Feb 23 2007, 11:45 am
I think final fantasy 12 was a pretty big disapointment. The character depth was horrible. They barely told the player about the main characters at all. It was kind of just 'hey, im vaan, i dont know anything about this guy but hes the main character, i guess thats cool.' Not just with vaan but with basically all the characters. Final fantasy 7 and 8 did a great job of explaining the characters backgrounds. I think thats one of the main reasons it was so successful. You almost felt as thow you knew cloud and the gang, and that really made the ff7 experience so much better. Another thing i dislike is how they messed with the turn based battle system. Why mess with a winning formula?
I'll never buy another FF game again. Sadly, I think the series we loved so much is failing, and I bet it's because of the new management of SquareSoft. He'll never have the same vision as the last. It saddens me. :'(
In response to CaptFalcon33035
Yes not only that, but i dont know why they keep making sequals and prequals to the games. Final fantasy 10 would have been a pretty decent addition to the final fantasy series if it wasnt for final fantasy 10X2. And I hear they are making a prequal to final fantasy 12. And They have a bunch of games for final fantasy 7 comming out on psp. And final fantasy 13 hasnt even came out yet and they already have anounced Final fantasy 13 versus. They need to leave the games alone. Make it, and thats it, no prequals or sequals to them. Final fantasy games arent the type of games that should have them no matter how much we crave to have another one and to keep the story going. I would love to see a sequal to Final fantasy 8, but when i think about it, 8 was perfect just the way it was. Making a sequal of prequal would just taint a game that shouldnt be messed with.
In response to Sarm
Look, when you make a game, with a title, and we know it for something, thats what we expect.
When I buy final fantasy I expect as turn based fight. What a sloppy thrown together battle engine like FF12 had. Maybe some people might not like the orginal turn based fighting final fantasy used to offer. Too bad, go and buy a different game. A game that, you know, isn't know for it's turn based combat. |
In response to Knifo
I loved 10, it was fun. FFX2 just.. killed it. lol
If they want to do things like that, they should just remake older versions. The new Final Fantasy 3 was great. It's going through the same storyline with new spiffy graphics. I didn't mind that at all. |
In response to Revenant Jesus
Revenant Jesus wrote:
Look, when you make a game, with a title, and we know it for something, thats what we expect. That's what you expect from a half-backed sequel. When I buy final fantasy I expect as turn based fight. What a sloppy thrown together battle engine like FF12 had. When I buy a final fantasy I expect it to be different each time. The new battle engine was very different, and fun I might add. Of course 13 will again be different in some way. Maybe some people might not like the orginal turn based fighting final fantasy used to offer. Too bad, go and buy a different game. A game that, you know, isn't know for it's turn based combat. Maybe some people might not like each game in a series being original like every final fantasy game is. Too bad, go and buy a different game. A game that, you know, isn't known for being new and different each time. :) Let me put it this way, I played every FF including the odd balls like mystic quest. To me 8 was the worst made, many love it. I love 7 many hate it; many think it the best game that was ever made, to each his own. The bottom line is look at the reviews it was game of the year for a reason, even if you don't agree. |
In response to Xzar
Let me put it this way, I played every FF including the odd balls like mystic quest. To me 8 was the worst made, many love it. I love 7 many hate it; many think it the best game that was ever made, to each his own. The bottom line is look at the reviews it was game of the year for a reason, even if you don't agree. Wha? Many people hate final fantasy 7? Never heard of that one. Final fantasy 8 is in my opinion the best out of all of them, with 7 being a hair behind. I dont care much for the rest of them. After final fantasy 9 i think they just got lazy on there storylines and character devolopment and backgrounds. |
In response to Knifo
Knifo wrote:
Making a sequal of prequal would just taint a game that shouldnt be messed with. Meh each FF is set in a different 'universe' with a different set of heroes so why not expand upon a story that players loved? Sure each FF is filled with story but most of the time questions are left unanswered. Some of those games such as FF7, jsut needed them to help flesh otu the story, but should indeed contain the quality of other FFs, not jsut half ass works kindal ike the FF7 Vincent spin-off(I hadn'tp layed it, but its definitely not up to par with other FFs). Also, the sequel you're talking about for FF12 is Revenant Wings for the DS. |
In response to Knifo
Knifo wrote:
Wha? Many people hate final fantasy 7? *raises hand* Well, hate is perhaps too strong a word, but I didn't like it much. Battles were way too repetitive, there were too many of them, and you couldn't avoid them at all. The story looked promising, but the gameplay was so appalling that it wasn't worth the effort. |
In response to Knifo
Final Fantasy 8 had a badly-explained story that made even less sense at the end then the start, and, to cap it off, the least balanced and least fun FF battle system ever. There's absolutely no point to it. It essentially comes down to 'Put Squall into Limit Break and see if you can get Lionheart'. Even without Lionheart, Renzokuken is far and away one of the best moves in the game. Worse yet, most of the other characters have similarly broken limit breaks or abilities - Quistis can break damage limit with one of her Blue Magic abilities, Zell's Limit can be horribly, amazingly nasty if you know what you're doing, Rinoa can blast stuff away if you control what spells she has access to for Angel Wings (Protip - if you make sure Meteor is the only offensive move she has, and she has max Magic and Speed, and is hasted, she'll do ridiculous quantities of damage). Selphie's Limit includes a one-hit-kill move that affects ANYTHING, but you're extremely unlikely to see it, fortunately. To add insult to injury, Eden will actually one-hit some bosses if you let it learn Boost.
Final Fantasy 7 was, fortunately, not as broken, but it suffered from a horrible storyline. It essentially comes down to Sephiroth going "I'm evil and want to blow up the world. Why do I want to blow up the world? Mummy told me to" and then Cloud angsting over a horribly confused past that I still haven't managed to piece together - and I've played through the game. I don't like both of them, much. 9 is okay, as far as I've played it - which isn't all that far. I haven't played enough of 10 or 6 to comment. Most of the ones before 6 that I've played were fairly good, although the really early ones have... uh... /interesting/ dialog, generally. |
In response to Knifo
Knifo wrote:
Wha? Many people hate final fantasy 7? There are two types of Final Fantasy fans. 1. Those who hate anything that deviates from Final Fantasy 7, the first Final Fantasy that they played. 2. Those who actually played something before FF7 and have an appreciation of what Final Fantasy really is and should be. Based on the fact that you're actually shocked that people dislike Final Fantasy 7, you are most definitely in group one. How long have you played FF12? Last I checked, you need to actually play the game before learning about the characters, other than in Final Fantasy 7 where you are pretty much experts on the characters one disc in. Granted, FF7 was a great game, but give me a break -- it's by no means the best Final Fantasy, even out of the 3D era. Also, how anybody can say that the FF12 battle system is a wreck or not fun blows my mind. It's probably the first Final Fantasy that I've actually gone out of my way to battle for hours on end, other than fighting dinosaurs in the forest or climbing Cefca's tower over and over to get all of my characters to know every spell. Srsly. |
In response to Vortezz
Vortezz wrote:
Cefca :) |
In response to Jp
The story is pretty simple and straight-forward. It doesn't have to explain every little detail about everything in the game. If you want an explanation about what's going on, just ask me.
In response to Jp
Final fantasy 7's story was easy to grasp. And the story was so in-depth which made it great. There were so many different sidequests you could do to find out more information like going to the shinra mansion after cloud awakes from the coma to find out the story with zack. Or going into the waterfall with the gold chocabo to see vincents wife.
Final fantasy 8's story was more complicated. But still my favorite story out of all the final fantasy's i have played. Also final fantasy 8 had so many sidequests you could do. So the game was never really finished. And lets not forget about the card game :P. Defenetly my up there on the sidegames along with blitzball in 10, and the chocabo breeding/races in 7. |
In response to Jp
Jp wrote:
Final Fantasy 7 was, fortunately, not as broken, but it suffered from a horrible storyline. I thought FF7 was the best, and the others were all falling short of its quota. :P It essentially comes down to Sephiroth going "I'm evil and want to blow up the world. Why do I want to blow up the world? Mummy told me to" Not even close. =P ... and then Cloud angsting over a horribly confused past that I still haven't managed to piece together - and I've played through the game. Spoiler alert: ---- A large part of the story involves Cloud's past. If you don't concern yourself with this, you've missed half the story, but there are the pasts of the other characters at hand, as well. In summary: Cloud wants to join SOLDIER and be the next Sephiroth; Cloud tries to join SOLDIER but ends up as a grunt; On a mission to Nibelheim, Zack and Sephiroth find something foul in a reactor, and Sephiroth freaks out; Sephiroth begins reading about his past, etc., and then decides that he is The One to take the planet for his mother---destroys Nibelheim; Tifa's father tries to stop Sephiroth or something---he dies; Tifa and Zack both make separate attempts at stopping Sephiroth and fail; Cloud runs in, moves Tifa over to "safety," and then attacks Sephiroth; Sephiroth stabs Cloud, and Cloud throws Sephiroth off the thing they were standing on, then basically passes out; Shinra come in and gather Cloud and Zack to perform experiments on; Zack gains consciousness and helps Cloud escape (Cloud is still more or less incapacitated); Zack and Cloud are riding in a truck to Midgar, because he "has a place" he can go to---his girlfriend's (Aerith's) house; Sniper shoots at Cloud, and Zack takes the bullet; Given Cloud's state, Shinra decides to just leave him as-is; Cloud basically inherits Zack's persona, sword, and past (SOLDIER, First Class), and garners a job as a mercenary---the job that Zack had planned to do; From there, it's a battle for Cloud to recover his own past and help those around him. ---- Of course, every character has his or her own story, and some are more interesting than others. You learn about how Barret got his gun-arm (and about the person who carried a gun as his other arm), how Zack was a kid in the country who always wanted to be a big-shot SOLDIER (also, he was a ladies' man, etc.), how Red XIII grew up believing his father was a coward, and all of the stuff that went along with his family, and so on. To aid the storyline (and to capitalize on the popularity of it), Square has been trying to add resolution to the stories of all of the characters---Advent Children more or less gives resolution to Cloud's life following FF7, the latest game was to add resolution for Vincent, and Crisis Core should do so for Zack. All in all, it's a really great story, and very well thought-out, but I think you have to be willing to "get into it." Also, I think some of the decisions made these days by Square aren't really the best possible for the series (could FF7 be considered a franchise yet? Haha), and I personally think that most of the things that have come from Square since the merger with Enix haven't been quite up to par with the old days. Anyhow... The PSX version of FF Tactics would be the second best in my opinion, and most humorously FF Tactics Advance was probably the worst FF game they've produced. FFX was great, as was FFVI (or FFIII, depending on the version you played, I suppose). FFVIII was decent, and FFVIX was too linear for my tastes. =) Hiead |
In response to Hiead
Again, they did a great job of telling the player as much as possible about the characters, and letting them find it out one step at a time. You wont know all that information Hiead just said about cloud until maybe the 3rd disc, and you have to do a sidequest to find out about zack. Final Fantasy 8 did something like this with squall. His past was also distorted. And they did a great job of getting the player to really get into the players.
In response to Sarm
Sarm wrote:
Vortezz wrote: Hah! A friend of mine who has FF6a told me about that, but actually seeing it makes it so much funnier :) Yeah, fine, I'm a fanatical FF6/Cefca fan. Bah! |
In response to Hiead
I quite liked FF:TA, but there were a few problems with it - mostly relating to balance.
I've played a bit of FF:T, and 'm trying to get into it, but it's fairly difficult. I'm not sure who made the decision that death should be permanent, but I want to stab them. Repeatedly. Because it means that if one of my characters dies, I have to finish the mission in the next three turns or so (Not that there's turns, as such, but you know what I mean) I have a fair idea of Cloud's history, but the whole <spoiler> Falling-into-the-lifestream-confused-rememberings thing threw me off massively. It didn't make much sense, to me. </spoiler> |
Knifo wrote:
I think final fantasy 12 was a pretty big disapointment. The character depth was horrible. They barely told the player about the main characters at all. It was kind of just 'hey, im vaan, i dont know anything about this guy but hes the main character, i guess thats cool.' Not just with vaan but with basically all the characters. Final fantasy 7 and 8 did a great job of explaining the characters backgrounds. I think thats one of the main reasons it was so successful. You almost felt as thow you knew cloud and the gang, and that really made the ff7 experience so much better. Another thing i dislike is how they messed with the turn based battle system. Why mess with a winning formula? I agree with the first part, they tell you abosultely nothing about most of the characters. However, I disagree with the part about the battle system, after playing Final Fantasy 12 i could NEVER play another turn based game again, it just wouldn't be worth my time after seeing what games like Oblivion and FF12 can do. I understand why people hate the story and all, since the other Final Fantasy storylines were so deep, but i can't understand why people hate the battle system, IMO it revitalized the Final Fantasy Series, and made it appeal to other gamers. |
Because repetition gets stale after a while. The battle system has been toyed with for every single game in the series.
FF1 - Turn-based, spell charges, classes.
FF2 - Turn-based, MP system, advancement was dependant on what you did, introduces "front row, back row".
FF3 - Turn-based, return of spell charges but more plentiful, class-changing, treating magic as tradable items.
FF4 - ATB, first time spells aren't bought in shops. Restrictive "Front row, back row" choices.
FF5 - ATB, takes FF3's class-changing a step further by mastering classes for abilities. You buy spells again.
FF6 - First ATB system that lets you skip a character's turn without wasting it, using equippable espers to learn spells and raise your base stats instead of level ups. Introduces desperation moves (limit breaks).
FF7 - Goes back to gaining stats upon leveling up, takes FF6's esper idea even further via materia items, which are responsible for you doing absolutely anything other than Attack or Item. Limit breaks much more accessible than in the previous game.
FF8 - Flips everything on its head by making the game more difficult when you level up, nearly dizzying amount of stat/magic customization. Limit breaks almost summonable at will, provided you have the patience (I abused the hell out of this).
FF9 - Puts a reign on limit breaks (trance), goes back to more of a class-based system that hadn't been seen since FF5. Adopts FF6's ability learning with weapons and armor.
FFX - Finally revisits turn-based combat, characters start off in predefined roles but allow you to "cross-class" later in the game.
FFX-2 - GIRL POWER! Mixes FF5's class-changing with the more recent form of the ATB system, puts a little bit more emphasis on reflexes (you can kill an enemy while he's in the process of acting out some attack animations to avoid getting hurt).
I can't really speak for FF11 or 12, since I haven't played either of those. The battle system is messed with quite a lot, though.