ok i am having troble with marcos ok heres the code

set hidden = 1
world << "Hey"

script = ""
command_text = ".alt "

ok it works if i leave out the script but when u pit the style sheet in the marcos dont work pls help
Not exacly sure what you mean but if your saying that you cant see the verb when you have the script on its because the text from your verb is black and when you add that script it makes the background the same color.

Just change the color of your script or just add:

<f0nt color = blue> beside "HEY"
In response to Kyuu-x
Actually, if you change the script to black, the text changes to white default. I'm not sure about other colours though.
so make a .dms file and stick all your macros AND css stuff in it... that should work I think.
In response to LastTroubadour
ummm the probelem is not the colors and i want the verb to be hidden ok the problem is i want a black background ok i can get it to work but when i add the marcos they dont work but if i take the STYLE script out the marcos work i wont the STYLE and the marcos to both work
In response to Koge
Don't use the style code. It interferes with macros and no one knows how to fix it. Sorry.
In response to Yume_Nasuki
Actually, there has been a fix, and it's been around for quite a while. You have to learn the concept, that client/script, and script files (.dms) are the same. While it's convienent to use both of them one at a time, you can't use them both. So you have to stick all of your style sheets and macros in either client/script or the script file.

+ Client/Script
<style> body{background:black ; color:#778899}</style>

i return "hello"
g return "go"

+ Script files
<style> body{background:black ; color:#778899}</style>

i return "hello"
g return "go"
In response to Mega fart cannon
well anyways thnks man this really helped ^_^
and i love your Mine Demo YOU OWN DUDE!!!
and thnks everyone else that tried to help
In response to Yume_Nasuki
Lol, you really need to know what you're talking about before you post. They don't interfere, you're using them the wrong way, ie trying to use both a script file and client/script text string set, setting client/script twice, etc. You just need to set client/script once to the macros and <style> tags and whatnot together... you can't set any variable twice, the last value will be the one that stays, obviously (if it even compiles, of course).