Mar 24 2007, 5:30 am
i have gotten alot of sounds for my new dbz game for transforms and attacks etc can someone explain to me how can i get them to say the stuff when i transform? or can anyone do for me and they will get co owner
Sound is easy. All you do is add src<<sound('nameoffile') to were you want the sound to come into play. Simple as that. To make the sound replay, make it src<<sound('nameoffile',1).
In response to DarkD3vil666
will anyone do for me i complaetly horrible at coding
In response to Naruto07275
and completely horrible at english but thats beside the point.
I would suggest as many others would, if you want to code read the DM guide. If you want to just do iconing, join a team because being the owner of a game and iconing leaves you without control of the final outcome, unless of course you know and trust the person. |
In response to KirbyAllStar
If anyone could see me right now, I'm pissing my pants from laughter. If you can't code, How did you make your game? Oh wait.. I bet it's a rip, if you can't be bothered to learn and read the DM Reference and search for 'sound', please.... stop coding or jump from a bridge
In response to Kazekage
I must be confused...
Me or Naruto07275? |
In response to KirbyAllStar
Oh, Sorry, I meant Naruto07275
In response to Kazekage
kazekage your being an idiot yes its a rip but i am not a coder im an iconer but thx for being such an ass >_>
In response to Naruto07275
If you're an iconer, get a coder
and Yes, I'm known world-wide as one of the biggest assholes around =D |
In response to Naruto07275
Naruto07275, I got one thing to tell you. Delete the rip of your computer right now. Trust me, reading through others codes is very hard and it will be hard to make updates on the game (assuming that's what you want to do). I suggest you read the entire DM Guide as it will tell you all the basics of BYOND and more. Perhaps you want to start an easy game just to play around with codes. After you're set there, you should just search through some Demos/Libraries. Don't get me wrong, I don't want you to go around copying codes from Demos but just read some and see how things you didn't know work. After you feel like you're ready to take on a big project, either just start by yourself or get some people/friends to help. Just make sure your coder, if you're going to have one, doesn't do all the work. It would be very easy for him/her to just take your game. Make them to snippets were they won't have the entire game in their hands. As for iconers, it doesn't really matter how much icons they do, but I would suggest you practice and make most yourself.
Hope this starts you on a new path were you won't be called a noob and were your game won't be called a rip. |
And you really have to be either an idiot, desperate, or a worthless game owner, to give Co-owner for such an easy thing to do.