move faster
god of life- heal surrounding people and raise your heath level
shadow possation?- take over someone movement by shadow

and well im at it can u tell me how to make me hokage on (dasher(gotrax)'s game)

It seems my point didn't fall across very well. What is a Jutsu, what is a god of death, what is 'take over someone movement by shadow' ? I personally have no idea.

I'll point you in the right direction of what it seems like you're trying to do. Look up the following procedures:

mob.key, client.key

Can you make any sense of that? probably not, because I wasn't very specific in my help. Then again, you weren't very specific in your description either. What I posted above COULD potentially lead to you creating what you want.

Good luck =)
In response to Kira4th
Kira4th wrote:
Matiz wrote:
Wow everything you said has no sense :P i need jutsu? tell which jutsu and how it should looks like and what effect it should do >.<

Kira4th wrote:
i need jutsu for sand, water, fire, grass, bloodline, skills,and others plz email me

Well i sry i'm only 14 give me a break plz

Really? Your 14?? That's ridiculous! I'm 13 and I can code >_>
In response to Beatmewithastick
Aye, thats some excuse he's got over there. I'm 14 and have been programming for awhile.
In response to Kira4th
I have never seen Naruto, and I have no clue what jutsus are. But here's some code that you can pick apart and hopefully learn something from.
list/jutsu_avilable = list("mind transfer"\
"death god"\
"life god"\
"flash step")
which_jutsu = input("Which jutsu do you wish to use?") as text in jutsu_available
if("mind transfer")
var/mob/target = input("This jutsu requires a target.","Choose a Target") as mob in world
if(alert("You sure you wanna do this? It kills him and you!!!","Confirm","Yes","No") == "Yes)
world << "[src] destructively transfers his mental energy to [target]'s brain, destroying them both!"
del target
del src
if("death god")
world << "[src] summons a death god, killing everyone in range!"
for(var/mob/m in orange(5))
//some damage code, for example:
if("life god")
world << "[src] summons a life god, healing everyone in range!"
for(var/mob/m in orange(5))
//some healing code here, for example
if("flash step")
world << "[src] summons a burst of energy, releasing it by rushing forward!"
for(var/i=1,i<=5,++i) step(src,src.dir)

Disclaimer: I haven't error checked it, and I don't intend to troubleshoot it for you. Certain procedures, like take_damage or heal_damage, are simply descriptive and would have to be implemented by you. I used spaces instead of tabs. These things will keep you from being able to paste the code into your project and get it to run -- but that shouldn't be a problem, because the reason I wrote them is so that you could see how to put something like that together.

Cheers and good luck,
In response to PirateHead
I'm trying to be greedy can i get attack given to the usr
mind tranfer
level 90
death god
level 200
life god
level 200

plz i havin a bad day stop pickin on my writing i get picked on already i dont need my favorite website be loads of crap
In response to Kira4th
You don't seem to get it... This is 'Developer How-To' not 'Developer Code Request'

We try to teach you here how to achieve what you want, not give you the code you want... mainly because: you won't bother us with simple little questions resulting from the shown code; some people don't know anything about Naruto... not all of us here are anime-obsessed teens/people you know (doesn't this seem kinda ironic commin' from someone with my nickname? :P); and the code that IF we show you, it may not be compatible with yours as we may have different ideas and there's ofcourse different variables and such.

If you managed to have some jutsus in the game already, I don't know why this is so hard for you to do.. unless you got someone else to make it and that person quited or your decided to rip and now is learning why most ripped games rarely changes from the original (or even becoming more crappier) and why they die quickly.

In other words, please do not expect us to give you a code snippet here because this is a learning/teaching section not a code request place..

- GhostAnime
use BOTLS, Birth of the Legendary Shinobi by mute. All the naruto codes you will ever need.......ever.
In response to Jiraiya999
Jiraiya999 wrote:
use BOTLS, Birth of the Legendary Shinobi by mute. All the naruto codes you will ever need.......ever.

No wonder why you can't code.

Don't use RIPPED source codes they are poorly coded and well just don't or you will die.
In response to A.T.H.K
A.T.H.K wrote:

No wonder why you can't code.
Was that to me?
In response to Jiraiya999
Jiraiya999 wrote:
A.T.H.K wrote:

No wonder why you can't code.
Was that to me?

Doesn't matter who it is too. It's very good advice.

Reasons you shouldn't used ripped code are:
  • You don't know where anything is
    • You have no way around the source code. Unless you're going to sit there and read it all, word for word, you wont know where or what anything does. Making it very difficult to update.
  • You don't know what anything does
    • As I said earlier, ripped code wasn't made by you, and it's not made to be read by anyone but the programmer who made it. Everyone has their own way of programming and most of the time, it's very difficult for another programmer to read it.
  • It's stealing
    • Believe it or not, it is actually against the law to use ripped code. Because the author never allowed it's release to the general public. The author just isn't bright enough to not give it to his friends.
  • It's impersonal
    • There is nothing more insulting to your own talent as stealing someone else's and calling it your own. Might as well just not do it at all.
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