american developers are idiots they dont notice that 90% of the best games come from japanese makers

in japan the ps3 games are not moving to the 360 all japaneese developers are moving from the ps3 to the wii

the 360 wont survive much longer unless they get japanese developer support

FFXIII will be made by the japanese developer square-enix and beacuse that FFXIII willl not be on the 360 the wii will take it from the ps3

the biggest developers in japan are

1st nintendo
2nd sega
3rd square enix

the biggest 3 in america probably EA take 2 and bungee

nintendo is daily getting more support from sega

in about a year or 2 the biggest developers will be at war

wii nintendo, sega, square enix
360 EA, take 2, bungee

microsoft is in a unwinnable war

FFXII > halo 2
FFXIII > halo 3

nintendo gets
final fantacy
dragon quest

and tons tons more

this is a deadly combo nintendo has the japanese game support that obliterates all the rest

they say its a droute but really nintendo doesent need as many games if theres a ton of good ones


tons of games but they arent much fun

not as many games but there very fun
Since when has FF moved to the Wii? I'd seriously like to see that.
In response to Jp
FF: Crystal Chronicals :P

- GhostAnime
Hate to say but MS Already won in America.. And is still ahead.. If you keep up with the sales chart the Wii is slowly losing its luster... Decreasing sales and stuff...

PS3 is kinda picking its momentum back up..

As a owner of all 3 consoles I say this..

1. 360 or PS3
2. PS3 or 360
3. Wii

And 360 is getting tons of japanese support..

DMC4 moving multi platform and dead rising and lost planet staying exclusives to 360... yea..

And square is working on project slypheed for the 360, and namco is releasing ace combat 5 for 360 only as of now...

Get your facts straight..

In response to Xaunux
The Wii sales are going down? I thought they were going up.
In response to GhostAnime
GhostAnime wrote:
FF: Crystal Chronicals :P

(And if anyone didn't get it:

SPECIAL NOTE: For multiplayer gameplay, each player must use a Game Boy Advance system and Game Link cable. The GBA screen will display important information unique to each player, allowing for advanced multiplayer action.)
In response to RedlineM203
RedlineM203 wrote:
The Wii sales are going down? I thought they were going up.

Yep, look around..

Out of 6 of my 8 friends that have a wii, they are already bored with it... and I am a little..

Its fun for the first 2 weeks then it just gets boring and repitive...

And most games dont even have the option to play with a regular controller...
In response to Xaunux
Reminds me of the First World War. Too much defence and not enough offence makes a slow and boring war.

I don't know what defence could stand for in this Console war, but offence is games.

Give the consoles some time to build up, and we'll be all over them (once more, if applicable)
I hate these damn fan wars bull crap. I don't really care who you think is the best, or who is winning "the war".

Reality Check people, there is no "War", there never was. It is just some sort of imaginary crap fan boys come up with to look even more stupid then normal.

As far as the Nintendo Wii losing sales, you gotta be kidding me, Nintendo is really kicking ass when it comes to sales right now.

A lot of places are still finding it hard to keep Nitnendo Wii in stock.

My local Walmart has about 12 Xbox 360s and 8 PS3s. They usually get a shipment of 6 Nitnendo Wii's once a week or so and they are gone by the next day.

In response to Revenant Jesus

I told people to look it up, but i guess to lazy?...

Yea... it may do good in your area but not in other area's

At my circuit city there are 12 wii's in stock.. last time i checked which was about a week ago...
In response to Revenant Jesus
Revenant Jesus wrote:
I hate these damn fan wars bull crap. I don't really care who you think is the best, or who is winning "the war".

I could not agree with you more. I do not understand how you can be a "fanboy" of a video game console, it makes no sense. I have all three systems and I like them all. Fanboys to video game systems are like fans to a sports team. It is pathetic. What I mean is, if a certain video game system sells more than the other, the fanboys for it will go "yay! we are better than you! we sold more than you!" It is like a sports fan saw their favorite team win the championship. I mean give me a break, it is a damn video game console. Calm down. Anyways, all video game systems are the same to me, the only difference I see in any console is that their controllers are different, they come out with different games, one may have better graphics, etc. That is all I see.
In response to Xaunux
[Hmm, it realy doesn't seem like your 8 friends show how much millions of people are buying the Wii. I don't have a problem with you insulting it, but insulting something without proper evidence isn't a good idea.]

Anyway, like others said its not all that much of a "war", because its not important for a system to outsell another. Its just important that the system makes a decent profit, which all of them have been managing to accomplish. Sure, you may see some games, or companies switch console, but that doesn't mean every developer in a country is going to support it as well.
In response to Revenant Jesus
i dident say there lossing sales but they do need to ship more
In response to Jp
japanese developers are siding with the wii and square enix is one of them
In response to RedlineM203
they are
In response to Xaunux
Xaunux wrote:
RedlineM203 wrote:
The Wii sales are going down? I thought they were going up.

Yep, look around..

Out of 6 of my 8 friends that have a wii, they are already bored with it... and I am a little..

Its fun for the first 2 weeks then it just gets boring and repitive...

And most games dont even have the option to play with a regular controller...

I learned the hard way that there is ALWAYS a drought of games when a system first launches..PS3 owners are bored of theirs, DS owners were bored of theirs, and etc.
In response to Hydrocrush
Hey now wait, I actually sold my Xbox 360 and Nintendo Wii to buy my Playstation 3 and I can honestly say I have used my PS3 more playing Oblivion then I ever have playing my Xbox 360 and Nintendo Wii combined.

Now some of you maybe be going "Wtf, Oblivion is on the Xbox 360.." Which is true, but at the time it didn't interest me. Only when I had extra money for PS3 games did I buy it and enjoy it.

Next, Hydrocrush, Square-Enix isn't taking any sides, they are effectively releasing games on almost all systems at one point or another, they are spreading them selfs out and they are doing a great job with it.

But you try to make Square-Enix sound like the master or role playing like they used to be.. And the sad truth is, they are not.

It seems each year as Sqaure-Enix ages and adsorbs more and more companies their games get worse and worse.

The last game by Square-Enix I enjoyed was Kingdom Hearts II.

They simply are not the company they used to be. I am hoping with Final Fantasy 13 that they might change my opinion of them, but I doubt it, since they are keeping the combat in a action type area, and I strongly feel Final Fantasy should be kept turn based. If I wanted an action RPG I'd look somewhere else, not at Final Fantasy.
In response to Revenant Jesus
Revenant Jesus wrote:
Reality Check people, there is no "War", there never was. It is just some sort of imaginary crap fan boys come up with to look even more stupid then normal.

Well I agree they're not really looking at this level of the fight, Sony, Microsoft and to a lesser extent Nintendo are all competing. Look at the XBOX 360 and the PS3, they've both clearly gone to stupid levels just to walk away with the title of top specs.
I believe Microsoft have clearly stated that they're after Sony's market share this time.
In response to Revenant Jesus
Revenant Jesus wrote:

Now some of you maybe be going "Wtf, Oblivion is on the Xbox 360.."

Wtf, Oblivion is on the Xbox 360..
In response to Cavern
Cavern wrote:
Anyways, all video game systems are the same to me, the only difference I see in any console is that their controllers are different, they come out with different games, one may have better graphics, etc.

So what you're saying is the only differences are those large differences?
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